
  1. Köp den fryst. Det är billigare och dessutom bevaras smaken bättre som fryst än torkad när det kommer till gräslök.

  2. Man kan inte bara kolla på kilopriset. Fryst gräslök är typ 90% vatten.

  3. Du får 40 gram fryst för 12 kr på ica. Den tappar 80% av sin vikt vid torkning så om du torkar den har du kvar 8 gram. Det är 12 kr för 8 gram torkad gräslök. Burken på bilden kostar 34 kr för 3 gram.

  4. Malmö FF definitely. Most wins in the Swedish league, most appearances in European leagues

  5. Historically IFK Göteborg should be up there as well, being the only Swedish team that has ever won an European trophy (UEFA Cup 1982 & 1987). But they are pretty awful today, and MFF are undoubtedly the most successful Swedish football club.

  6. "being the only Swedish team that has ever won an European trophy (UEFA Cup 1982 & 1987)"

  7. Jag räcker upp handen. Det låter som du kanske bor i Norrland med tanke på att du säger "fara in till stan"?

  8. Well there's actually a story in my family on my mom's side about how my grandmother cheered at the TV when his murder was announced, so there's that. Also on account of him being shot in the street I'd think he was fairly controversial at the time

  9. I actually just googled a bit about it. Apparently we have had 40-something prime ministers since the 70s and Palme ranks number 9 in popularity among them (Fredrik Reinfeldt ranks number 1). That refers to surveys made while they were governing. After his death Palme has become much more popular and if one uses his post-death survey result he ranks number 2 in popularity only after Reinfeldt (Reinfeldt's score is +21, while alive Palme had +12, now he has +19).

  10. Huh, I guess I always just assumed since he was shot that he must've been controversial at the time

  11. I wouldn't assume it because he was shot because that takes just one weirdo. I think you are right that he was controversial at the time because while the majority supported him, there seems to have been others who were highly critical.

  12. In a strange coincidence, 7 out of 10 Europeans are also unaware of the causes of the economic and climate factors driving emigration, and further coincidentally 7/10 also think the grand total of 5 euro/year spent on local aid in developing countries that are probably just too lazy because why else would they be poor is entirely too much and should be used to reduce the price of beer, possibly, or outlawing literature if you have to pay money to do that, except for James Bond novelizations.

  13. Capitalism is extremely conducive to the economic and climate factors driving emigration. Hardly anybody ever mentions that, no.

  14. Thanks for that excellent summary of the situation in sweden.

  15. It's actually even worse than I could manage to say in one go.

  16. Not to justify bad behaviour at all, but I do wonder if the preconceived notions of English people being bastards makes other nationalities treat the English poorly by default. That then turns into a doom spiral of miserable people where the characteristic remembered about bad experiences is just that the other party were English.

  17. If English people are treated poorly abroad I assume you mean when they go as tourists because that's when they have a reputation of being drunk and loud. I don't know if people treat them poorly because of it, never witnessed it personally.

  18. I mean Irish people are British because Ireland the island and state are in the British Isles but I am assuming when somebody outside of Britain will think of the word British they will link it with the English and not the islands itself.

  19. But Irish people to my knowledge do not consider themselves British because the word's association to the British Empire is stronger than the association to the British Isles. I have personally tried calling Irish people British because I prefer a geographical distinction but there have been people who have taken offense because the term is political to them.

  20. Almost all of this could be said about Sweden.

  21. You're thinking of 2004 and Whit Monday (annandag pingst). And it's not like it's an example of anything that will soon disappear, it's hardly like it was celebrated (of course the same can be said for to the national day).

  22. Thank you. However I just googled when Whit Monday was actually removed and now I'm reading 2005. Perhaps you are thinking of when the political decision to remove it was made?

  23. The Little Mermaid and, to a lesser extent, the characters from Frozen by Disney were all made by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, but a lot of his stories have made it into UK/US culture, like The Emperor's New Clothes.

  24. The HC Andersen I remember the most from my childhood is The Ugly Little Duckling. Also the "3 brothers Bock". Is the one with the houses that are blown down by the wolf by HC Andersen?

  25. That's Brothers Grimm, I think, lemme check.

  26. I was told there lives a "stream man" that snatches little kids in the stream that runs through the woods just behind were I grew up. My mom told me and my friends we weren't allowed to cross the (pretty primitive) bridge because he could snatch us. We solved the problem by running across the bridge at top speed so he wouldn't have time to catch us.

  27. Skilj på kollegor och kunder. Det är klart du kan vara glad och lite skojig i kontoret men jag tycker själv man bör vara 100% formell och professionell med kunder, särskilt eftersom du representerar företaget.

  28. Inte jag men den jag bor med jobbar på ett företag och är i sin personlighet extremt formell och klär sig därefter. När han har kunder från fabrik istället för bank har chefen rekommenderat att han klär ned sig och försöker prata mer informellt för de vill inte verka som de "tror de är nåt".

  29. Kanske testa ringa Skatteverket o fråga. Min mamma har iaf gjort det o fått svar.

  30. That's impossible to know for sure, since our written history isn't very long, but most of the recorded Old Norse (aka. "Viking") names are still in use.

  31. I beg to disagree that most of the recorded Old Norse names are still in use. The reason is that I have read lists of those and they are thousands of names long. Only a fraction are still in use in Sweden. While Norway is more loyal to the old Viking names than Sweden I dare say most of them are long forgotten in Norway too. In fact I'd say tops 10% live on in some form in some Nordic country (many surviving only on Iceland). In Sweden I'd estimate <1% would be considered normal names. I'm almost certain that holds for Norway too.

  32. Nej, det har jag inte alls. Du kommer inte bli stoppad om du inte dejtar en mördare för skötsamma vita flickor är inte profilen som gängkriminella har och således kommer du aldrig bli stoppad. Du är upprörd över något som aldrig kommer att inträffa, du har gjort dig själv till ett offer i en hypotetisk situation som du rent statistiskt är den allra mest osannolika personen att hamna i.

  33. Vi vet inte om jag kommer bli stoppad. Som jag skrev från början verkar risken högre för unga män och pojkar med invandrarbakgrund, men ingen vet om jag kommer bli stoppad.

  34. Hur tänker du att ett grovt brott ska stoppas av visitering om du inte tycker att det räknas att plocka vapen? 

  35. Det är fickknivar man plockar, inte vapnen man sökte.

  36. Det är något som är betydligt mer konstigt än mixparen på reklamen skulle jag säga. Jag bor i ett område med 95% invandrare och invandrarna här ser inte alls ut som i reklamerna. I reklamerna ser de bruna och svarta människorna ut ungefär som de såg ut när jag bodde i USA (med den viktiga skillnaden att de inte är överviktiga i reklamerna). De klär sig västerländskt, ofta i jeans. Här i orten däremot ser jag aldrig invandrarkvinnor som bär jeans. De över 40 år bär i princip alltid svart lång kjol och de under 40 år bär typiskt svarta lösa tygbyxor om de inte bär kjol. Dessutom skulle jag i grova slängar uppskatta att 85% av kvinnorna här bär slöja, nästan alltid svart. Bland barnen 10-15 år skulle jag uppskatta att ca 50% bär slöja och att färgglad slöja (ffa rosa o grön) är lika vanligt som svart i denna åldersgrupp. På reklamen bär de dock aldrig slöja över huvud taget.

  37. Jag är tjej och en kille sa till mig att han alltid kollar i andras badrumsskåp. Han bad att få se mitt så jag sa ok och visade. Sen dess har jag ibland kollat i andras men det var såpass längesen att jag glömt bort det och slutat snoka sen du nu precis påminde mig.

  38. I'm Scottish. I'm in the best city in Europe for sports but I miss sauna a lot...

  39. Därför dom är så tråkiga att hänga med. Dom orkar aldrig göra nånting.

  40. Är ju ett gyllene tillfälle att ta tillvara på den nya lagen och utlysa en visitationszon.

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