
  1. I asked someone who works there because I had an issue last night where it would not log me in, it might have something to do with a change in their database system over the weekend.

  2. "EVERYONE IS ALLOWED TO TALK AND LIE ABOUT ME, BUT I AM NOT ALLOWED TO DEFEND MYSELF." Again, such a perfect example of how he always views himself as the victim while literally everything else around points to him being the victimizer. Also how he keeps messing up his defense attorney's jobs.

  3. While we're waiting, why don't I read from the Sunday bulletin?

  4. If Biden does that, the clashes between protestors and the national guard will be a disaster. The optics will be horrible and it will be like repeating the 1968 convention

  5. Was thinking the same thing, and it's probably at least one reason they want it to happen. Can absolutely see these two chucklefucks then going "See, Biden cannot control this, only a strong man like Trump can!"

  6. Now I have so many questions that I'm not sure I can wait until July, like, which universe is this Logan from originally and why is it of concern to the TVA, how did the dead giant Ant-Man get there, will the X-Men be brought into the MCU, does Cassandra Nova being there mean Genosha will appear, I have so many and I'm excited.

  7. Now to pay attention to who supports it and why. Not just cybersecurity, but moments like this from last month when Steve Bannon was talking about how TikTok needs to be gotten rid of because of Taylor Swift and how voters get engaged.

  8. This might be a really dumb question but wouldn't a hammer made of lighter metal actually be worse? Robert's hammer for example was so deadly because it was heavy. If there are any hammer experts around, please let me know lol

  9. I mean one can get sledge hammers at Home Depot that have 8-pound heads that can still do some damage, so that's one thing. Also, after posting this I got curious and started looking around, found this YouTube video, apparently the main goal with historical war hammers wasn't to break armor but to use it to transfer the force of the swing and blow through the armor into the body, to do some real damage. (if I find a video with a meter inside to show much force like Mythbusters I may add that).

  10. Yeah, rereading the Wikipedia article, on some hammers, the impact of the spike end being swung is equivalent to a rifle bullet so uh, lesson, never piss off anyone wielding a hammer in combat.

  11. In the days of yore I would have answered the headline with "yeah", now I am not sure. I look at this and I keep thinking of when Cucker was on Fox going "has Putin ever called me a racist, no!" and such, just how deeply aligning the Kremlin with Trump has gone, and the way media operations and probably word of mouth as well have worked towards it. (I live in California but was at a restaurant for lunch with someone, and overheard some older guy saying something about how Newsom ordering shutdowns is why that restaurant is closed from 2-4 or something).

  12. About seven seconds, Frinkiac was doing that thing it does sometimes where you get less screenshots than usual.

  13. Took a look at his profile, he keeps promoting how he wants to cause a contingent election to deny Trump and Biden the election but I think we all know how that would go down. At the same time, guy has like 150 likes on each post, not sure how influential he really is at this point,

  14. Was watching those episodes last night, and have a similar conclusion to the others here, that she suspected something was going on with them once they kept investigating, and decided to use them as patsies to pin the crimes on.

  15. This is such a mess of talking points that I stopped reading at this part to share here:

  16. So I did a little digging online, David Leatherwood is one of the cofounders of "Gays Against Groomers', who left last year due to the DeSantis debacle. So it seems he still has not gotten it through his head that this is not exactly going to work in their favor.

  17. Working in software and getting recommended this today after having to hard reboot and reinstall Office after a corrupted update meant I could not access Outlook, after having to uninstall and reinstall the Office suite due to a similar error two months ago, I really agree.

  18. I love 24. But watching Dunk sleep for 8 hours would be a bit boring.

  19. What about watching Dunk bathe for an hour, be it in a creek or the tubs at Osgrey's place, out of curiosity?

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