
  1. I did.. he calls from a private number.

  2. Thanks. I don’t talk with many of the people in my family so it should be fine.

  3. Well, I'm glad you get a happier ending. I hope the rest of your birthday is happier still.

  4. An important dimension of my C-PTSD is that even god left me to die, suffering and all alone.

  5. I felt that way too. Sometimes I still do. But it wasn’t true. Humans used their freewill to harm me. God loves me and has never abandoned me. God, (the TRUE GOD, not the one from false denominations, religions, spirituality, etc.) loves us all and it’s our choice whether we reject His love or not.

  6. i knowwww it sucks that everyone on here is so spread out, at least we would understand each other better than most

  7. I was talking about this with my therapist and I was telling her how idk how to find people who’d understand..Her response was that most of the people in her clientele would.

  8. I know it's an old thread, but I'm going to add my two cents: You may have been someone else's false twin flame, or "purge" twin. I had a purge twin and now I have the real twin. The purge twin will happen when you need to manifest your real twin, but you can't directly. Purging is itself part of manifesting anything, tbh. In order to make you a vibrational match to your twin, some get a false or purge twin so they can overcome the relationship and let go of the wounds holding them back. The purge twin is usually less healed than the other twin they are energetically helping. I can see why a purge twin would think the whole thing wasn't real, but it was. You were very instrumental in helping your former person. No doubt they are grateful to you. I am for mine and wish him joy and happiness. I still love him and think he's worthy of every wonderful thing he wants. Hopefully, he'll find a soulmate or his own real twin flame upon healing enough. But, yes, the relationship had to be overcome by me because I had to let go the energy he brought up in me not to be destroyed anymore by men who ghost me and treat me slightingly, and cheat. And I did well! I'm surprised at myself, and he gave me this wonderful gift. I'm stronger after all these years and I had no idea. So, there's my two cents for what it's worth.

  9. Babe, it’s demonic. Run to Christ. HE has risen !!!✝️✝️✝️

  10. Sweetie, Jesus has put me in this situation. He's running this whole show. Believe what you will, but someone, obviously not you, will be enlightened by my comment.

  11. Jesus DID NOT put you into this new age crap!!! satan has deceived you!

  12. If your therapist is actually an IFS therapist, they’ll understand this. And they’ll know to use Direct Access, if you make it known to them that you dislike them talking about parts OF you, instead of just talking to you like a person.

  13. I think that’s my issue with it. I don’t like being talked to as “parts” or someone saying “we”. It just makes me highly uncomfortable and I dissociate afterwards.

  14. Thank you for listening and looking out for me! And yeah the comments aren’t as intrusive as my therapist doing ifs talk. I feel neutral about them..they probably didn’t mean it in that way.

  15. Also as a black American who’s ancestors experienced slavery…respectfully, you need to stop lying on my religion and spreading false information. Many slavery abolitionists WERE Christian.

  16. And you keep your atheist rants away from me.

  17. Depends on the subject. If it’s something relatively urgent maybe be concerned but she might be busy or dealing with something in her own personal life. Definitely bring it up at your next session though, no such thing as overthinking too much in therapy. If something bothers you bring it up, it could be a great way to work on a new avenue! 💚

  18. Hmm.. I just texted her asking if she had time to talk. I wasn’t really specific about what was going on.

  19. From my experience reaching out would be an email or (maybe) a phone call. Texting is over the line with boundaries.

  20. Us texting isn’t anything new. Outside of sessions that’s usually how we communicate.

  21. I’m feeling hopeless too. You’re not alone.

  22. Humans are imperfect. It’s normal to mess up.

  23. i love my relationship but.... traditional? have them plan for the next few dates? have them pay for everything?

  24. No not at all. You don’t have to be wealthy to be traditional. If you can’t afford some flowers and to pay for a $60 meal then why are you dating? Lmfao

  25. I mean I see your point but I feel like a man can take initiative and pay for things without it being manipulative. Being traditional isn’t toxic.

  26. I don’t have a specific playlist but here are some songs that comfort me/make me feel happy:

  27. Those “people” (and I use people lightly because they don’t really have any humanity left in them) are predators. Scum of the earth. I’m sorry that happened to you, and yes I’ve gotten weird messages before too. I hope it doesn’t deter you from opening up and sharing still. We can’t dim our lights because of others that are in darkness <3

  28. Look for a local reddit and ask people if they want to hang out, go to a new sport (team sport not something competitive) or look for another club or something

  29. I did the local Reddit thing once… never again.

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