
  1. 25 is YOUNG. Stop over thinking these years and soak in as much as possible! These are literally your prime years. Make the most of it!

  2. Green or Oolong tea for antioxidants and natures version of ozempic. I also use green tea bags under my eyes when I finish the tea.

  3. I have severe acne scars from hormonal acne in my 20s and I honestly wish I went on accutane. I actually practice a holistic and homeopathic lifestyle and desperately wish I went on accutane. These scars have ruined my life, self esteem and confidence.

  4. Congrats, same! How did you find it? First half was smooth sailing for me but then when the sun properly came out I found it pretty hellish. Managed to shave 5 minutes off my PB but there were a couple of moments I wasn't sure if I'd finish at all!

  5. Woo hoo! Congrats! I loved it! I’m from Texas so I thrive (and prefer) the heat and sun! I struggled around 17-22 miles but managed to keep my pace to reach my goal. Congrats on your PB! You did it!

  6. I'm from Ireland so... I really don't :D I'll never complain about those wet and cold winter runs again ha. Thanks, enjoy the rest of your stay!

  7. Haha I live in London tho so the wet and cold winter was soooo hard for me!!! :( so many runs with the rain pelting me! I’m sure I cried on a few but the rain washed my tears away. Thanks, you too!

  8. Ran my last long run before my first marathon in a week! AND my fiancé joined me on it so it felt extra special. Only one week away from the marathon- here we go!

  9. It doesn’t hurt to try. Every vendor we booked with, we asked if they can offer a better price to fit within our budget. Almost every vendor agreed. Even if it was £50 here and there. It all adds up!

  10. She’ll just need proof of a visa to show at the airport when she departs. It happened to me. Either use the BRP card or you can go online and get the proof of visa with a share code.

  11. Congrats! Moving is a chore, but you got the momentum of your first place to keep you motivated.

  12. And also if they give you a move in check list that you have to do within 3 days- fill it out! No matter how tired you are. Do it!

  13. Not everyone aims to be kind-hearted and considerate of others. You should accept that not all people aim to be good-willed.

  14. Burn them in a ritual to curse their lives and every generation to come. Just kidding, probably just throw them away if it brings pain.

  15. Eyelashes. I don’t even need makeup but when I have my little fluttering lashes, I feel so cute.

  16. It’s absolutely gorgeous! Bow ties are normal on ovals! I just got engaged with a similar ring myself. This is YOUR life and YOUR ring! Rock the rock! 😍

  17. Literally was about to google if anyone else felt this way

  18. my chart ruler IS a malefic 🥲and it aspects my sun moon and venus

  19. Same and mine sits on my ASC & north node. It’s Saturn. 🙃

  20. You're 30 or older, it might be time to stop caring what others might be thinking.

  21. If you’re hiking, you’re never going to come across them again. Just pretend like you’re someone else for those few awkward moments. It’s not like they’d be able to identify you.🤷🏻‍♀️ If it was like a daily soccer practice with people you see regularly, maybe it would be awkward but you be a thought in peoples minds for a second and then they forget about it.

  22. The way they carry themself. Their attitude, posture and body language. While having physical attractiveness helps initially, comportment is what holds in the long run. The most unattractive person can be much more attractive overall with the way the carry themself.

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