
  1. I love how guys think that they will be the equivalent of the main character in these fantasy scenarios. My dude you’ll probably be doing administrative paper work or cleaning the floors.

  2. It seems to be linked to his immortality as he consumes the palisman in the time travel episode, then says “I just need to survive long enough to see it through”. But he also seems to need them to keep himself from gooifying or losing control of his body as we have seen numerous times in the show where an outburst occurs, and he needs a palisman to return to normal. Basically it’s an essential thing to maintain his immortality, but is also akin to a drug he needs a fix of

  3. Oh okay. So is he basically stealing their life force? That makes sense.

  4. Is this an alternate universe where Kanye didn’t scream “I love Hitler!!” on Alex Jone’s show?

  5. Purple Haired Teenager KIDNAPPED BY GIANT OWL (did latina girl plan this??)

  6. My Guinea pigs water bottle has one of those to gage where the water is at.

  7. The owner might find their employees might even go a bit beyond the bare minimum if their work was actually rewarded. You can just tell by the tone of this Help Wanted the ownership is very difficult to deal with. The phrasing of this is so unprofessional and self pitying.

  8. The cinematography in this film is just chef’s kiss

  9. I live by the simple rules of don’t make eye contact and don’t give any money. If you want to give money, give it to a charity of your choosing that helps the unhoused - e.g. Women’s Lunch Place, Stone House.

  10. If you don’t want to give money that’s your business, I respect that, but this is a way over simplification. Both the state and local charities are so overwhelmed and underfunded. They simply can’t even begin to service everyone in need.

  11. I've run into this dude on Northeastern's campus about 2 months ago. He didn't get violent, but he did compliment my jacket.

  12. Lmao. It’s part of his script I bet.

  13. The aggressive panhandler on Washington St. The one who shows you the picture and asks for direction to the Veterans Shelter literally every time, but then gets angry when you only give him a few bucks or nothing at all.

  14. I’m an animal rights person/lifelong guinea pig owner. I’m all for this. People adopt them thinking they are like hamsters or gerbils and need minimal care. Guinea pigs are very social and need lots of love.

  15. This is such a great take. The dark knight is my all time favorite film. I adore that fill. But as the only person I know who actually reads Batman comics, it’s an entirely different take on the character. Which is totally fine! It’s really left me wanting a comics accurate Batman movie so badly.

  16. Yes! Nice to hear other people with this opinion. The Dark Knight is a crime drama/political thriller that happens to use DC characters. It’s in my opinion the quintessential Post-9/11 allegory.

  17. I don’t know how to describe the feeling I get when media this obscure resurfaces. A fever dream? Actual people produced and starred in this show. There was a script, pitch, and green light. For a brief time ever so fleeting someone thought “this might actually be successful”

  18. This that sh*t that sincerely makes me hope they ban Tik Tok.

  19. It’s absolutely pouring out and he’s outside

  20. The Dark Knight Rises. By far my least favorite of the trilogy (weird, pro-authoritarian themes through the whole film) but I absolutely love the intro. Hans Zimmer’s “Gothams Reckoning” is like a shot of adrenaline.

  21. This is nonsense. There would be no halo without capitalism.

  22. lol. You know people invented things and wrote stories before Capitalism? The dismal state of gaming is directly due to unrestrained capitalist sucking the life and soul out of everything they possibly can for profit.

  23. The entire collection is great, but really digging the ‘00s underground stuff. Atmosphere, Aesop Rock, and El-P 👍

  24. Luz absolutely meets the criteria for future substance abuse problems. Ostracized adolescent with ADHD is a perfect recipe for that, unfortunately. Not that sole cigarette smoking is “substance abuse” but you guys get my drift

  25. I’m playing through the Teal Mask right now and I absolutely cannot stand Kieran. He’s so whiny.

  26. I really enjoyed it, but I wish the enemy AI was a bit more sophisticated, and the resource management/gathering a bit more varied. There’s so much potential for a Halo Wars 3.

  27. Aw, this is sweet. I suffer from very bad PTSD/Major Depression that leaves me suicidal at times. American Dad is my comfort show. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one.

  28. You know there’s a philosophical argument to be made that Batfleck might be more ethical b/c he at least unalives some of his victims. Arkham Batman (and other recent portrayals) beat these dudes to a pulp, leaving potentially life altering injuries and at the least inflict serious pain.

  29. Edit: of course one could also flip the script and say Batfleck engages in torture (he branded some poor jerk), but then again Arkham Batman put some dudes head under a car tire to extract information.

  30. I work part time as security in a condominium with a ton of wealthy college students and this episode crosses my mind frequently

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