
  1. Good for you, pal. And I agree with ya when it comes to exports. Buuut unless those Chinese EVs can be sold in the West, Western Automakers won't give a pimple on a flee. At least for US markets.

  2. Since all of you wealth is mostly liquid, I suggest buying some property or appreciating assets.

  3. Swell! Mind sharing your journey in brief and actions you took so some of us mere mortals get inspired?

  4. Was fat, sick and drunk all the time. I knew I needed to do something but figured I could always start when I gained 5 more lbs. That led to me never weighing myself. No idea what weight I actually was but the last measurement was 267 lbs. What got me to start was seeing pictures of me with my kids. I looked terrible and unhealthy. I found this subreddit and started reading everything here and watching YouTube videos. Slowly started walking every morning and shrinking down my eating window. Never counted calories or worried about what I ate. Went to one meal a day then rolling 72 hour fasts. It felt amazing seeing the scale go down I and I felt great. A year ago I joined the gym and quit drinking. That really made a huge difference.

  5. 10 years ago may be. 100k doesnt really go that far today.

  6. As a parent to a wonderful son on the autism spectrum, I created an app using a simple, visual five-point scale to help children like my son express their feelings from "upset" to "calm" using intuitive colors, numbers, and emojis. It’s designed for ease—no sign-ins, just straightforward help right when it’s needed. It's completely free because I believe every child deserves the tools to thrive emotionally.

  7. The publicist scheduled the meeting between Trump and Daniels. From all accounts, Trump was ready and expecting sex. Daniels testimony implies that she was just meeting Trump, as if she did not know she was meeting for sex.

  8. Bill Clinton has entered the "chat"

  9. Bill Clinton was a moron too who desecrated presidential office. But during his period, we balanced the budget, and those 8 years saw unprecedented economic growth.

  10. No. It's been around for a while. But, now, because of more computing power, advancement in models, and availability in edge computing (like device clipped onnto a belt), its applications and use cases are more realistic.

  11. The HBO series really did an incredible job with recreating the set true to what it looked like.

  12. And to know almost all of these people in the footage died.

  13. All the left vs right and boomer vs millenial and men vs women polarizing rhetoric exists for one purpose: to keep the working people from uniting against the wealthy who are bleeding us dry. So we are struggling, and there is no hope for us because we would rather fight about abortion than unite to bring down the hedge funds that have turned us into rent cattle.

  14. Agreed. Best thing to do is rise beyond the paycheck mentality and think of starting businesses. As small as you can. Create something, anything. But it's will be yours. Be a microprenuer, entrepreneur, or small business people. Start somewhere. Learn new skills, vocational or technical. Be your own boss.

  15. The slow response is the best, he just needs some time to process it all

  16. At least the area upstairs wasn't full of rats or pythons

  17. The quality of a large language model (LLM) depends on several factors, including training data quality, dataset size, and model parameters.

  18. My brother and I are seasoned builders. Following the success of designjoy, we're considering launching a no-code fixing service tailored for no-code startup founders. We would handle tasks that are too difficult or annoying for them to fix or deliver in exchange for a flat monthly fee, ranging from 4-6k USD for unlimited tasks, one at a time, delivered within 48 hours. Members can cancel or pause their membership anytime.

  19. Not a no code founder but I have helped a couple. Have my own agency to help startups with shoestring budgets.

  20. Why is this surprising? US had its maddive growth spurs in 1920s and post WW2. Post 90s was the time for Asian developing countries to grow.

  21. It was 2016 and I felt like a lost soul after I could not go back to Kepler 22b

  22. Zelensky term ends on 21st. If Russia doesn't consider him a legal head of state after that, he is fair game to be hunted down.

  23. It is hard to make it anywhere. The zipcode or pincode you are born in determined much of your life.

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