
  1. im having the same issue, ive done the invite quest but the only options when i interact with her is go back, shop, and exit

  2. as a faust main i go out of my way too challenge nagos and chaos's because its more satisfying when i win

  3. We used to play a specific version of that in high school where the challenge was to hit the random article button and make it to the Adolf Hitler page in as few pages as possible, we called it Six Degrees from Hitler, because the goal was to do it in six or less articles and it is almost always possible

  4. Terraspark is so easy to get in calamity, practically pre skeletron

  5. I’ve never seen someone who plays with music off before lmao

  6. I would but then I wouldn't get to hear the funny music when I find a q4

  7. While the answer would just be “exactly as in canon”, I’d die if he tried to do a “casual” podcast. Like imagine he has one of these Reddit commentary podcasts and tries discussing AITA posts that’d be hilarious

  8. "AITA for turning my best friend into a bioweapon and being the catalyst for a 100 year long war"

  9. If you like simple objects - SCP-173, SCP-096,SCP-106, SCP-049, SCP-035 etc. If you like complex ones - SCP-5999, SCP-5000, SCP-3001, SCP-6747 etc. If you like stories you can start with any of them

  10. Even after reading 5999 I'm still very confused by what exactly it is

  11. [[Dr. Shaw Is No Longer Allowed To Use Temporal Anomalies In Order To Travel Back in Time So He Can Kill Hitler]]

  12. On the topic of funny articles I'm a big fan of [[Excerpts From "How To Survive When Reality Doesn't", by Alto Clef]]

  13. I don't understand the obsession with watching the one peice anime, Oda's artwork is simply incredible and should be experienced in its most faithful form (that you can read, I'll be sticking to the translated manga due to me being a dummy American who only speaks and reads English)

  14. So the last prime is gonna be tantalus or the guy who got stuck on a bench or the Prometheus rip-off assuming that by “what they’ve done in the underworld” you mean “after they died”

  15. I see you discovered the fun of the lost, honestly one of the best characters. Honestly, this is a good strat, plus you get all the premium crazy items that come as unlocks with those harder characters.

  16. I unlocked the lost recently and love him, for some reason I tend to just get better items as him and not having to worry about hp is really nice

  17. This may sound rude, but do people download hacks that make you dodge everything? Is that a thing?

  18. Wai, the tricorn counts for that? You're telling me I didn't need to grind until I got lucky and had a god run?

  19. As long as you hit them at least once before using the tricorn

  20. how does the bot even work? you you just go [[list of anomalous objects]] and hope for the best?

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