
  1. huh. that's funny. i'm an actual israeli and on Bambie's side. that guy is from Belgium

  2. Until you click on that profile and see where he’s most active (plus some posts and comments). Also the flair does not necessarily represent where the person comes from

  3. Nah guys Ten Hag just needs another 400 million to be able to avoid stats like this!!

  4. Yeah, and even in masters I would say its high diamond low mythic. They have no sense of drafting (I've first picked Buzz b4 just to have fun and they picked ppl like carl and didn't choose cord or charlie even though they were not banned)

  5. This should be the record average, previous one I’ve seen is just less than 100 lower

  6. At higher levels (20-30+) you don’t need to worry about cash. That said you need a lot of cash for upgrading stuff at early levels

  7. I got 12 goals before so not that far off. Just a combination of an easy matchup and a formation that focused on the lone striker

  8. I just got into a game with 5 Masters trying to promote to Legendary 2

  9. Same but I was trying to reach L3. I actually did well but after losing that I slipped back to L1 and just got back to L2 again

  10. Everyone got it I think, they probably will reveal the winning clubs by saying “You are the winning club” stuff

  11. I don’t see many people posting about this, but I’ve had better ones before so it’s likely many people also did better

  12. Playstyle is not as important as special abilities, unbalanced white stats, 3-1-5-1 full attacking formation and player conditions

  13. Are you going to play with the guy leading or the guy leading is facing a strong side???

  14. We’re going head to head. If I had scored more goals before this could have been a real title decider

  15. How did you pack barrela/wirtz dupe bro??? its so hard to pack them i packed kounde dupe and saka dupe but wirtz and barrela are not common

  16. I got them through LTM market months ago but if you still need it the daily 2 20% packs probably give the best chance

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