
  1. Coffin nails. Railroad spikes have a different head. Also there should be 3 if it’s the nails on the cross

  2. They are probably being kinky, just buying the no2 gas is waaaay cheaper if you wanna get high, and its purchasable at any headshop or kitchen supply

  3. You can be banned from buying no2 at smoke shops and stuff

  4. I’ll be at the fest - if anyone wants to grab a beer, lmk, I’m buying!

  5. Does this offer still stand LMAOO

  6. That turnstile song that sounds “I can walk with an erection”

  7. in WILD WRLD i always hear “now i’ll make some apple pie!!!”

  8. i poop multiple times a day sometimes oh my god

  9. Is Sunami not 100% earnest in everything they do or are they like post irony

  10. I’m a barback in a college town bar. I love it because it’s just task after task without much thought behind it, and I barely have to socialize with the exception of taking people’s ID’s. Also helps because I’m already a night owl and my shifts are from like 8/9pm-2/3am.

  11. Wasn’t there for any of the discourse. I do remember discovering this album on my own though, at a time in my life just before breaking into hardcore fully. I love this shit so much

  12. This made my heart smile. Rock on grandma.

  13. Yeah when I first started looking through this sub, it was definitely a lot more informative about harm reduction and just general psychedelic knowledge. Very important stuff made for and by the community yknow? Now it just feels like everyone’s trying to one-up the hot post of the month, taking insane doses so they can put up a post- “ just took 8g of penis envy, trip report tomorrow!! “- and just a general misuse of the shrooms for the lolz…

  14. Hahaha! Good troll? I hope? Because there’s no way people can be this insensitive on purpose. Right?

  15. Selling out is when Band Accomplishes Things

  16. I forgot, we’re supposed to hope that everyone accomplishes nothing. Hardcore pride.

  17. Your ex is also a person involved in this situation

  18. I love going to shows alone! It’s my favorite way to do it. It might feel a little awkward at first but just get into doing whatever you want to do, whether that be getting a drink, jumping off the stage, crowdkilling, whatever you want! Nothing like being in touch with yourself and enjoying time with yourself. I also enjoy just starting up conversation with people standing near me, there’s usually moments that offer easy connection. Great way to make new friends. Or don’t. Up to you!

  19. Today I learned I order like a middle aged man as a 22 year old woman.

  20. I saw State Champs, Knuckle Puck, and Neck Deep on that one tour in 2016 at Webster Hall in NYC. I was also the first person in line so the venue posted me and my friends on their Instagram.

  21. Saw them once at Karl Hall in Wilkes-Barre. Some of the highest energy guys out there. Tommy and Evan are gems to hardcore, they’re both very dedicated to their multiple projects and they are both great people to be around, and they’re always at shows. Glad I’m from a similar enough area to them to get to see them out and about. They deserve all the success.

  22. Okay sensitive, if you ever find yourself judging the playful questions that a couple posted on Reddit as a fucked up act, you should take a step back and reevaluate your decisions.

  23. Sick, hope you make it up to New England soon

  24. You don’t go to enough shows clearly

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