
  1. No, red handles just mean they go on the positive side.

  2. The big picture issue here is that traditional economic measurement, management and predictions are very different from a crisis scenario.

  3. I love these roses are red poems. I like them weird like “roses are red, my name is dave. Can I have your number? Microwave.”

  4. That's because the opposite of Democracy isn't Communism.

  5. I was a medic in the army and was pulling coverage at a range just chilling in my truck once. Nco(supervisor) comes up trying to give me shit ab not doing anything productive. I was like, sure, I'll go break someone's arm or drop an ammo crate on someone's foot just to rock that busy look. He was like, that's not what I meant. I told him it was good for me to not be busy and to stay not busy and available in the event that I needed to move with a sense of purpose to an emergency. He frustratedly grunted at me and left me alone. People that don't understand that it's a good thing for emergency personal to be sitting around not doing shit are morons.

  6. I'd have offered to immediately treat his "dumbfuck-itis".

  7. The FAR games (Lone Sails is the first, and Changing Tides is the sequel) both have some very dark weather events, accompanying moody music and art work.

  8. The TV licence inspectors do it while they are there.

  9. I’m surprised Reddit talked him down normally they jump straight to cheating and divorce.

  10. "Is the mother of my children cheating on me, or am I a man who forgets important dates?"

  11. That's why I implied - don't stop at the counter.

  12. Would you do this on "Bring Your Gun To Work Day", though?

  13. Imagine having to have sex in front of a bear because it's got separation anxiety. I'm not saying this bear has separation anxiety, but they HAVE TO share everything, like just imagine. What if it thought somebody was hurting somebody?

  14. Oh I still get nightmares where I'm swimming in the middle of an ocean on an alien planet with no boat, and I look into the depths and see large shadows move beneath me. But the most frightening thing aren't these shadows, it's something far far deeper where I can see a pattern of dancing lights, perhaps belonging to an enormous tentacle monster and then I wake up in a cold sweat.

  15. You should do psychedelics and play Subnautica

  16. I did. I had a pro come over and got a quote. He told me how to take it down myself and what to wear and everything. He’s coming to collect it all once bagged and wrapped. Just wondering about the nails thing themselves for minimal breakage.

  17. Thin wedge behind the board to lift the board and nail together.

  18. Not just all the time saved but 45k strata you'd hope is at least 10 years. To own a house for 10 years and not spend a cent on preventative maintenance or even just a personal DIY project? hell 10 years without painting a room cause the paint is fading?

  19. Yes. It's your house. You can do or not do what you like.

  20. I cried uncontrollably when I was home waiting for Wendy’s. My husband ate all the fries while driving home. That’s all I wanted….fries. He felt so bad & went back out for fries. That’s when we both realized hormones are batsh#t crazy

  21. The 45deg pick is the king of the hook & pick set.

  22. Yea it's very much a phrase here referring to crossing the Atlantic. I suppose if you're in France a rowboat is not as bad.

  23. When they evacuated Dunkirk, didn't hundreds of row boats get to England? It's like, a famous WWII history trope that everyone with an ancient dinghy or a canoe or a half-rusted out pontoon went over and retrieved a soldier.

  24. Just trying to keep rats out of it, officer.

  25. The Kmart shoes last about 25% of the time of a branded pair from sports or shoe store though and they are not as comfortable for the most part so sure when they are tiny and growing out of shoes all the time kids can have cheap shoes but after about 6yrs it’s false economy to always buy shoes at Kmart.

  26. He was asked to leave and refused, forcing the front desk to put a locked door between them and hit the “panic button”. Their own words. That’s not sensible or reasonable.

  27. Except now we know cops were called and no charges were laid - indicating there was a pretend REA freak-out to avoid discussing how they were railroading tenants.

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