
  1. really sick but I think it might work better if you have all the shadows drop to the left. It's slightly unnatural to be lit up from both ends like that, but it does fit your style

  2. get a GIGIH2O and put it on a bong. They're like $20-$30 and you can take a really big hit. This is a good vape, but nothing compares to being able to put it on a bong

  3. scope out your spots enough to be confident on your intel, check your surroundings enough to be confident you won't be startled, have confidence in your work, and you won't have anything to fear.

  4. have you ever actually seen that work? I swear we all grow up thinking this works, but I've never seen anyone catch a beat down and then apologize and/or change their behavior. If anything, anyone wound up enough to start a fight over trivial bs just gets more upset when they get their ass beat. They might limp away with some act of shaping up, but their head is full of nothing but revenge and spite and they'll probably just end up taking that out on some other undeserving person


  6. rethink your style, and maybe even name. This straight up bubble style which every middle schooler has put on a school poster board - it's not unique or interesting. The Z is actually nice, but the e and n definitely need a full reworking - try more straight lines and hard corners and cutting into the letters more. Then your o has negative space no other letter has, and x is a notoriously hard letter to make look good. You can clearly see in your tag how the x breaks all the flow of the other letters

  7. Look around your city. There’s actually places that will park rail cars at industrial buildings that sit until they are ready to be picked up. Some entire trains will sit for a day or more in one spot on the track too. Less dangerous than an active train yard.

  8. the contrasting colors with the circles is too much for sure, and right now totally distracts me from the letters. Good idea though, with some lighter colors it'd be sick

  9. Hello, sorry to dig up an old post but I am extremely interested in this topic and wonder if you've achieved anything?

  10. Hi, sorry to dig up some old research, but did you ever go through with any experiments? Very good idea.

  11. guilty. roast my handstyle, haven't tagged in years. Just got back into writing and I've pretty much only been interested in doing pieces. It comes out nice with a marker, but I know that tag sucked. I used up all my strength on the piece and my finger was just too tired to maintain can control for a quick tag lol

  12. These letters overall lack structure and uniform proportions, but the S is alright. The C has no structure and I would definitely rework it.

  13. yes. This is what happen when you have underlying depression. Ime experience, medium doses seem to only enhance it, you have to take a large enough dose to break through all that, which comes with more risk, so be very careful and in good company.

  14. ketamine already makes me feel like an astronaut looking down on earth through the peephole from my quaint bunk in a space station, so that would be nice.

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