
  1. Así se llama mi perrita, es totalmente negra.

  2. I’m doing my first OceanMan this August in Cozumel, Mexico. :) good luck in Salvador

  3. Adiós, si es su tercer semana y ya hace eso, uf es ahora o te arriesgas a algo peor.

  4. Depende en qué estado te encuentres y a veces también importa el municipio, pues muchas veces es más allá que solo el permiso. Por otro lado depende el lugar podría considerarse ambulante o no.

  5. Wow!!! That is an awful experience!! What a shame, I live around and def hate that you got this experience. We used to be such a nice state but money and greed caught us up. Most of the people in Playa, Cozumel and Cancun won’t go to Tulum, dislike how we get treated.

  6. Desgraciadamente no pondría mis esperanzas completas en el reloj. Si no me equivoco tienes un 168.50. Estas piezas son preciosas pero para un tipo de cliente en específico. Para una venta rápida tendrías que acudir a una casa de empeño pero ellos te darán una baba. Si lo mueves entre relojeros y revendedores tendrás mejor suerte pero tardará mucho más en hacerse dinero pues no es fácil moverlo.

  7. GO! You have to go. I’m going through exactly the same, I’m watching my diet and trying to show up 6 days a week and do the dry land workout, I just literally made a timing chart and 8 months goal. Showing up at competitions feel really awkward but hey under this there is a beast trying to loose some extras and gain seconds back, do your best and push for the meeting to get better times, you know the joy after a meet is unique and pumps you for the next and to keep going, besides the whole team bonding experience during meetings you don’t want to miss it and may regret at some point.

  8. Just say no right away, no need to waste your time unless you are really interested in which case pay atenttiob and find out if it’s for you. If you are only doing it for the free stuff, isn’t worth it at all. Your time has more value

  9. Yesssss fat and lost a lot of muscle that looks like fat. Don’t quit working out.

  10. Ese era el todo terreno que se podía voltear?

  11. If your 7 yo has that handwriting, then yes you suck at work and probably at life. Your kid is a genius who has developed incredible hand and control skills. He writes like an adult even with the connections.

  12. Exactly my thoughts. It's none of our business but would be nice to know what happened since there was an official notice about it. Sounds like a very strange story. They're in a busy area of PDC. Can't see a tourist being passed out in public for that long without a cop/military/local noticing something was wrong.

  13. Wasn’t official, the family or friends made it. Big mistake since that is illegal but I guess they were desperate.

  14. I’m sure he followed someone and had a little fun, his family freaked out. They even came up with a fake “se busca” from PGJ but with their own number. He was just… having fun :)

  15. Yo igual que tú me dediqué toda la vida de manera autodidacta a perfeccionarlo. A los 13 años mientras mis compañeros jugaban midtown madness yo jugaba con la encarta y con un cd que traía quizzes de historia, geografía y economía en inglés. Me salió en una revista gringa y con eso me entretenía. Ff, hasta acabé becada en una universidad en el gabacho y todo fue autodidacta.

  16. Hi. Don’t give up, I’ve been swimming since I was a kid and I go on and off having my best during college. I went back to the pool on Jan 15, I still run out of breath and that is my hardest and what gets in the way between me and my better times, it just slows me down so much having to take a breath every two-3 strokes. However is just a matter of practice.

  17. No vayas, no tienes por qué. Para no meterte en problemas si son muy insistentes di que si pero a la mera hora no vayas y di que te enfermaste. Yo estuve en una posición así pero desde el principio sabían que yo no iba con esas cosas, me safe siempre. Pero no te pueden obligar y si viene el cambio de administración pues no importa tanto.

  18. That is not jail is just a “separo”. I think we all have been through it. It sucks though and I’m glad you got out of it quick.

  19. Es una pena que nuestra generación lo vea como algo muy lejano pero es deprimente que no tengamos acceso ni siquiera a arrendar. Comentan aquí que en todos lados es así pero no, hay muchos países donde el gobierno subsidia, acá te la pelas, es real el comparto depa de 40m2.

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