
  1. I’m not sure what the question is about the service dog. Service dogs are covered under the federal ADA laws. If your dog is trained and you have the proper documentation then it’s essentially considered a medical device, not a pet.

  2. I don't know why, but it always bothers me when people refer to ADA when talking about housing. ADA is for public spaces, not it appears people are talking out their ass when they refer to ADA at the same time they're talking about housing.

  3. I appreciate you pointing this out. I got some of my state laws confused with some of the federal laws.

  4. The landlord is not disputing the service animal. I am very well versed on the acts, statutes, tort law, etc in the area I live in regards to disability and service animals. This post isn’t about service animals or if they have to accept it. They have accepted it. The focus is on the damage and request to pick up the dumped appliances

  5. What about saying you were a full-time employee when you were an intern? This is the most common one I see.

  6. Some interns do work full time. My partner had in internship with the USGS. He was a full time GS3/GS4? Field Technician. It’s on his resume as USGS Field Technician, and the USGS confirms it. Just because it’s an internship doesn’t mean it’s not a job.

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