
  1. Bruv planned a whole anime plot just for a cup'o'wa'a

  2. Everybody around talking about ntr and nft or cuck or cook, i don't know nothing about all that, all i want is to know who animated this scene? that animation smooth as silk

  3. I don't want to be harsh, but that looks purposely bad, you should really do some basic research, color composition, contrast, and many more, just search for design basics in youtube will get you on the right feet, all love

  4. When 31 of 32 toons are actively participating in an objective and Mr Friendly is doing their thing, I have come to believe it is Mr Friendly who is not being respectful of their teammates and giving the other, an advantage in numbers. There are servers for “Friendlys”. However in midst of two opposing teams trying to murder each other while simultaneously attempting to pursue an objective, no one should cry about being killed. One just respawns again anyhow to “not participate” what’s the issue?

  5. I'm not defending them, but that is the kind of thing in wich is not worth bothering to get angry at, in a 32 players server, a single person represents ~3.12% of the mathematical player weight, however, as tf2 has a ridiculous skill variety, this falls under the error margin, as 3 very skilled could output more than 6 average players, or how a cloacked spy sitting for 5 minutes in a corner can not output as much as 5 bad players, and so on (bad analogy but i hope it gets the point) a idle/friendly is not as impactfull as you believe when you put it in the point of the pen.

  6. But that’s the thing. I don’t get upset by them. They in turn get upset about being killed repeatedly. Why be upset about being killed if you’re not actively participating in the objective. If they are there for chat, why worry that I’m using them to speed up my Bazaar Bargain?

  7. as i said in the original comment, those are not actual friendlies, but rather passive players, and people can throw as many rocks at me as they want, i think those kind of people are actually more toxic than most try-hards wich just want to play the game.

  8. Cara, todos os Fallouts tĂȘm esse sistema de mira paia, eu amo a franquia mas esse aspecto do combate (chamados V.A.T.S) sempre foi broxante pra mim, porĂ©m dĂĄ pra vocĂȘ ignorar ele completamente, sĂł nĂŁo focar nada em melhorar eles, e nunca usar, que vocĂȘ tem um First Person Shooter meia-boca (O combate do jogo nĂŁo Ă© muito decente pra ser real)

  9. Faz bastante tempo que não jogo os pre 3D, então peço desculpa pelo erro

  10. It's mwheeldown +jump & muscle memory from years of bhopping in source games.

  11. I don't think muscle memory matter as much as you make it seems , been hoping almost a decade now, can't do it consistently unless the server have hops plugins, neither do most of veteran trolldiers i meet along the path, however, i give you the benefit of the doubt because once in a bluemoon they simply seem to connect.

  12. Damn, i was so used to them mimicking human movement i actually forgot that perfectly imitate a human is not their "ceiling" the realization of how far can it go now scares me

  13. Totally agree. Demo and pyro have too much chaotic explosions and fire to have nice composition

  14. i actually think Demo got it too blend in colors, not enough contrast in those explosions, making pyro score a little more

  15. Another soul battered and broken, cast aside like a spent torch.:29273:

  16. I DONT CARE, IM FREAKING IRRATIONAL :29278::29278::29278::29278::29278:

  17. Haha, as expected, no worries tho, we all been there

  18. hey you said he needed to be a helpless fleer and i gave you 2 separate options, one being it's purely a support tool to help your teammates or it helps also the enemy

  19. sorry pal, both are pretty bad design option, making enemies also be affected still a tool for the sniper as he is the one in charge of when it happens, making teammetes affected is only a new way to grief other players aswell,

  20. I was the one saying he needs to be a helpless fleer.

  21. acho que vocĂȘ cometeu um erro, o "nvr" no nome do sub significa "na vida real" e nĂŁo "never"

  22. in 10, i guess around 1 or 2 ruins might give blueprints, it is not extremely rare but is for sure uncommon.

  23. i might be wrong, but commonly fire light is warmish red, dependent on the intensity, the smaller the fire, the more red it will be, i don't think the game properly represents that, i would not recommend any mod as light is being modified for next update, so any mod could get you used to something that might be soon changed

  24. Next update is going to be in a year or maybe more tho

  25. oh yeah, sorry, i fogot people use to play around a lot, i only play once or twice a month, a year fly by for me, but for some a whole year is pretty long, sorry

  26. I think storing the logs in bags and deloading in a pile is more time efficient because of transfering speed multiplier, isn't it? And still, if you are not making your base out of wood logs, you can just lay the walls frame before the actual wall

  27. you're gonna use wood anyway, i haven't heard of people individually wrapping their logs in garbage bags because it's quicker to transfer, and if you build a wall, realize you want a bigger kitchen, you have to take the wall down

  28. No, no, I don't mean garbage bags, almost none weight reduction, duffles and large backpacks can ahold some 4-log packs, then unpacking is fast as it can be.

  29. garbage bags, or any other kind of bag, handbag, duffle, etc. put your loot inside a carriable container before dumping it in your base floor, later on, when you finally decide to sort it all out you can just grab the bags and waddle around storing it all, it will cut you a lot of transfering time and a lot of back and forth from the stash to the container

  30. This is pretty niche but sometimes I play a L4D version. Lots of guns, fast zombies, high population. It’s becomes very fast past so if you’re looking to mix it up it can be fun.

  31. i can look at it for fun, but i don't see me playing that for more than a couple hours

  32. Pretty overpowered, combo pyros already don't use the flamethrower as main damage source, more available airblasts would only make errors more forgiving before they need to recharge, If i'm not mistaken, degreaser used to have more charges than stock when it was firstly introduced, requiring Nerf, and your concept is pretty similar to it

  33. I find fun in the min/maxing. I accept most people do not. I'm looking for more ways to increase way I enjoy the game so hoping to find more.

  34. Oh i feel you, received some harsh comments in a post some days Ago, im climbing prestige levels, and i cannot, for the love of everything, not get upset once a settler leaves or dies, so i decided to avoid It at all costs, i do most of the things tou listed above, but the woodbanking and hearth juggle were new ones, thanks.

  35. It should be removed, it makes no sense that sniper gets flinch from anyone but heavy.

  36. he does can muscle memory the consistent flick, but he can't react in time, let me explain:

  37. If you don't like people dying in your settlement, a rogue lite may not be the genre for you. Sacrificing settlers is a powerful tool in later difficulties.

  38. i'll have to disagree, it has proven to be extremely fun until now, even more with the 0 deaths challange, if the game even rewards you for doing so, i think it should be encouraged to do so, as long as you are having fun with the challange, and my nature is to minmax those kinda of games,

  39. sorry if you think that way brother, i'm not trying to pick a fight, just looking for advice of people who played longer than me, i'm not better, i just like to challange myself, again, not trying to pick a fight, have a good one m8!

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