
  1. People are unable to differentiate.

  2. Your pre-custodes models, which exists since before the lore, have nothing to do with the custodes lore.

  3. These ridiculously oversized fronts on the murican truck do 2 things:

  4. To make it short: most people seeing the trailer react with 'what the f*ck is even that?!'

  5. People here arguing that the bushings need to be 'military grade' and thus cost as much are so delusional.

  6. Wenn du die nötigen Lohnbescheinigungen nicht vollständig vorlegen kannst, so ist von der Behörde bei der du den Antrag gestellt hast beim Arbeitgeber die erstellung der Verdienstbescheinigung zu verlangen. §9 BEEG.

  7. Hi, danke für die Antwort, Die Lohnbescheinigungen wurden ordnungsgemäß ausgeteilt, eine habe ich jedoch nicht mehr..

  8. Really tired of those 'why didn't I win' posts

  9. In Hyperroll, 2-4 of top 4 play Bard or Tahm,

  10. So she slept with other women while being in a marriage worh you...?

  11. Warum KITA oder Aufklärung/Präventionsmassnahnen finanzieren wenn man 5 mio. Für Hetze hat!

  12. I could dismember a colleague and would face less than 35 years in jail.

  13. Yes this is sadly the standard in the industry..

  14. The card looks cool, both aragorn cards are drawn very beautifully.

  15. Or destroying statues and sculptures of Caesar because he massacred your Gallic ancestors

  16. This guy is mad because he understood ur analogy and dislikes that it proves his opinion wrong.

  17. But her friend anyways did not embrace her but put a phone in front of her?? Doesn't matter then right?

  18. I think release struggles are over, but im guessing from comments on reddit only

  19. It's, as often, not a hardware problem, the game chews about 2x the computing power it should.

  20. From what I’ve dug up they’ve admitted they’re on an old Unity build and it would require “a year of dev work” to move it up. The current engine not supporting the new bandaid of DLSS/FSR is very unfortunate.

  21. That's unfortunate, so there's no reason to hipe the game becomes significantly more compatible with weaker rigs, if I get this right.

  22. I mean life expectancy in the US goes down and isn't comparable to other developed countries, so 🤷

  23. Waiting for the “just play offline” responses from the people who don’t understand online arpgs.

  24. I play offline, this is grim dawn 2.0 for me

  25. Comics are about sexuality now, just like almost anything gets devoured by it

  26. I thought we got a pimped grim dawn, and that's what happened.

  27. She does have a point, people just assume it's sexist by default.

  28. I agree about the intelligence, however, famous women are known for their sex-appeal instead of actual achievements 90% of the time. That's just a fact, even if you don't like it.

  29. Head of gemini AI: 'Do your part of in recognizing bias at all levels'

  30. If you told me years ago that I would be praising a mobile Diablo game over a main entry into the franchise, well I'd be very surprised.

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