
  1. I live in Pakistan, I don't know any authentic scholar or mosque in my vicinity unfortunately

  2. Moderaror @islam I cannot view comments on this post, new to reddit, please help

  3. You are not immature, but i suggest you freeze your eggs, if anytime in future, you do want to go down that route, you should at least have that option, as bad as it sounds but women do have biological clock.

  4. Everything you just described is what you are manifesting

  5. I mean that you are seeing manifestation not as it is, a law that is working all the time, but some technique you use to manipulate your reality. Is like saying "i dont know what i want to use the gravity on" gravity is on all the time in everything you see, right now is pulling your body to the ground, the same with the law. when you say " I've been feeling low and not myself for a lot of time, I want to get better but I feel stuck" THAT is what you are manifesting. This is a lifestyle not a little technique to get cars and free cups of coffee. So be aware of your manifestations, because you are doing it all the time.

  6. My intention was that i was given a sign by Lord So I guess, Lord will make way out for me, I feel gratitude as of now, thankyou for concern and keep me in good prayers 💕

  7. I was once in your position. I had a best friend who grew up as an only-child from a rich family. Naturally, everything was given to her and she expected me to deliver whatever it is she wants. In our class, we were the outliers, her having a physical flaw, and me being extremely quiet. When I broke off being best friends with her, she took our other friends with her and that made me more alone.

  8. I feel done and broken on so many levels, my whole outlook, my belief system my everything is so shook. Pray for me please

  9. The fact anyone has to post a "please be kind" disclaimer on a LOA subreddit...

  10. Sorry to bother, but i am so negative lately (I HATE IT) although I was known to be the most optimistic all this has shook me to the core can you please tell me how can i stop self sabotaging, Its been going out from like December, I dont want to be like this, I want to productive and optimistic more than I ever was or am

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