
  1. I saw your pics and honestly, I relate. I like men’s hair on the longer side, and I like unnatural hair color. But somebody once said “trans guys can’t get away with styles cis guys get away with.” It comes down to cultural norms, stereotypes, and traditions which sucks for those who are unconventional. I think you have to find the balance of what makes you feel like you vs what society sees as “a man.”

  2. Honestly just being seen as “female lite” or “female adjacent”

  3. I always got the feeling that we were seen as “men lite” not “female lite.” Like we’re softer/less threatening versions of men.

  4. I used to freeze a water bottle then wrap it in old socks. They would lay next to it when they got hot.

  5. Mine always chew through the sock and the plastic, causing a flood in their cage 😩

  6. You could use a metal water bottle if it's not insulated.

  7. Well there were 2 very dark times during Danganronpa and Danganronpa 2.

  8. PowerWash Simulator is perfect for that relaxed “I’m hanging out with friends” vibe. Bonus good vibes if you play PowerWash Simulator along with them. Bonus bonus good vibes if you kiss a dad.

  9. The family isn’t religious, nor is the medium, just spiritual. They don’t subscribe to any particular set of beliefs other than that spirituality is real.

  10. Clearly he’s tapping into some version of religion if he cited Lilith.

  11. In the U.S., if you leave, you'll still get charged for the visit even if you never see the doctor. If you're lucky enough to have insurance, they'll charge the insurance and you'll still have to pay your copay.

  12. Really? The practice I work at always refunds patients when they leave without the doctor seeing them. Their appointment is even marked “Left without being seen” and 9 times out of 10 it’s due to wait times, which we document.

  13. .........please tell me you saw the recent backstory followup on this!

  14. I saw your comment on my post so I found yours to get your full take. I totally agree, especially about the parasocial aspect. Some people on Reddit think they’re above the folks who got attached, but having different emotions doesn’t mean their emotions are better. We’re not idiots for having feelings.

  15. noted ✍️ thanks a lot for the suggestion cause watcher’s content is not in my priority viewing at the moment..

  16. Just be alert when you listen to Wendigoon. He’s really bad about accuracy. He doesn’t do enough research, and he’ll echo misinformation.

  17. Dollars to donuts, somebody logged in and changed the password.

  18. We can only hope the backlash will mean something on Monday when they all come back to the office

  19. They have live shows across the pond from the office starting on Tuesday. I do wonder how this will impact both their response and the live shows.

  20. This makes me think of why Arin from Game Grumps started his touring company. A lot of venues don’t understand the draw that online creators actually have, so they don’t plan accordingly. [edited out a comment I made after misreading a section of the post, my apologies]

  21. I know they can be a bit polarizing, and it’s not a 1:1 comparison, but what you’re describing is kind of how the Game Grumps expanded from a primarily “2 guys on a couch with a mic playing games” channel to international tours, spinoff channels, their own video games, livestreams, courting increasingly famous guest stars, albums, etc. I’ve only followed GG since like 2019, and theyve had their share of fuckups with promotions going wrong or new formats flopping, but they were responsive (to a fault, often) to their fan base, while never losing track of their original YouTube free content fan base. They have a Patreon they promote, they have a YouTube Join option, they regularly promote it, and it seems like they’ve managed to expand at a sustainable rate. I feel like Watcher could have gone that route and with their live shows, guests, merch, etc they were starting to, but it seems clear that they think they’re “too good” for YouTube (whatever that means) and they’re going to either be content making niche product for a small fan base, or they’ll realize that a big part of what made them popular in the first place was their relateability/accessibility.

  22. And the Grumps manage to have their success even with their main channel not getting the best view counts. They set themselves up for success over the course of many years. Imagine when Jon left and Dan took over and there was worry about the future of the channel, what would have happened if they just started charging people to watch their content. It would have been a death knell.

  23. YTA/ESH. The rumors you're spreading about him can potentially damage his reputation far worse than simply lying about having sex. Not the same exact situation because he didn't lie about having sex as far as I know, but a girl at my younger brothers HS a few years ago spread rumors about another boys private life and he tried to commit suicide.

  24. You’re getting downvoted because you didn’t seem to consider the lie he started could permanently damage to OP’s reputation. She’s playing his game, but you only seem to worry about him.

  25. That’s a very odd thing to read considering some things that have happened to me and many women I know. “Sex is just sex” from your perspective, but not everyone is so fortunate.

  26. What media are we talking about? Fox News? Let’s just assume that the majority of cis people, even if they’re NOT on Fox News, don’t really understand trans people. It’s hard to understand an experience that is not your own. And if your political and religious beliefs are against trans people, then that’s extra true.

  27. Similarly, my first thought was “Is OP on TikTok a lot?” Trans hate gets a lot of engagement/attention, so the algorithms push it; doesn’t mean the posts are good faith, truthful, real, or beneficial.

  28. Tbh i kinda wish abed was Indian instead of Arabic and Muslim because they misrepresent islam in sooo many ways so like what's the point if him being musilm?.

  29. It’s because “Real Abed,” the actual guy Abed Nadir was based on, is half Arabic. Kumail auditioned for the role and told the story of how he had to go after Pudi, who apparently absolutely crushed the audition. They talked about it on Harmontown.

  30. Dr. Todd Grande - I didn’t have a real reason to dislike him at first, but his video in Dylan and the Budweiser controversy was full of transphobic dog whistles I went back and listened to other stuff and realized I did NOT like this dude 

  31. Shit, Dr. Grande was dog whistling? I watched a few of his videos when I wanted a quick and dirty take on some current event/drama and he seemed even-keeled. Came off very respectable. Obviously my impression was wrong :(

  32. There are certainly some molehills that people like to pretend are mountains.

  33. Settle down will you? The question doesn't really warrant a discussion, It has one answer alone. I'm not denagrading OP, I found it interesting and frankly pretty funny.

  34. I get where you’re coming from, but something happened to Google. I don’t know why, but it seems to absolutely suck now. Earlier today I spent way way way too long trying to google the lyrics to a song with specific criteria for my search. I wound up posting the question to the relevant subreddit and a kind user lead me to my answer. Funnily enough, I also got downvoted lol

  35. It's supposed to be "Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends."

  36. Is that confirmed somewhere? Like in a script, or did Vivzie let us know? Because “Alastor Altruist died for his friends” works for the same reason “Debbie Downer ruined the mood” works. To be clear, I’m not doubting you, I just like citations :P

  37. Ah, found it! The source is from Amir Talai who shared the lyric with punctuation on Twitter.

  38. He might actually have that role as well, considering how well-versed he is in them.

  39. oh look donvoting and pouting instead of actually doing research and being a real person towards other people. bingo!

  40. Hey, I think you might be a bit confused. Jacob isn’t saying the bullying didn’t happen, or that nobody bullied a mod off the subreddit. He’s saying he didn’t bully anybody. Your post used second person instead of third person when responding to Jacob - you said “if you think bullying is okay, you’re fucked in the head.” He was like “I don’t think that, don’t put that on me.” You responded with, essentially, “what are you talking about, that actually happened!” You seem to be conflating Jacob denying his personal involvement with him denying it ever happened. Hope this clears it up.

  41. It all started because of some subtitle randomness

  42. He’s saying “Alastor Altruist” the way people say “Debbie Downer” or “Mr. Negative.” It’s correct for the captions to have it capitalized and without a comma because that’s the nature of the slang. (Edited because I forgot some words)

  43. Can somebody elaborate on the “she was worried about how the meds were making Luke’s addiction worse” angle? Is the idea that the meds altered his brain chemistry in a similar way to Nell’s, and this messed with him to the point where he’d want to go into an altered state to cope? Or maybe the meds made Nell feel disconnected, so maybe they made Luke feel disconnected, thus hampering his ability to face his addiction? Or something else entirely?

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