
  1. Seems like this relates only to the main events, however why is everyone always pissed Max isn't number one? He is driving a rocket ship compared to the other drivers. Literally at every part of the track the Redbull is the best car. Its insane that Norris came second. What a drive.

  2. Further proves to me that Verstappen refuses to have a talented driver in the other seat.

  3. Abruzzos is an institution. Its not even close. Abruzzos for 1000 years.

  4. Pros complain about the meta and when the meta changes. Players complain about the meta and when the meta changes. People complain.

  5. Though the overall car length is the same, am I wrong in saying the wheel base is longer?

  6. Lewis is the reason I started following Formula 1. Pure class. I have never had a sporting moment more devastating than 2021 and that was the first season I watched.

  7. Knowing Wolff, he'll probably take the home option, and Ocon comes with a huge amount of experience, has beaten some big F1 references, has shown himself to be solid, very consistent, and mentally very strong.

  8. Hi I am not an expert at extermination but I know fairly enough about them that I could hopefully help you.


  10. This is not very detailed nor helpful. I have very specific questions relating to being in a condo, not just treating the ants.

  11. At the very bottom is a paragraph about Pharoah ants. It states that the entire structure should be treated and that spray insecticides should not be used. This is the information you need to take to your landlord. Who determined it was Pharoah ants by the way?

  12. Yes I think they are aware of this. They are not treating with spray but using boric acid dust and gel treatments.

  13. Stop saying this is putting the residents at risk. The complaints are because of the noise of the door alarm not because they are worried about exiting through the basement or something during a fire.

  14. You all are the reason the DOPS is garbage. A cross check to the head is a cross check to the head. The NHL is a peasant league because you all expect this kind of wishy washy officiating.

  15. Sad that the leafs lost but that was an epic game. Big goals, big hits, big speed.

  16. Just the worst team stats wise left. Played against a garbage mental Winnipeg team with half their good players out.

  17. It's almost like hockey is played on ice instead of a spreadsheet.

  18. Ow2 is more fun than ow1, the viewing experience is more entertaining and there are more diverse comps. Drops probably helps too.

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