
  1. This reminds me of the meme of my quit smoking coach in a graded slab.

  2. I bought that game last week for .01 on amazon. Shipping was 500x more. Now to become the worlds fastest speedrunner.

  3. I'll add you tonight or tomorrow! I'm going to be assembling my triple monitors tonight, so I probably won't tonight unless I finish it quickly.

  4. Sweet! I'm usually free M-F 3:30pm to 10pm and free all weekend if I'm not roped into car repairs or kitchen parties.

  5. Dip? For pizza? Who the fuck has dip to their pizza?

  6. Because it's BS. It does generate some voltage, but it's nothing that is gonna damage anything. Someone already linked a vid of a dude testing this and it was fine.

  7. Maybe it could also be quality of the mobo? Maybe its common with really really cheap mobos. I know steppers can fry 3d printer motherboard from china if spun fast without a power cable.

  8. I just wanna say that Korean bbq beef jerky is the fucking best! Smells like ass but taste soooo good.

  9. I’ve decided that life is TOO SHORT NOT TO USE STICKERS. STICKERS ON EVERYTHING. Then throw that thing away, get New thing, APPLY MORE STICKERS. It is much more joyful than sticker hoarding, anxiously awaiting the perfect placement.

  10. I was in the same spot so I bought one of them cricuts and scanned a lot of my stickers. Now I have unlimited! I can keep my NOS of rare stickers and still have copies to use.

  11. I personally would love to use them as glass for a frame! You could add animations to posters and photos. Id love to have music notes on my band posters or rain on my forest photos.

  12. I wouldnt know much anymore. After mw2 2022 when cronus zen hex controllers and striker pack mods sold out last christmas and they sold over a million units i quit lol. It was obvious it was going to be a plague in all fps online games after that. Id just listen to my co-workers complain about it figured it was a good thing i quit. Now seeing Mw3 2023, valorant, and CS2 im happy i walked away when i did lol.

  13. I don't think people are using cronus cintroller mods on cs2 but I have seen a few people use mods called magic bullet or something. This was in prime premiere matches.

  14. Seriously... $60k for a fold out box house... I was hoping something like this would be an affordable option for low-income households...

  15. Yeah 60k usd is crazy! You can get kit houses of the same size (600sq ft) shipped to location for 29k cad here in canada

  16. Mind sharing where? That’s a decent price. Obviously adding electrical, plumbing, HVAC, etc. will make that price rise a ton, but still.

  17. If you google kit houses/cabins canada then a lot of brands pop up.

  18. Wow damn I'm 30 and grew up playing old games on floppy discs, it's amazing how big a gap 4 years can be.

  19. 27 here and used them a lot growing up. I still use em to this day!

  20. No.. they cannot... especially not that kind of catfish... in Africa there are really small "catfish" that are called walking catfish... but that is absolutely not applicable to ALL catfish...actually just 2 or 3 varieties compared to the thousands of non walking catfish...

  21. I thought walking catfish were asian not african? Are you thinking mudskippers which are gobys not catfish?

  22. Y’a I didn’t think about that, I was just thinking about new, op can probably get one used for 200-250

  23. You can get them with the shifter used for about $250 if you just wait a week and check every day. I got mine pretty much brand new with the boxes for $250.

  24. My understanding (and I could be wrong, I'm not British, so someone call me out if I'm wrong) is that shepherds pie uses lamb as the meat while cottage pie uses beef.

  25. I started a small argument in another post about this. From my understanding it's a british/french dish that can be filled with my meat. Recipes from the 1800s say you use beef/mutton leftover meat. You also have other types which use corn and are a french canadian kinds.

  26. Technically, if it's beef it's a cottage pie. Shepherd's pies use lamb

  27. https://canadabeef.ca/recipes/shepherds-pie/

  28. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shepherd%27s_pie#History

  29. They're called tuning pegs, tuning machine heads, or just tuners

  30. We need to get manufacturers to start making bakelite tuning pegs again! I'm not a fan of those plastic pearl ones I find they feel very cheap (only ever tried them on cheap banjos) maybe if i bought some nice quality ones I'd change my mind.

  31. Yeah I'm not a fan of mine but I don't play banjo enough to justify changing them. I've never used planetary pegs though, they look cool but I still love my gears

  32. Fair enough upgrades aren't always worth it. But I'll disagree if you play them a lot since the planetary run a 4:1 so it makes so you can quickly jump to different keys. Regular worm gear are typically 12:1 or 14:1.

  33. I did a certain chemical process with my cough syrup to extract the dextrometorphan from the syrup, so all the chemicals that are meant to stop you misusing it, are weeded out. That is really the only way to try it, unless you want to feel sick also. Ofcourse the best way is always to have access to pure DXM

  34. I know years bsck you could legally buy pure dxm in canada. I purchased some years back and it was dirt cheap.

  35. Yeah, it was the same here too. Back in the 90's there was definitely something available with pure dxm in pill form, but I can't remember the name.

  36. Mine was just pure powder from a lab. I know you can still buy some random stuff from them still like meo dmt, lsd, procaine and others.

  37. Tunezilla sells a 0.5 tune for autos so you don't need to tune the DSG. They sell the tune for $500 and flashzilla for $300. Takes about a week for the tool to show up and 30 mins to a hour to tune.

  38. And to blow your mind even more, there are different kinds of Fanta in the EU too, some are bright yellow while others are more orangey, they taste different too

  39. Same here in canada! We get the us version and our own kinds.

  40. Also here are the ingredients for the Canadian fanta!

  41. I'd recommend checking out dave levenson! He is a wonderful clawhammer! He has original songs and some great covers. My favorite album is barenaked banjos which is a pure instrumental.

  42. I know some of these apps block ads so reddit does not get ad rev some some of these third party apps.

  43. Microsoft has always very much been lax on piracy because, hey, if it gets you in their ecosystem, it's a win.

  44. Yeah microsoft was pretty laid back. My xbox account still has a hacked pfp pack and i think the avatar still has purple skin from usb mods from probably 2012 or so (whenever elite condole came out)

  45. Man it used to be so easy to get 360 games for free. I remember getting the TMNT: turtles in time remake after it got delisted and I still don't think you can get it.

  46. Oh man that sweet! I still have a few randoms like that. I'll always love doritos crash course haha.

  47. You need at least two to trade with yourself in Pokémon. Maybe the third one makes it easier?

  48. The third might be a backup incase womething goes wrong with the others or a impulse buy. That how i ended up with 2 ogs, 3 colors, 1 advanced and 2 SPs. In the end it was a great decision! Bought most of em for pennies compared to what they are worth now.

  49. Bingo! Or at least that what i used for loading my 1541 floppy drive. I had (still have it) iit was the slowest shitty floppy drive they had.

  50. Just blast the heat for 2 minutes if it’s really that thin

  51. Some cars dont preheat until under load or just don't have heat. Many tdis will not warm up ideling. I have this problem and just use a propane heater to pre heat the car for 15 mins.

  52. Why are you talking about the cat as if it has some sort of potential equity? Those guitars are worth something, too…

  53. Why talk about guitars when the man owns a banjo! Far cooler instrument that sounds 1000x worse.

  54. I've never even heard of someone refer to smoking a cigarette in an enclosed space as "hotboxing"

  55. We always called it a indian hotbox when i was young.

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