
  1. Enemies in your next combats have 1 HP

  2. Between turnip or ginger, whichever one prevents vulnerable should probably be bumped up.

  3. Turnip and Ginger prevent frail and weak, respectively.

  4. Is there anywhere to read up on the metadata stuff/behind the scenes probabilities? I had no idea having a card could trigger certain relics.

  5. Skewer can still be played on 0 energy to proc the ninja relics.

  6. I just noticed it is a counterpart to [[Smite]].

  7. Unfortunately there's no equivalent to Battle Hymn. Adding a Safety to your hand every turn would be strong!

  8. Alchemize and Beast will carry Bark. Let us know how you did!

  9. Ironclad only has 2 targeted exhaust cards: True Grit and Burning Pact. All of the other exhaust synergies come from the cards exhausting themselves, not other card targeting them.

  10. Also Sever Soul, Second Wind, and Fiend Fire

  11. What skills are worth picking before Nob?

  12. The prices have to be consistent during the whole market so vendors do not undercut other vendors or gouge customers. The prices are normally published on vendor’s signage

  13. For reference I am currently playing as watcher with tear drop locket and mango, so I regretted turning pain into writhe. :(

  14. Why do specific hallway fights have a different chance of appearing? I would’ve assumed they were all equally likely. Is the easy pool like this too?

  15. Tavolino’s! Even their takeout is incredible. Just brought home their mushroom bolognese last night.

  16. I wish this potion was reworked to permanently upgrade a card in your hand.

  17. Would this card be any stronger if it read “Gain 10 mantra, Die next turn”? Probably makes Brilliance a bit better.

  18. What early game common and uncommon cards do you look for laga and nob with each character?

  19. Ironclad: Hemokenesis, Pommel Strike

  20. Would this be better/worse as a colorless card, or do you like it as a Silent rare?

  21. I wish that it was reworked to give an additional potion slot or allow brewing potions at campfires.

  22. This percentage is the product of two values:

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