
  1. We unfortunately do not plan to post more Spanish speaking content, sorry!

  2. He's not just on YouTube anymore. He also started his channel during the pandemic which gave him (and his small team) a ton of time to produce 3-4 videos per week. I imagine he has a lot of employees because they're not all full-time and tasks are delegated amongst a set number of people instead of just 1.

  3. You think one person just randomly picks out all those flannels? You gotta flannel by committee.

  4. Reach out to the Ballen Studios LinkedIn page. Our head of HR (Jenn Wood) check that.

  5. Thank you! I will! Btw..that Chris Williamson interview that you did a couple weeks ago was really informative.

  6. This hasn't happened to me, but i live in NH and one podcast story took place an hour away from me, and another one took place about 20 minutes away from me just over the border in ME.

  7. Um. Wow. Hi MrBallen! Hope all is well with you and amazed you found my comment. You have like the skill level of a Navy SEAL…

  8. I definitely went to a bunch of padres games when I was out there. I still have a soft spot in my heart for the padres, but prob not a life long fan haha

  9. Read through the comments and, wow people are really split over this!

  10. Hey MrBallen! I didn’t think you would see this. You’re the only YouTuber that does ads I actually watch. A deadpan approach would be hilarious! Do what ever you want to do, I’m here for it.

  11. Thanks!! And thanks for posting this, I’ve wanted to see what people thought of the LUNG for sometime now haha

  12. There’s a post of a SEAL out there (forgot his name), where he talks about people asking these types of questions. He mentions that people care so much about things they can’t control.

  13. Tease the ending but don’t reveal it at the start. And then don’t give away the ending till the end.

  14. I read somewhere that he thought it was disrespectful to the story and the victims he was talking about in his videos

  15. Wow thank you!! I don’t really know how this works, but if you manually added 350+ episodes, that’s straight up legendary!! Thank you!!!!!

  16. So hard to pick just one, so I’ll give my top 3

  17. Move into the apartment above the Like Button and start running on your treadmill at 5am

  18. Make a friendship bracelet for the like button that spells out 'no one likes you'

  19. Honestly doesn’t matter much. I was in an 800 division and there isn’t really much upside to it. Yes you get some extra workouts and build relationships with guys you are classing up with.

  20. Rural. I hate this word. It's hard to explain why. Best way I can put it is it doesn't feel natural saying it.

  21. “Rural” is one of my least favorites too. That as well as “probably”

  22. Hahah thank you!!! Just the fact that you all are thinking of me as a human being, means a lot to me.

  23. I think this might be a case of you personally not liking Mr Ballen or his style (Which is fine) - The jump cut criticism on videos I have heard quite a lot of over the many years that youtubers have been using it, and someone is either into it or they're not into it - It's just the way stuff is these days

  24. To fight the other side John, I love your style and your content - You've had me hooked since I came across your channel about 6/7 months ago. Your storytelling skills are next level - You could tell a story about a standard old banana and I would find it riveting!

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