
  1. It must work on some people or they wouldn't keep doing it. Even crappy ads cost money, so they must be getting some kind of ROI.

  2. Hank for sure. Though also Bud. Hank has some Neutral tendencies, but Bud has some full on Corporate shill Lawful Evil tendencies.

  3. You were supposed to jump for joy and stroke their ego, not just accept the offer. How dare! /s

  4. Thanks for the response. Hopefully someone grabbed it pretty quickly!

  5. Please don't be afraid to join events! Especially if there are higher levels at the event to help you out.

  6. This! People generally aren't rude about the lowbies hopping in. Every point of damage counts.

  7. I've always felt that Monday, while a total bummer, Tuesday is by far the worst day of the week. Monday you have had a few days of rest so it's not so bad. Tuesday I always feel like "I've got 4 more days of this?!" ::Edited for typos and formatting.::

  8. Yup! Mondays, you had a couple days' rest and can hate them. Wednesday is hump day. Tuesdays are just useless and in the way.

  9. Would close the tab and not read that author again

  10. If I'd been one of their constant readers, and I saw this shit, I'd keep doing what I'm doing, and assuming I'm one of the people who get to see the last chapter, I'd go on blast and post that fucker everywhere,, or at least major spoilers for it. Wanna be a brat because people aren't stroking your egodick? Enjoy the consequences.

  11. I'm lucky to have a 10 to one views to kudos ratio, and even fewer comments, and I would never even think of this sort of bullshit.

  12. "About to kill yourself, are we? At least let me get some use out of you first." *shoves dick in her throat*

  13. I love, love building, and some of my 'If I could only download five building mods, these would be it' are CWSS, Do It Yourshelf, Creative Clutter, V's Stylish Decor, and OC Decorator.

  14. “The more you spend, the more you save!”. Well no actually…the more you spend, the more you spend.

  15. Have you discarded rice, grains, seeds etc lately? They may have been pupating in such and have emerged as adults.

  16. may I recommend The Teratologist by Edward Lee and Wrath James White. Also, you’re not a horrible person for liking what you like! Even if it’s horrifying to most, at the end of the day, it’s all fiction. Besides, you can find stuff that’s waaaaaaay crazier than No One Rides for Free on fanfiction websites and that’s all meant to be read as erotica. No need to beat yourself up for being kinky :)

  17. This one was hot. No One Rides For Free grossed me out *too* much, but I'm still not judging OP!

  18. Not only no, but hell fucking no! Leave as quickly and safely as you can. Don't marry him, don't even talk to him. Get out Go to a shelter if you need to, one for DV victims. They'll help you.

  19. You can never win with edgy people who think that "it's just a meme, it doesn't harm anybody!". As someone with a visible overbite and "rabbit incisors", I was also frequently called a snowflake or a party pooper for criticizing any memes that associated "ugly" features with being dumb/incorrect/evil, even though many of them directly make fun out of my looks in a not-very-fun way 🙃

  20. I have a severe overbite, and I feel you on this. It's bad enough that braces might not correct it properly. Tired of people thinking it's okay to mock this sort of thing.

  21. If you see a Vintage Nukashine in the shops, buy it, have a drink, and chill.

  22. But first, go for a jog! It gives you a ton of exp.

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