
  1. it always boggles me that rust is so awful without being free to play lmao there are SO many angry children and cheaters for a 40 dollar game

  2. Ark PvP be like. Its mind boggling how much setup (and cheated setup) goes into being an Ark Tryhard. For example they always turn their Skybox to Black ao they can see Flyers better

  3. Women are not good but good enough to read through logs and play with different people and people who are not interested in the camera than the Human being so much more than a gas to be fair

  4. Wie viele von euch können eigentlich Deutsch sprechen?

  5. Fragste nachm Dialekt wirds schnell viel einfacher.

  6. I would love to learn Gwen but I am so bad at being a Toplaner in contrast to me being a Botlane Main that I would need a new account just to learn it. And then it makes no difference because I get matched with Smurfs anyway

  7. bro the way im seeing it all of you are sussy of every single browser in existence.

  8. When something is free you are the product. That is the simple truth of modern economics.

  9. He doesn't upgrade his support item

  10. Yep.. I mean they could implement voice chat to improve overall teamplay in the game but that won't happen I guess. God knows why.

  11. It actually is implemented, but in as always in everything that is not a Tactical Shooter, absolutely forgotten about.

  12. Voice is for premades only though, no? Makes it kinda useless since you'll likely have discord for that with your premades already.

  13. No you can join public voicechat but quite literally no one uses it and its auto muted by default. Would be funny though having some system like Battlebit where it automatically conects you whenever you die. And it is sooo extremely funny hearing people rage or being weirdos there.

  14. Just seeing Pyke in this list makes me almost wanting to uninstall. As forever bound to botlane player (Support/ADC Main). He is one of the most miserable matchups you could play against. Missed his hook he just stuns you anyway with flash+e, failed the engage? Just press w. Cant engage? just press w. Low? Just press w. Want to pressure enemies and zone them? Just press w. Sustain? Just press w. Need Gold? fuck you, doubles assist gold and executes you with a auto reset. Is a fing Catcher on top of that which makes laning miserable by defaul but because he is not annoying enough yet he has a budget Garen passive that lets him allow to just heal any poke damage you could try to do before he just denies you.

  15. there is no loser's queue. just the more toxic than normal matchmaking. 

  16. As a support Main there are two matchtypes. Caitlyn and no Caitlyn.

  17. Teemo was way too OP with the new Items

  18. see Brand, call it ahead of time he'll have highest dmg in game

  19. Brand currently has the same skill expression as a miss fortune I feel like. Press Ult, win Fight, repeat.

  20. Every Catcher would become immidiatly busted

  21. Because it would ruin his Healthbar, end point.

  22. Inaros would be a better frame with Overguard. However, I think people are worried it would change his identity and/or niche because he's always been the "huge amount of health tank frame".

  23. Thats i! I dont want to see anything else than red on my Mains Healthbar. It is a badge of honor for every Inaros Main having first 7k then 10k and then 12k Health on him and nothing else. I want something that doesnt ruin this perfect healthbar.

  24. So how do I counter brand as ADC? My experience is he misses everything presses Ult and gets a kill.

  25. I’ll have to keep this in mind next time I play Caster Minion

  26. Ja, definitiv stark ausbaufähig. Persönlich würde ich gerne sehen, dass sich Deutschland ein Beispiel an einigen der Skandinavischen Ländern nimmt.

  27. Fun Fact: Die Aufteilung sind uralte Überbleibsel der Klassengesellschaft. Hauptschule für die Bauern, Real für die Unternehmer und Gymi für die Politiker (der Zukunft)

  28. Wasnt it only camouglage? True invisibility has low duration but is undetectable. That is what makes Shaco as example one of the most hated champs in the game 3 sec invis with a dash with no chance of detecting him.

  29. I love my family but I don't know how to introduce this to you and your family and I think I've learned a lot in that time.

  30. Lol, so true after a loss streak they put literals bots in enemy team

  31. Asol Adc that flamed me as support because we got Towerdived by the Nilah Rell comp that ulted us out of it

  32. The Level 1 Sera deleting my halthbar with empowered autos "Am I a joke to you"

  33. Stronk. If you use tank as siderune.

  34. Didn't they find out not that long ago that deer will scavenge carcasses?

  35. Any "Herbivore" wont deny a meat based snack from time to time. It is believed they do this when they are missing certain nutrients in their diet.

  36. I am a Senna Main and the only thing I can say is. After so so many ADCs that just invite the enemy to kill them and then flame you for being bad. We may become slightly toxic ourselves.

  37. Nothing like when i type gl n hf and get called all sorts of things

  38. Thats because glhf is basically an invade announcement

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