
  1. Buy the simplest most affordable gear you can get then upgrade when you are familiar with what you want to upgrade!

  2. That's exactly what I want to avoid, buying twice...

  3. I love my tungsten, take care of it and it'll last you years.

  4. Not generally, since you cannot easily send wireless signals through a body of water. You'd need a physical line or so, which on a recreational level isn't a thing. It's one of the reasons you learn how to be self-sufficient during your certifications, and why you should never dive alone.

  5. Wait, WHAT???? Wireless signals do not work under water?

  6. Definitely NOT kopiluwak nor that blue mountain scam...

  7. People who are totally corrupt or straight up too dumb to realize that Russia is no longer a country that is in anyway beneficial to the left of the political spectrum.

  8. Is anyone REALLY surprised? FSB has been doing an amazing job catering to both the left and right extreme loonies... to divide society even faster, from both sides.

  9. What's bothering me is seeing voices shut in European subs. You get banned and deleted for voicing your opinions, like on/

  10. The left is learning well from 1984 and fascist m.o.!

  11. Ah yes when the numbers don't support your preferred narrative you know to be "true" then it is "complicated"and numbers are racist and math is white supremacy... lol

  12. Ich weiss nicht, Oppositionspolitiker leben von der Opposition, gibt nix Einfacheres. Wenn sie dann was leisten müssen glaub ich nicht dass das was wird, fehlt die Erfahrung und Kompetenz sonst wären sie nicht in Opposition in the first place.

  13. Off topic of the original post but;

  14. I encounter those perfect Germans on highways and Autobahn everywhere... Speeding, no indicator, aggressively pushing people aside, brake checking at 160+, road raging...

  15. My god no wonder y'all think I'm a terrible person. It's a complete misunderstanding... I don't think the processing fee should be the onus of the taxpayer. I do think it should just be baked into the fine itself though. And like somebody already replied to you, that is indeed how it works in most other countries.

  16. Don't mind it, ze Germany just loooooove to go all out holier-than-thou, especially online and double especially when anything car related is involved because they are on their Öko-trip now that they are burning even more coal than ever before... anything car == ze very bad, mmmkay! And how dare you just drive a car when the kangaroo court of bicycle radicals and "Atomkraft Nein Danke" vegans have decided cars are literally Hitler.

  17. If your issue is that you have a large head/face, you can try the xDeep frameless. It's great. My head isn't that big, but my nose is so the xDeep is perfect. I also have a beard and it doesn't leak at all, unlike every other mask I've ever tried.

  18. Thank you for the recommendation, I will check it out! Looks cool

  19. 100%. Ukraine is a “tar baby”. Western intelligence agencies fooled Putin into grabbing at it, he got stuck, and now the West has set it on fire. He can’t let go. Arms and information is flowing to Ukraine at exactly the rate calculated to utterly destroy the Oligarchy.

  20. Hhmmmmm I feel like I want a tin foil deflector beanie. The second part is interesting but I am not sure the West is THAT successful? Seems all these shit hole autocrats are crawling out of their holes more than ever before.

  21. The West is already tired though, most Americans couldn't find this place on a map let alone justify some kind of forever war. It's nam 2.0 after all the jingoism stops the reality sets in, there's always another war to care about later. I don't think Russia will actually want to go much further than the Dneiper anyway, they will carve out a buffer zone, Odessa will be the tricky bit as I don't think the West will want to lose it - Ukraine will just be a massive NATO ball ache after that, highly corrupt and needing to be armed in some kind of perpetual war footing - hardly the crowning jewel in the neo con play book that they envisioned. But yeah a lot of Russians died.

  22. It is too important for a smart, more independent EU with all the gas and oil fields offshore in Ukraine... On top of symbolic meaning, a country that wanted to be a Nato and eu member suddenly annexed.

  23. Anyone really surprised about the Serbs?

  24. Choose your instructor, independent of the org.

  25. How to know the instructor and the school are good, as a complete beginner? Beyond the bare obvious, the instructor seems friendly and the gear looks shiny and new...?

  26. "he he he he he" "hi hi hi hi hi hi"

  27. I wonder how ISIS actually feels about this, that they do an attack and the state they attacked actually lies about who did it. Usually they just get pointed back at and say "you bastards", I dont think they expected the "It wasnt you" response. Like imagine you were taken to court for assaulting someone and the guy you punched points to a jury member and says they did it. Its absurd.

  28. From the perspective of IS it is much worse, none of their attacks are as simple as let's do it and essentially they are offering services in a shadow market and get a sponsor etc so the whole thing takes time and preparation and negotiations and just all around work even before they start logistics.

  29. This needs levels of BennyHill theme that I think are not even possible...

  30. They'd be saying the same about Gaza 30 years later. We never learn.

  31. Dude, to this day people literally have not learnt from WW2 and the mechanisms used by the Nazis and the oppressive CCCP coldwar... It's different people employing those strategies nowadays but they proudly do so and celebrate themselves for it loudly.

  32. Nowadays if Frenchman will pull survivor from burning building somewhere in Africa, he will get accused of evil European colonialism by the very person he carries out of that burning building.

  33. I think the rescued person in real would thank them - but the whole Twitter kangaroo court of public opinion of the "woke" would call it all kinds of -ists and -phobes like you said.

  34. Homelessness is increasing in other cities too. It has skyrocketed in Köln in recent years.

  35. Es kann ja nur aufwärts gehen und bessererer werden mit dem tollen Betongold und der aktuellen Situation...

  36. Yes! In english it's probably like "open faced sandwiches" but not that big, or local it's "Brötchen". They have different toppings, 2-4 or so make a nice snack and they are delicious, and the place been around since forever and very popular. I think they make the best ones in Graz.

  37. Thanks so much, I've browsed through the photos and reviews. Definitely going to try it out!

  38. We often accompany them with some Sekt, Prosecco or Champagne when celebrating something. Frankowitsch has some good ones by the glass, but a beer or soda is just fine too ofc :) Enjoy!

  39. Saw an obviously army expat in Germany with one of those huge US pickups with fully raised Offroad suspension and a whole trim... I have no idea how he can afford the gas, much less fit thru the average German inner city and village streets lol

  40. After spending 3 weeks on CV and exploring 7 islands, I must say, I was pleasantly surprised, how little I was being asked for "donations" on my whole trip, and it was mostly teenage boys and older women. It was obvious that it was a routine "business approach" and they were not agitated by refusal. I don't remember on Sal that I was asked for money even once. So, as the biggest tourist center, I guess Sal has a bit different handout culture and it might be my firm and less approachable attitude.

  41. I can absolutely not mirror your comparison of Central Europe vs Sal. Maybe I look friendlier or something to the locals here ;-)))

  42. I don't know, maybe it is not about being "friendlier", but about being "touristier".

  43. I appreciate the detailed reply, I am also trying to travel as low-key as possible in most destinations. Flipflops or dirty Nikes, no brand plain T-Shirt I had on for days, some shorts. No jewelry nor watch nor anything. Cheap Motorola phone. I am obviously very white and blonde, can't speak much Portuguese but I don't speak loud and proud US-volume-levels of English. They chat me up repeatedly just sitting outside buddy's drinking a small Ponche in peace and quiet watching the crowd after I said hi to Mr Roberto. Not sure that counts as especially "touristy" since it seems a relatively popular place for locals as well, given it is Santa Maria? But I am not yet burn-tanned so that probably adds to it :) I'll tell the next one that shows up to fuckoff in a sharp tone.

  44. All of asia is the same way. White person is a walking ATM

  45. No idea why you being downvoted... This is not so far from the truth, for a part of the poor. Even some tourist attractions charge locals and foreigners differently for that reason. They all know foreigners can just go to the ATM and get more. Some even think because you have so much more you have sort of an obligation to pay and to give. Foreigners can always go to the seemingly infinite money source, the ATM. They have no concept of your budget.

  46. It sucks and is totally unfair but their logic is that since wages in foreign countries are multiples higher than their own country, foreigners can afford to pay more. The trip is very cheap for foreigners and they would not mind paying extra here and there and there as it would be still very cheap as compared to their own country and keep coming back regardless.

  47. I know. It is part of travelling to the region.

  48. "yesterday we texted for hours" - Well, there is your problem!

  49. If i havent spoken with her for hours, i wouldn’t have had enough evidence to back me up. After i gathered everything i needed , i blocked her everywhere.

  50. I'm not beating on you, I'm giving you an intentionally stern wakeup call because I can imagine how horrifying and terrible and confusing your situation must be.

  51. Das einzige Verbrechen is das Drecksbier

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