
  1. I did 444 earlier and i really liked it, it might be the winner

  2. It sucks - of course you feel alone! You've been with this guy for 4 years, it's like losing a part of yourself.

  3. That’s some solid advice. Thank you.

  4. When my dad came into my work to tell me my brother passed away

  5. The teacher told us her “college friend” got pregnant during a fully clothed make out session with her boyfriend. Apparently her friend was straddling him and he ejaculated and it went through his jeans and her jeans....

  6. My dad got our puppy 3-4 months after our dog passed. He made it clear that the puppy was not intended to be a replacement, that no dog could replace our first. I still think of my dog almost every day

  7. They helped me. I never wanted to rely on medication for anything. I stuck to therapy and used all the coping skills they taught me and i still struggled. Before i decided to start them, i looked up my options, weighed out the downsides, considered my quality of life. Definitely talk to your doctor!!

  8. I live near Detroit. Is it open to the public ?

  9. Yes. They are so vivid and are almost always related to my trauma. Sometimes during the day I’ll get ‘flashbacks’ of the dream and I’ll feel very unsettled, like how i would feel in a nightmare.

  10. I hope this doesn’t sound insensitive but i would maybe seek a therapist. The best thing for me to over come my bad experience off 9g+ was to talk about it as much as possible. The more i talked about it the better I understood it and the less it made me panic

  11. I've just been broken up by a therapist because I missed too many sessions, I keep sleeping through them 😭

  12. I waited about 4 months before i tripped again. I started small, 1.5 for my 1st trip after the bad one. Now i can do 3.5 (the most i would personally ever do) with no problems. I also like to keep Xanax or some Benzo around just in case the trip goes bad. Sometimes just having it in case you need it will prevent anxiety before tripping. I have not had a bad experience since then. I hope you are able to do them again someday! I would suggest microdosing as well. It’s done wonders for my GAD and PTSD.

  13. Seriously stunning!!! Took my breath away :) Congratulations!

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