
  1. This was a fun thing to watch from that tour, if you haven't seen it. And watch Avey with the right hand drum skills.

  2. It is a dumb question, you should be asking what the whole "beeeweeeip, eeeewip. beeewip" noise is.

  3. Out of nowhere, yeah 61 isn't insanely young but it's still not that old, plus he was still fairly active as a producer.

  4. 61 is insanely young. You must be in your teens or 20s. The average lifespan for an American male is 73.

  5. I'm just waiting for her to begin speaking in an Eastern European accent so she can apply for the job for which she's REALLY applying, the next Mrs. trump

  6. What are the odds that Huckabee tries to thwart this? Or is covert racism in these days?

  7. This seems more superficial than substantive and I'm sure a lot of Huckabee's policies lean toward adverse impact. But perhaps these statues will help lead to a culture that actively fights racism, direct and otherwise.

  8. It really does. Even with good insurance and some money on hand, there is so much focus on profitability and not the care or positive outcomes. It gets gross and frustrating.

  9. I've taken my mom for all the vaccines since COVID started. Even when assisted living gets the shots, they are a few weeks to a month later than I get them for her. She lives four hours away from me so it's not been easy but as easy as it is for things to spread in senior living facilities, I've wanted to give my mom the best chance of not getting stuff.

  10. I suggest you delve further into your definition of healing. The voice of my father, which is now my own voice, told me I wasn't good enough, I was a bad person, and I wasn't deserving of love and affection.

  11. That would be the 5% of food where it's acceptable to be rat poop. Or if it was something that got stuck in the extruder you don't want to eat it anyway.

  12. Sometimes you have to try a can or bottle a couple times. I usually will put one in twice and if it doesn't go then put it at the back of the line and try again. If it still doesn't work then take it to the service desk.

  13. The only reason I know anything about Millie Jackson is that the album with her on the toilet was on a list for worst album covers. It seems tame today.

  14. Brian Setzer was just on Conan's podcast the other day. Apparently Conan is a big rockabilly fan as well.

  15. I just assumed that you were using a mix so I was going to chime in about real lime juice margaritas! Lime juice, powered sugar, orange liqueur, and tequila! A nice buzz and you're fighting scurvy at the same time.

  16. It's just part of the vicious cycle that these people purporting to have the moral high ground are just power hungry and amoral attention whores who will do anything and everything to get what they want and don't recognize their hypocrisy.

  17. I don't know if I would recommend it but I did it. The first car I bought for myself was a stick and I had never driven one before. The salesperson taught me how to do it (though that's probably braver than I would ever be). Though when I went to pick it up I had to drive straight to work and that was a bit harrowing. I got to my first stoplight and I stalled out. I went through a couple of iterations of the light trying to get going again. This included people passing me and honking and yelling etc. I figured I would die before I got to work but I did manage and I've driven stick for a few decades now.

  18. On Fridays, Bandcamp gives all ( or maybe just more) profits to the bands. Corin and Janet are having pay what you want on all digital albums today.

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