
  1. Why do people have such a thing for legally being allowed to do anything with their prescription? I feel like a lot don’t really understand that no one cares what you do with it as long as you aren’t selling it.

  2. This is horrible but like 0 survival skills? No punches just let it happen wtf

  3. Bro I have been chased more times than I would like to count by dogs. I don’t give a fuck I’m gone 😂😂

  4. Brotha, just shave it off or get waves. It’ll save you a lot of time and money. If you want to spend the money and time to look fly then go see a dermatologist and get a looser style that won’t push ur shit back to 85’

  5. I don’t know what you’re all on about, The NWT is literally the most reliable Bible. There’s even an entire section in it that tells you exactly how reliable it is, IF you can stay awake long enough to read it… and when it doesn’t make any sense don’t worry!!! Just pretend it does and then all the JWs will think that you’re super smart 👍🤭😂😂🤪😏

  6. HB Chapel is really good, only thing that holds it from being 10/10 is how dry it is.

  7. This happened to me when I was a kid, I still have the scar across chest and arms. It was so incredibly painful and uncomfortable for so long.

  8. The human condition can be so fucked sometimes. The top of her head is literally being eaten away but she still needs to get that fix or she can potentially die from the withdrawal that comes from not doing whatever drugs she’s on.

  9. Heroin withdrawals are not normally fatal, it just feels like you’re dying. Alcohol withdrawal is more deadly and more likely to be fatal.

  10. Shame, would’ve been even better if you left it a few more weeks.

  11. 1 don’t admit 2 why u smoking weed in an abandoned building??

  12. What the hell happened!? Edit: this is but a fraction of the lives lost assaulting Avdikka

  13. I would genuinely like to know if anyone has any idea or info?

  14. No it doesn't. I watch all the footage on all the different subreddits and the Ukrainians objectively are killing vastly more Russians. Also downvoting has no effect because anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together uses sort by new for a subreddit like this.

  15. Hey, could you link me all the subreddits you use specifically for this?

  16. I use to go here a lot. All of assemblies were here. I hated that building so much. I have such strong memories of this place. I live in Lincoln, it wasn’t far to travel for us so we would regularly go clean and do gardening shit. I’m so glad that I don’t have to go there anymore.

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