
  1. Didn't the guy who played Joffrey quit acting because of this? Poor guy, he was supposed to play a hated character and succeeded amazingly. Gets rewarded with people harassing him in the street

  2. Heard that. Also saw him in a trailer for an upcoming film.

  3. On one pizza that is 6 toppings I don't care if you have 4 of one type on half and two different ones on the other. It gets recorded as 6 toppings.

  4. Percentage wise, when you look at the % of black children in foster care vs the % of black people in the US,

  5. Yeah, following that link, and to the study, the link misrepresents what the study itself concludes by adding invented commentary of “may.” Per the study, “This level of overrepresentation for Black children within CPS is consistent with their overrepresentation relative to other negative outcomes (e.g., infant mortality) and is likely mainly attributable to their economically disadvantaged position in our society23 and the powerful relationship between poverty and maltreatment.”

  6. Look, I don’t think anyone has the right to judge anyone else’s reasons for having or not having kids. Nor do we have the right to criticize people for choosing to adopt, foster, or not. It’s not easy being an adoptive parent. I see it in my family. Even best case scenario it’s hard.

  7. I literally said “you can have any reason you want not to foster a child.” My point, which wasn’t addressed, was that you falsely claimed that the system “more readily” separates children from families of color when the very study in the link you provided says otherwise. I don’t care what you do about adoption, I don’t judge it, just don’t claim racism is happening where there is no proof thereof. In your own provided source. If you’re going to reply, reply to what was said.

  8. See a doctor about the medical issues. Get a job.

  9. I agree with everything you’re saying. I am just urging against taking anything Roman says at face value. Hell, the very fact that he said it makes me question the validity of it as Roman is pretty well established as saying things just to say them. And admitting he is gay, even to Geri, seems at odds with the sense of shame about it that you describe.

  10. It all comes down to power and status. All those examples point to his insecurity and arousal/lack thereof when it comes to power. Toying with his own power on trainer to make the guy feel small. His wife, who feels a relative equal, gives him nothing. Gerri, in a position of power, and sparring with her turns him on. Yes, he’s broken, because his entire family life has been a game of power instead of love. And so it projects in funny ways that are less about gender but more about control. When you’re the youngest child of a powerful dynasty, you’ll do anything to not feel that inescapable feeling of being on the lowest rung… and to perversely dish it out to others. Some men rape others in prison as an act of dominance, rather than love or preferential attraction. Stripped of connection and love, they act out to desperately feel, by violently asserting the only status they can. They claim not to be gay, and accuse others of being the “fagg*ts” for taking it… but it’s more about power. But then yeah, “kind of.”

  11. Boy, did you ever miss the point of these novels. You and Villeneuve alike. I've seen all those interviews with Frank Herbert too, and you guys totally misunderstood what he was saying.

  12. it's you who doesn't get past formal logic. WTF is this conversation. we are clearly talking past each other. You keep putting your viewpoints on morality as the true correct only possible viewpoint, while I keep telling you that it isn't necessarily true. Heck most academic philosophers believe in some kind of objective morality. I am not trying to use that as an argument by authority but only to make you see that there might be a possible plurality of rational viewpoints in this debate.

  13. Bizarre you can’t see ironic self-own in your statements. Uses fallacy while accusing of not understanding logic, and as a way to show there are a plurality of rational viewpoints… which is literally how we get lost in subjectivity… which… you’re arguing for or against now? Perhaps you’re stuck in semantics. Either way, Like I said, futile convo trying to debate the unfalsifiable, especially when you don’t seem to even understand what I’m saying and misrepresent my claims. ✌🏼

  14. Plurality of viewpoints doesn't mean it's subjective.

  15. Frankly, you’re conscientious to a fault. You admit it’s your personality with the dock. Here’s where I think your logic errs. The opposite of being an overly amenable neighbor is NOT “fucking” them over, nor making an enemy of them. If someone treats you like an enemy for not wanting to deal with the risk(which your assumptions do not assuage), they are the ones being irrational and not being neighborly. Neighbors respect the rights of others. They do NOT act entitled to usage in any way of someone else property nor get upset when it isn’t given. They may appreciate it being given, but getting upset, especially to the point of being an enemy? No no no, my friend. A mature adult respects the wishes of others with their own property. You don’t know the extent of the inconvenience, the quality of the job done, the fact that non-magnetic shards may be left to hurt someone, the myriad other issues someone may decline for.


  17. I don't know, I don't think it's toothless. It's still said with hurtful intentions and that for me makes it not toothless. I don't think there's an appropriate place to call someone that and I don't know why that wouldn't make it offensive. Plus, how offensive something is can certainly be subjective, so I'm not sure why you're the arbiter of what is offensive and what is not but okay. To your other point, he could also be frustrated to see a mistake like that from a mother, but again, he went the unhinged route and jumped straight to accusation which I totally agree, is not right.

  18. Too lost in the semantics of offense. He doesn’t get to be both hero and victim. That ain’t how it works.

  19. Lol dude you don't have to think of everything in extremes, toothless or offensive, victim or hero, there are gray areas

  20. Fair point on the grey. I just ain’t handing out sympathy for folks who volunteer to step into the ring. Protestors can get arrested. Soldiers who volunteer can lose a limb. They don’t complain about what happens because they knowingly took the risk. This guys wants his cake and to eat it too. Was he here advocating for the safety, I’d be singing a different tune, but he’s posting here to complain about being called a name. Which completely undermines his integrity in the situation. Along with his escalation. Don’t come looking for sympathy when you play with fire and get burned.

  21. Did you just compare literate people to nazis because you don't possess reading comprehension?

  22. Buddy, you’re the one that’s afraid of an essay. Coward. Afraid if you read it you have to concede the point that you and a hundred friends in your idiot-wagon were simply unable to keep up.

  23. Dude who says “try reading” is afraid of reading. All he’s got are his likes. Which WERE addressed in the longer comment he couldn’t read. Very dunning-Kruger with the arguments that don’t engage with the actual topic. Some people never learn.

  24. Guys. Fictional Future Space Fantasy didn’t do an exact translation of a modern language!!

  25. What a funny and strange way of saying “I’m embarrassed I have absolutely no ability to respond, refute what you’ve written or defend what I’ve written. Maybe if I just keep getting words on the screen, the mere existence of them will distract from all of that and make it seem like I have something, when in reality I have nothing and this is a defense mechanism”

  26. This one is really juicy. Like an aipple or a LLMAs. They’ll never understand. But do it more.

  27. What a funny and strange way of saying “I’m embarrassed I have absolutely no ability to respond, refute what you’ve written or defend what I’ve written. Maybe if I just keep getting words on the screen, the mere existence of them will distract from all of that and make it seem like I have something, when in reality I have nothing and this is a defense mechanism”

  28. Oh this is a novel approach. I suppose it isn’t overreacting. More!

  29. The things you’re listing don’t mean someone’s death isn’t questionable. The reasons for his death being questionable aren’t due to people thinking (for the most part) that it’s not possible he killed himself, wanted to kill himself, etc.

  30. You don't think you think what you think. You know that you reply to what what said but without thinking any thoughts but with the script. Very suspicious conspiracy indeed. Strange how wrong you are and cant' even refute that actual argument made. err

  31. “ ‘A’ straight” … A? straight? Anytime someone says it’s A thing, they are speaking of something they ARE not.

  32. Essentially, Honor culture. These are royal houses with long lineage of formalities and procedures. Paul knows a historical story is being told. From his past to the future he sees, there’s a way things are done. And as Irulan says after Feyd has been slayed, “a life debt has been paid.” That debt was the life of Paul’s father, Duke Leto, who was killed by the Emperor. The emperor HAD to answer for killing Paul’s father. And Paul, his father’s son, was going to do things in the honorable way.

  33. Hot take: Dude failed her. He wasn’t perfect because he didn’t see her issues and confront them with proper modalities. Whether her insecurities or neurosis, he couldn’t see where she was unhappy and help fix her. A perfect guy would assuage any of his wife’s issues and make the marriage thrive. Hence, not perfect. He failed her.

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