
  1. those aren't side quests they are literally just exploring like every bioshock game has had lol

  2. I keep my Infinite 360 version on the shelf.

  3. Biggest issue in infinite is voxophones don’t have subtitles

  4. The animosity this sub has towards Infinite and Buried at Sea is getting tiring

  5. Can't expect much else from a subreddit for a game series that's functionally dead. Yeah there's a rumored sequel coming but even that's just a rumor, people are gonna get bored and run in circles.

  6. I don't get why people hate infinite all of sudden like it didn't get an overwhelmingly positive reception on it's release, but I prefer to take it as a sort of joke that everyone loves to shit on it now.

  7. Imo the post-credits scene would confirm that he indeed erased all Comstocks (except the BaS one) and got his daughter back, I guess.

  8. Booker is a 47yo soldier past his prime, Jack is a genetically enhanced fit 19yo with plasmid addiction resistance, stronger than normal body, he's very intelligent, being capable of crafting and hacking (that booker can't do). Booker is just an ordinary old man with ptsd and depression

  9. Bioshock fans when they inject themselves with a syringe they found in the trash (it must be a plasmid)

  10. Could Comstock even find happiness in rapture if Elizabeth never showed up?

  11. The civil war wouldn't have happened if Elizabeth didn't fuck everything up too.

  12. Yeah and she magically does it somehow - Sad that they NEEDED to create a god person to drive their plot. Like the Handymen and Songbird they just kept inflating it all - all powerful being who can see and sift infinite universes etc....

  13. It has been a decade and y'all are still complaining about Infinite. It sounds like you have been losing sleep over it.

  14. No tengo favorito, creo que todos son muy buenos por diferentes razones y me gusta pensar que están todos a la misma altura. En general la saga fue bastante inovadora en su momento por la atmósfera y la historia que involucra temas políticos y filosóficos pero el gameplay en todos los juegos envejeció bastante mal y es algo repetitivo. Bioshock 2 tuvo el mejor gameplay de los 3 pero una historia un poco mas débil.

  15. Standard diving dresses weight almost 200 pounds, I couldn't even stand with a big daddy suit unless I was spliced as shit. Jack must have been stronger than a gorilla to run around with that thing on.

  16. If it gets cancelled I'm probably gonna smash my left nut with a sledgehammer

  17. If it gets cancelled I'm probably gonna smash my left nut with a sledgehammer

  18. It's not so much that Booker had to die, it's had Comstock had to die before he finished the Baptism. The only way to do that is to make Comstock's death a Constant and not a Variable. To make Comstock's death a Constant Elizabeth has to merge all the soon to be Comstocks into a single version and kill him. But since "Comstock" would certainly fight (and one or more would survive)so to control Comstock Elizabeth merges them with out Booker as Booker will die to stop Comstock (and he won't change his mind about it so it's a Constant). So when Booker dies, Comstock dies with him. sm

  19. I think Elizabeth sees that Booker being a bad guy in one timeline makes him deserving of death in every timeline.

  20. The post credits scene would indicate he didn't die in all timelines.

  21. The rumors I read on the internet say it's gonna take place in Antarctica and it's gonna have a 60s british invasion vibe.

  22. Bioshock 1: 3 times/ Bioshock 2: twice/ Minerva's den: once/ Bioshock infinite: twice/ BaS: twice

  23. This is my first time on this sub but I'm pretty amazed to see people saying 2 is the best in the series. I've always heard of it as being a time filler game because of the long release of Infinite. I'm all about exploring new environments and to me 1 and Inf had me hooked in one or two sittings back when they came out. Two felt more repetitive. I can understand people preferring it's combat though.

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