
  1. I get this. I weigh around 65 pounds and have been wrongly treated for anorexia my entire life till I got my arfid and sensory processing disorder diagnosis (it’s cptsd based and related to my autism as well).. including some very very traumatic hospital stays. It’s horrid. They treat you like a criminal. They couldn’t work out why I’d eat butter and peanut butter by the spoonful and wasn’t afraid but was scared of vege/ anything that makes me feel too full up or violated. lol. They were super confused

  2. im so so sorry. she seemed like an amazing person. I just watched her vids . disgusting how some ppl were commenting shit and calling the pot black. wtf

  3. Although I’m a bit different I have quite severe Arfid alongside a purging disorder due to ptsd and sensory processing problems. I never wanted to lose weight. I hate being so emaciated and feel terribly conscious of it. It’s not very nice. People can be terribly dehumanizing. Like I’m still a person you know

  4. I’m really underweight like badly badly so. I’ve been misdiagnosed with anorexia my whole life but I hate being so emaciated. I’m only now being correctly treated for arfid- the best way I’ve found is for me to just eat when easiest , in the most comfortable way, and use ensures when I can. Slowly I will hopefully get to a healthy weight. My issues with food are trauma based so weight gain though not my fear is somatically overwhelming and triggering for me

  5. Oh i honestly thought she’s looking better and better each time she posts but maybe my eyes are fucked lol

  6. I can’t pace the way I used to. My legs stopped working which was a blessing in disguise. Compulsive lower level movement is so insidious. I’m so glad that I was forced into breaking that compulsion

  7. “Forced recovery” isn’t even a thing. They’re keeping you alive. You’re not recovering unless YOU’RE recovering and making that choice. Ahhh it makes me mad when people say that

  8. not your fault at all!!! you were just quoting them! it’s when this type of influencer says it that it’s like arghhhhh you are not recovering.

  9. You are so right tho… it even further begs the question why the duck they feel the need to make these accounts!!!

  10. It’s bad. I ended up unable to walk, in hepatic, renal and cardiac failure, albumin was 12, I literally couldn’t even stand to use a toilet had to use a commode, ended up with paralysis in my hands legs and feet. Horrible horrible horrible. Osteoporosis in my hip and spine I am 24.

  11. oh my god i'm so sorry to hear this, that's horrible. Could i ask how long you were purging for? Sorry if it's a sensitive question.

  12. I’m not going to say exactly as I don’t want ANYONE to think they’ll escape the consequences if they only engage in the behaviour for x time. All I will say is some people die the very first time they shoot up heroin. Purging is really no different, it is very addictive and you will never be able to control it. It gets progressively worse and more frequent.

  13. Also you do not want the rebound edema that comes with stopping and or with low albumin I endured horrific edema in my early stages of recovery which honestly somatically was horrific as someone who’s ed stems from sexual trauma

  14. Harm reduction is a valid route of treatment and management but this makes a total mockery of it and it makes me angry. Like for me harm reduction was really important to establish stabilisation whilst my trauma could be concurrently treated and addressed, but I wouldn’t have paraded it online as a form of recovery that allows you to have a completely free and full life. Irresponsible. She’s only young but so am I, and I wouldn’t ever consider doing this online. Really misleading and it just really invalidates the actual work that goes into HR and management.

  15. 100% agree. I have used harm reduction before too and it’s ridiculous that she’s still trying to present it as ‘recovery’. To me it just proves that she wants the attention of being the ‘sickest’ because she eats so little and is “recovering”. HR has saved me many times but this is so insulting

  16. Any improvement is a win and should be celebrated. I’m so happy you are feeling better and have worked so hard.

  17. Harm reduction has worked wonders for me and I think it’s a great path to eventually completely letting the behaviours go

  18. Yeah trust me don’t wait. Being unable to walk, in organ failure, with irreversible cardiac and bone damage isn’t fun. I’m 24. I’m not sure I’ll ever fully recover, I’m working on harm reduction rn, but it’s absolutely humiliating using a commode and being unable to stand long enough to boil the fucking jug.

  19. That’s actually such a good idea. Would’ve tied up the series pretty nicely actually

  20. Yeah I think she’s really stuck letting go of the ed identity. She seems lovely though. I think getting offline would be the best thing for her.

  21. The only person I’ve seen who this kinda applies to is Stephanie joshi (nutty foodie fitness). I’m not a fan of her content but she genuinely appears incredibly vascular and athletic but it just looks.. natural ish? Like not at all forced. Katie on the other hand… yeah kinda bs

  22. I used to follow cocking channels that sometimes did WIEIADs, e.g. hot for food. She is a vegan cook and normally does recipe videos, but it is very interesting to see what someone cooks with just „stuff from the fridge“. It gave me inspiration for what to do with my own leftovers

  23. Nice !! I do enjoy cooking shows, like somebody feed Phil , particularly when it involves travel and have always liked master chef

  24. I agree with a lot of the comments here but I enjoyed making wieiad’s on my spam before I was even disordered. I used to love making them to showcase the things I enjoyed cooking/eating!

  25. Oh yeah if you’re into cooking and food stuff that’s totally different but it was never a hobby of mine personally before my ed, but if it was that makes sense!

  26. Refeeding oedema is common. Particularly facial! I had it terribly. It does go away. I promise. Try drinking between 1.5-2L if possible, do not over hydrate this can actually further complicate things especially if you have a hx of purging

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