
  1. OMG 😳😳 they look like magic... pick them If they bruise blue they're magic mushrooms.. you are definitely lucky

  2. These arent the shrooms you’re looking for please don’t eat them

  3. When you say fluro leader do you tie the leader directly to the braid or do you tie the braid to swivels then fluoro leader?

  4. Depends on the rig. Lure fishing I’ll pretty much always tie line to line with a double uni knot. Bait rigs like paternoster/running sinker I’ll use a swivel.

  5. It probably doesn't help that the dates are smack bang in the middle of the European summer festival season...

  6. You could get a week in Bali and be treated like king of the bogans for cheaper than Splendour

  7. I live in Australia so YMMV but I had friends in high school who would play bars underage, they just had to have a parent or guardian present for the gig and were turfed out the second the gig was done.

  8. I don’t know about meth but I haven’t noticed a lot of inflation in illicit drugs compared with damn near everything else

  9. My instructors always told me to leave a 3 second gap while moving, and to make sure I can see the bottom of the car in front’s rear tyres when stopped.

  10. Go read the autopsies of people who die (not ODs) from mdma. You’ll quickly realise it isn’t bunk mdma causing deaths - it’s the mdma. People take too much, and or don’t consider their surroundings e.g. the weather. 

  11. You’re partly right that MDMA alone is often the culprit, but the pill testing process also provides opportunities to give harm reduction advice, and encourages people to take more precautions than they would with no similar service available, or worse, when they’re greeted at the entrance by a sniffer dog. Pill testing won’t save ALL lives, but it’ll save SOME, and it’ll help people make better harm reduction decisions generally.

  12. Btw you can buy your own pill testers..

  13. Reagent tests are great and every person using pills powders or tabs should own and use them. Proper GC:MS set ups like in Canberra would be infinitely better though, both in allowing users to see actual purity levels rather than relying on colour charts that can still allow adulterants to slip by, and allowing authorities to identify novel adulterants (like happened with CanKet). As a side note, having these systems in place also provides suppliers more incentive to not cut their product with other shit.

  14. There was a post in the jjj subreddit a few days back saying the festival organisers urged people not to attend due to the fire danger rather than cancelling the festival and refunding their money…greedy fuckers

  15. The organisers would be on the hook for everything losing millions if they cancelled and refunded under current conditions. Millions of dollars in an industry infamous for thin margins that has barely survived COVID lockdowns. Their insurance won’t pay out unless the CFA or government actually prohibits them from moving ahead. They’re dammed if they do and dammed if they don’t.

  16. Socialists by and large reject your assertion of trade and private property being “human nature” and many reject the concept of “human nature” entirely. To observe humans living under capitalism and conclude it is in our nature to be greedy is akin to observing humans under water and concluding it is in our nature to drown. While many societies historically have had hierarchical social systems and concepts of private property, egalitarian societies and societies that held everything in commons also existed. It is more in our nature to try to fit in with our surrounding society than to conform to any specific socioeconomic system.

  17. I mean I hate colesworth as much as the next Aussie but they are entitled to try and stop theft from their stores. Are LPOs sometimes terrible at their jobs? Absolutely. But they're used across all sorts of retail environment and have been for decades.

  18. The store I work at uses them. Our previous company were like bloody MI6 catching thieves, but they now have a significantly better contract working for Woolworths. The new company we use are pretty useless and might catch two groups of teenagers on a good day where the old company would catch a group every hour.

  19. Yeah they can't do shit to customers, they aren't cops and don't have that kinda power to hold someone or attack them.

  20. They have some power but it does rely a good bit on customers complying. They can’t physically restrain anyone but they are able to “detain” thieves, and work with police. I work at a retailer that uses them and it can be insane the number of people they can catch in a day, because people usually go along with them, and even if they don’t the LPs can file police reports using cctv footage which can and has resulted in thieves being caught after having “successfully” evaded.

  21. This is a democracy and not everyone feels that way. It’s literally one of the longest running contentious political questions for centuries

  22. Haha when I was really sleep deprived one time as a kid, my dad says “boy are you on fuckin dope?!” Referring to weed. Funny how loosely the word is used.

  23. In Melbourne there’s currently a big turf war going on between two rival gangs mainly surrounding illegal tobacco and vapes.

  24. Why would coke be hard to find in Mexico of all places?

  25. I’d imagine it’s not that it’s hard to find, more that it’s value once trafficked means it’s worth too much to use, especially if meth which doesn’t have the same mark ups is just as common.

  26. Russia and Moldova methedrone(4mcc) and alpha-pvp epidemic

  27. I remember hearing a lot about Krokodil in Russia like 10 years back, is that still a thing or was it ever a thing?

  28. 2cb is wrongfully marketed its nothing like mdma at all it is its own thing

  29. 80mg insufflated is a huuuuge dose. For an experience closer to mdma I’d take 15mg orally, and for a more psychedelic one I’d take 20-30mg orally.

  30. "Sure you have this incredibly detailed list showing how many monsters are in the GOP, but the guy on Fox News told me that Democrats are the real problem so I'm going to vote Republican."

  31. I’m gonna apply the theory of Capitalist Realism here and speculate that to a large enough subset of Republicans voters, learning more of the evils committed by the GOP actually strengthens their resolve, not because they don’t accept that these evils occur, but because they believe that however bad Republicans are, Democrats are worse. If Republicans are this evil, imagine how evil the Democrats must be, and it’s better the devil you know.

  32. Most of the shopping centre still has power but the food court wing is all dark. Coles is still open.

  33. It's been election seasons since Trump rode down that escalator in 2015. There's never a time when he hasn't been president or campaigning.

  34. Having been in similar thought patterns before, I’d say you’re addicted, but in a state where should something come along that gives your life more meaning I don’t doubt you’d be able to shake the addiction.

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