
  1. He does from flat buffs like Dionna C6, elegy and his own C2.

  2. in that case, maybe i should look into swirling pyro after using his burst for the extra em from c2. i think the biggest issue with that will be not accidentally killing scaramouche before i can melt with arlecchino, because a lot of my attempts when i was trying with before mona failed because i was killing him before her burst animation could even finish, even when mona was built to do no damage :')

  3. His C2 is just for anyone inside the burst. Swirl is not required.

  4. yes, but his a4 gives elemental dmg bonus based off his total em at the time of the swirl (tested it to check and the buff snapshots), so i lost out on an additional 12% dmg bonus for arlecchino from not swirling pyro after activating elegy and c2's em buff beforehand

  5. Hmm. Yeah, even with 52 CR, it shouldn't be that hard to set up. Hope to see the new results once you figure it out!

  6. including another 10% from c6 and 12% from food, it's 73.2 cr so i don't even think not critting is the problem because i can still hit well over 2 million, but the numbers would also be inconsistent each time (like, half a million damage difference). i know it's not bond of life difference because i make sure she's got it at 200% each time and i'm not sure what else it could be. if anyone has an idea why it might like that please lmk!

  7. used a different set up with diona for melt + elegy, but here it is:

  8. Keqing's only good constellation is her c4. And I don't think it is possible to upgrade from this, what percent in akasha?

  9. Akasha doesn’t has a leaderboard for Keqing unfortunately. :/

  10. I don’t know LOL I don’t own the website.

  11. this post is exactly the type of content i check this subreddit for

  12. too impatient to watch a cutscene but willing to wait to find a new person to join in argos 2/3 lol make it make sense

  13. i don't mean to be rude, but this is a horrible guide

  14. I played with some bard one day that had a wall of text like this which lagged the hell out of me

  15. um, just curious and not saying that it might have been me but are you on na west

  16. Yes I am, it was something about the power of armen or something like that

  17. ok that definitely wasn’t me then LOL that sounds pretty funny tho

  18. it meant it had an engraving i favorited, in this case cursed doll and grudge

  19. Yo I think this is the same dude I saw earlier if the stronghold name is “kemterritory” then they also have a 1545 striker with 100 quality everything except necklace at 97 with lwc 29/30.

  20. well, i censored the stronghold name since i wasn’t sure if it’d give too much information on who this is, but it seems like a lot of people already know LOL you’re correct that’s insane

  21. As a Man Of Culture, i want to know if we can change Vykas's Pose.

  22. Deathless is nobody dies on any gate, right ?

  23. no deaths and no restarts. just one continuous run

  24. To clarify, I also proc'd maximum stacks available with her normal attack speed. Should I switch to charged attack to charge the burst more faster?

  25. charged attacks don’t add any stacks to her burst

  26. yooo i just got one too this weekend from a renaissance fair LOL i didnt expect to find genshin props at it

  27. Same I saw some genshin weapons like Skyward Sword but had zero expectations of them having Eula’s weapon but they did.

  28. i also bought an aquila cuz i was kinda sad all the claymores were sayu sized, completely understand why they wouldnt be larger though. what can i say physical damage 5* weapons got that drip

  29. Once Trans men enter the discussion, all of the transphobs' arguments fall apart. They don't wanna include Trans men in their discussions because all their points fall apart when reversed.

  30. i always wondered how transphobes would react to policies forcing a trans man to use the women’s restroom lol. as if trying to gatekeep trans people from public restrooms to “protect the women and children” wouldn’t backfire simply because of our existence (not to mention how non feminine cis women have shared their experiences of being discriminated against in female spaces because of the way they preseny themselves, even if they aren’t lesbians)

  31. They could but its also a 10 year old game from korea which has barely changed. Unless u go tell SG to do this (which they won't) nothings gonna change even if u tell this to amazon

  32. SO I have a choice between life, harmony, and honor shards... which are the ones I should choose? I read these are the ones needed to upgrade gear, but the info was a little old and many discusssions only talked about harmony shards.

  33. they’re for different tiers of the game. once you’re level 50 and complete north vern’s story, you reach tier 1. in t1, you’ll use harmony materials in order to upgrade your gear. once you reach 600 ilvl (+15 on every gear, don’t go past +15 until tier 3) you’ll have to do yorn’s story quest in order to advance to tier 2. in t2, you’ll use life materials. tier 3 uses honor, and it’s where all of the current end game is at.

  34. Its nice card to have but i have to say most raid leaders wont look at the card set before accepting/declining, and starting next week most ppl will complete 6 relic set if they complete week 1, and on top a little some will have vykas title as well.

  35. true, but i’m only a normal enjoyer right now since i’m a ways away from 1460 unfortunately

  36. personally i don’t have full relic yet, so i gotta make do

  37. breshalza is a waifu, urs is ugly. plsdont insult best waifu

  38. hard to take you seriously when you say waifu unironically lol

  39. deadeye/gunslinger, if that’s what you’re asking

  40. deadeyes and gunslingers dont put away their guns in cutscenes, usually people are in the pistol stance which is what most screenshots of this phenomenon show. i just thought i’d share how ridiculous it looks with the rifle equipped in comparison

  41. nineveh really called us an unattractive unkind stupid coward with her chest đŸ« 

  42. if you don't know what i'm talking about and don't mind rapport spoilers, this is about

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