
  1. I do not know the actual meaning of this bullet. It could be a confused protestor who can't distinguish between the UW and Madison.

  2. UW did buy some private land that had housing for Levy Hall (across Johnson from Grainger). There was an old house and I think a couple of triplexes. It also got rid of 2 small dorms: Zoe Bayliss Coop and Susan B Davis.

  3. Wisconsin is a Medicaid expansion state. You can use pre-tax deductions to lower your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) which is the basis for eligibility. If your employer offers a 401k, 403b, FSA, or other benefits you can use those to decrease your MAGI. Even if your employer offers no benefits you can still open a traditional IRA and contribute just enough each month to keep your MAGI just under the threshold for Medicaid.

  4. The number alone means very little. It’s all about context and scale.

  5. Yep. Neither my husband nor I make over $100K. We are in a much better place than others with our income. We have no kids. My husband bought our house 20 years ago and lots of sweat equity. Our mortgage is similar to a 1 bedroom apartment in an acceptable but not prime location. I have a student loan with $50 payments. He has no student loans.

  6. We have unemployment insurance managed by the govt, which pays out about 30-40% of what you normally make for about 6 months, then you get cut off. Hospital emergency rooms must treat everyone regardless of whether they can pay or not, but can also come after you through the courts to pay for the fees in most states after the fact.

  7. I am middle class now with “decent” health insurance in the United States. I cannot get advanced procedures quickly. I cannot even see a dermatologist quickly.

  8. It’s very common to see this comment in the Dating over 40 sub! Everyone and their mother looks “ not my age and at least 10 years younger “🤦🏽‍♀️.

  9. When I was dating (15 years ago), every man over 40 had “looks and acts much younger” in his profile. None of them looked much younger. People often assume I am younger. It’s not that I have young looking skin. It’s that I am the oldest in my friend group. I don’t have kids and still do activities associated with younger people (because they are difficult to fit it once you have a family).

  10. Not having a lot of prior relationships (as an older person). When I met my husband, he was 34 and had had only one serious relationship up until that point which was 15 years prior.

  11. That sounds a lot like my husband except he had never had a serious girlfriend. I had more relationships, but I spent most of my adulthood single. The bonus in dating these kind of guys is no kids. I don’t want children. We have been together over 15 years.

  12. I ended up with a stable income, good paying job, and comfortable financial situation a year or two ago and am still there. Honestly, it was a relief at first, but then I realized how easily something like a chronic illness could wipe it all out. It was disappointing for a bit.

  13. Yes, the stress is so much less. I also have an emergency fund. Having the emergency fund is when I felt I made it. It felt like I was always about to make it stability and then the car or my tooth would break. I work for a state university so I have do have retirement fund. We are required to contribute to our pension. It won’t be a retirement of leisure, but it is something.

  14. Nothing significant so far. I had the tooth removed in September 2019. I have not noticed anything nor has my dentist mentioned anything about it.

  15. I have been in that situation. I went in debt and got the root canal. I have no regrets. I have had a few root canals. One did fail after several years and the tooth had to be removed. I was lucky in that it was an end molar. I did not get an implant to replace it. You may also have to replace the crown years down the road. It’s all a gamble. You also know your financial situation best.

  16. There are legitimate work from home jobs. However, there is a lot of competition for these jobs, especially for people without specific training and experience. They mostly call center jobs. I don’t know that they would provide the flexibility you need for your classes, but it is worth a shot.

  17. most washing machines are also clothes dryers....isnt that the same everywhere?

  18. We have them in the United States. I saw them when my in-laws were looking for an RV. They take up less space,but they take forever to use. I think all the dryers are the condensation type which suck.

  19. I saw a listing for a house with a Kosher kitchen. I was thinking having extra appliances would be so nice for entertaining or cooking with family.

  20. I kept my full time job and took 1 or 2 classes every semester until I graduated. It’s all I could afford and it was all I had time for.

  21. I did the same. I was in an IT program at my local tech school. Almost everyone in my program was doing the same. I was lucky to get partial tuition repayment from my employer for a few classes.

  22. My stock answer to shoe retailer questions is The Shoe Box in Black Earth. Give them a try.

  23. I was just there last week. They have a wide array of sizes, even in the bargain building.

  24. When my neighbor puts up a fence, I get a fence for free.

  25. I wish my neighbor would build a fence! He’s going through a divorce so I don’t think there is any way I could behave bad enough to compel him to build a fence.

  26. My athletic shoes only last 6 - 9 months. They actually look OK, but the cushioning is dead. I am prone to shin sprints and plantar fasciitis so I notice that. However, the rest of my shoes last years. I usually buy expensive shoes (high quality but not high style) that I found for cheap. I got a pair of Mephistos for $20. They are about 10 years old and still OK to wear. I would have some even older shoes, but my feet grew a half a size about 10 years ago.

  27. That's one area I learned not to scrimp, years ago. Dawn is the best and if you get grease on your clothes, it does double duty for that.

  28. Agreed! Dawn + Vinegar is a great household cleaner, too. It was the only thing that got through the soap scum on my shower door. Dawn Powerwash is great, too. You can buy a bottle and then just make it yourself. It is great for degreasing anything.

  29. I did it in my mid 30s. I did it part time while working full time. I was able to get partial tuition reimbursement from my employer. I went to the local tech school so it wasn’t overly expensive. I do not have kids so that made it easier for me. Many of my classmates had full time jobs and kids. I don’t know how they did it, but they did. I ended up with a new job with that same employer with about a 50% increase in salary.

  30. I would Google FedEx interview questions. I would also review a history of the company. Start thinking of specific scenarios where you were able to handle a difficult customer. Good luck!

  31. I used to live a few blocks from a silk clothing outlet so I learned how wonderful silk is. They are super thin so they fit under almost anything. They feel great next to the skin. They do keep you a bit warm. But so does polyester lining. However, they don't give me dermatitis if I sweat like polyester or nylon. I also wear a lot of the Costco long underwear. Not as thin but cheaper. Both make awesome pajama bottoms, too.

  32. Is this silk underwear like what I would buy at REI for layering in the winter? I think I have a pair somewhere, will have to dig them out. Thanks for the reminder!

  33. I have hard woods with a few throw rugs, oh and a great Dane and a doberman both very active. I run my roborock twice a day and it's full both times. It does miss some spots but weekly I just sweep the misses. Overall I think it's worth it.

  34. Thank you! I was searching for a comment that covered hard surface floors with rugs.

  35. I live about 45 minutes away. I go in about once or twice a month. I am really glad that I don't have to do it more often. It's a lot of lost time. I have to drive because there is no public transportation. My husband loves being in a rural area. I only agreed to move after my job went hybrid. I would only do 3 hours if it meant I could also afford a efficiency near work. (And then there would be things other than works that I would enjoy doing.)

  36. I had a coworker who had a family of four and they ate out exclusively. Nobody cooked in their house supposedly. The caveat is that my coworker never ate a single crumb all day. I never saw them drink water, eat a snack, bring a lunch, go out to lunch, nothing. They sat at their desk for 8 hours straight every single day. Not sure that’s the case for everyone who eats out exclusively but it seems like if you’re only eating 1-2 meals a day (not sure what the breakfast situation was) it would be comparable to buying groceries. Esp if when you eat out it’s fast food. No judgement to this person whatsoever btw—that’s just how they lived and it seemed to work for them. I’m also not sure where they went out to eat primarily.

  37. I dated a guy in college who normally just ate one meal a around 3 or 4 p.m. He would go to whatever fast food place had a deal at the time. We dated when there was a 2 for 1 Whopper deal. He didn't seem to have any ill effects from the diet. We were also 20 years old.

  38. I hate it for a different reason. I am usually on the first floor. Therefore, I don’t have to keep walking upstairs to move the laundry from washer to dryer.

  39. I took Knife Skills with Chef Paul a few years ago. It was fun, useful, and inexpensive. It looks like he has another one coming up:

  40. I don’t know one person in their 20s or 30s that has an 80k car to be honest. I know a lot of people with a lot of good jobs. I know more doctors with Corollas and Civics than BMWs and Mercedes.

  41. Neither do I. I am in my 50s. None of my friends have an $80K car. I have a couple of rich relatives older than me that do have cars over $80K. Some of them could even afford one. I thought I was pretty fancy buying a car around $30K. I wasn't sure if I should do it, but I was finally doing OK financially.

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