
  1. It's been in-game since day one of cata. Got toasted while leveling archaeology. Didn't kill me but got the achievement anyway. You just have to stand in the fire he spawns.

  2. been buggy on day 1, seen fire just appear randomly without any rp of deathwing in barrens etc, only 1 random fire patch on a hill

  3. sniped me midair, incredibly laggy when close to the flames, seems they added just an insane amount of them, sub 10fps running back as a ghost >.>

  4. Yeah no bites in my raid aswell

  5. I feel like I read that FilterBlade has a safeguard against hiding valuable things.

  6. Yea, when you go to save a filter it will have a changelog of items that are high value that will be hidden

  7. The mirror drops with people's sound reactions are always so much better lmao, normal chitchat into sudden hyperventilation

  8. Have you paid attention to whether the pack of mobs with the devoted modifier was present at all? Apparently there is a rather common bug where the pack with Nameless Seer modifier doesn't spawn and thus making it impossible to kill them for the Seer.

  9. It happened to me with pandemonium scarab on, i saw the packs of skele wheel dudes on tropical island, cleared to 0, so i assume anything that rerolls mob packs can brick nameless seer

  10. 10 years? Hm I guess that was around when d3 launched? The rmah and the idiotic stuff they did. Honestly it was going downhill after blizzard north.

  11. my biggest gripe with d3 is that it's just a random arpg game with diablos lore - they are completely different games, there's almost nothing left of d2 in d3 outside of lore, which you would expect a sequel to improve upon what the prequel is good at, but d3 is like selling you a sports car as an upgrade to your off roader.

  12. Yep absolutely was more work which is why jagex went with the clamp approach, and that's fair enough.

  13. the clamp approach needs the work i just pointed out, claws are losing more than 4 max hit etc

  14. Needs what work? The clamp changes nothing about max. It just means 0 rolls on successful accuracy are 1 instead.

  15. That would make blowpipe stronger etc and other fast weps disproportionately

  16. Strike range goes hard when stacked

  17. Ive had over 100% on a t16 this league, can confirm that it just bricks most builds, had to swap to using strikes to proc mjol instead of cyclone lmao

  18. They can't do this without removing the 'randomize an adjacent corpse when buried' that no one asked for. So naturally, it won't happen.

  19. just make that one also lock the corpse it randomises

  20. Idk considering the sheer amount of jusf borrowed power we got in Wildwood for example, seems fine

  21. yeah all it will really mean is those corpses become expensive af to correlate to how strong they can be

  22. As someone pointed out in another thread: there are plenty of mechanically fine melee skills. The problem is that none are allowed to be mechanically good and have good damage at the same time. Apparently someone has a build for Molten Strike of the Zenith... a strike skill that basically only does damage every five hits (assuming all balls land it's effectively ~8x the dps of a basic attack).

  23. imagine if in poe2 melee attacks don't stop or slow movement, and you can just wasd around whilst attacking

  24. Honestly, you had the chance to heal that little second before the wakestone prompt appeared

  25. i think fall damage deaths aren't healable

  26. Yeah you have to charge them, but when you are charging your defense is greatly increased and you are nearly impossible to stagger. For crowd control you can just use your spinning strike and for bosses you just use anything else. Once you get the ability that allows you to stagger enemies on counter it really opens up.

  27. Yeah as warrior ogres can just stunlock so many enemies like ogres and cyclops

  28. i like mine, it's much thinner than other desks without being flimsy/too expensive, so i can have my armrests go under the table a bit and not have too much of a lift for my hand on the mouse, less strain that way.

  29. it's all fun and games naming your dogs after gods until one of them runs off at the dog park and shouting Loki really angrily tends to draw some looks

  30. That's just isekai names in general

  31. i wonder if satou kazuma's was intentional, it being a parody of isekai anime and all.

  32. You're wrong, though. Her philtrum can be seen around 8-9 seconds in.

  33. yeah its just low quality and hard to see smaller details.

  34. The pure bit was a joke as most people who want -exp lamps want it because they got 1 or 2 lvls in atk

  35. Tbf, it could still work with no downsides if they made quest rewards require the stats/xp rewards for the quest, so no pures with veng/piety/bgloves, as they would need defence to use etc

  36. yeah i've had loot drop too close to the doors and it just becomes unlootable when it's a same zone door, like that tower

  37. teemo should be known in multiple regions no? he even has kids books about his tales as shown in arcane, he's the yordle bogey-man.

  38. Why does the song sound familiar? Can someone help me out here?

  39. its from rick and morty, evil morty or something episode ending

  40. It’s not, the song came out 2 decades before that one episode came out

  41. Might be why it's familiar to him though.

  42. fuck bitches get money

  43. Yes, but it's capitalized, implying the entity rather than the concept.

  44. the scion also capitalises sin when killing voll, she says, "Sin is the crack through which Nightmare seeps. What was your Sin, Voll? Pride?"

  45. How will utility skills work with the limited action bar for abilities? Will we have a seperate utility bar or are they competing for the same slots.

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