
  1. I remember I thought this moment was such a shitty ass-pull at the time but in hindsight the whole series was impressively thought through

  2. This reads more than a knee jerk reaction against government regulation generally than a sound argument for why governments shouldn’t regulate AI. Many examples of failed government regulation is in the environmental sphere, as you write, but it seems the misaligned nationalist incentives have resulted in too little regulation. That previous absence of government action seems like an insufficient reason to argue against government action. Though it works as an argument for general pessimism.

  3. For me it’s Vanilla Sky. I usually don’t have a problem with pretentious but that movie was just so full of itself while underneath the thin surface being completely uninteresting.

  4. I'll bite. Hate these films more than many others because they are so lauded elsewhere.

  5. For what it’s worth I didn’t read beasts of the southern wild as either demonizing aid agencies or romanticizing abusive parenting. I don’t think the movie supports Wink’s reaction, even though it does empathize (though I haven’t seen it since like 2013)

  6. Det är inte 60000 tungt beväpnade gängkriminella mot 20000 poliser på något sorters slagfält. att sätta upp siffrorna på det sättet är missvisande. Det är inte heller någon koordinerad armé vi pratar om utan en samling unga män med lösa anknytningar utan stöd från folket. Det som begränsar polisen är mycket mer vad de får göra än vad de kan.

  7. I have been deep faking celebs in my head since the day I hit puberty. This isn't new.

  8. “””But the model doesn’t actually store the images, it just learns from them exactly how a human does”””

  9. Sort of dehumanizing to call another human being a crotch-goblin isn’t it?

  10. Matt sitting silently while destiny and Chris go back and forth for three hours. Can't wait.

  11. Lol. I don’t know what Destiny does if left alone with Matt. Does he just steamroll the polite Australian without realizing that makes him look like an asshole or would it actually turn into a productive back-and-forth?

  12. Ja. Till och med arbetskraftsinvandrare som vi behöver.

  13. Idiotisk symbolpolitik som inte alls löser de integrationsproblem vi har, samtidigt som vi underminerar svensk ekonomi.

  14. Var det inte SD som skulle trolla bort kriminaliteten?

  15. Ja de väckte ju en misstroendeförklaring mot justitieministern för att det fanns våld och nu finns det ju fortfarande våld så om de ansåg det var tillräckliga grunder då så borde det vara tillräckligt nu.

  16. Hur många var det som dog av kriminella gäng per år? En snabb googling säger 121 gånger.

  17. Våld, laglöshet och korruption underminerar samhället på ett sätt som inget annat gör. Det går inte att skapa fungerande institutioner på platser där organiserad brottslighet bara använder sig av hot för att driva igenom sin vilja.

  18. Re: the banking thing as I recall the book Weapons Of Math Destruction argued the current era is marked by algorithms for the poor/marginalized and human qualitative assessment for the privileged, in a way that exacerbates inequality.

  19. Black rock and vanguard said it. You guys all will own nothing and you be happy.

  20. You will own nothing and be happy is from a random small danish politician writing a not necessarily utopian thought experiment for the WEF. Conspiracy theorists ran with it and went crazy.

  21. i forgot about that! not sure if they did a gurometer score?

  22. I’m not a premium subscriber but I think they did and he got a pretty low score.

  23. Det jag inte fattar med Masked singer är att programmet är för barn, men för att kunna ha kul med det måste man ha en encyklopedisk kunskap om svenska kändisar.

  24. Vore ju najs om moderaterna plockat fram den här nyanserade killen när de faktiskt satt på makten istället. Men de valde istället att hålla fast sig vid Irene Svenonius trots alla jävskandaler samt rösta emot förslag om att privata vårdföretag ska behöva redovisa vad de gör med våra skattepengar (offentlig vård måste det, varför det ibland blir skandal när några undersköterskor bjuds på för dyrt julbord).

  25. Tamsons är verkligen inte nyanserad, han är duktig på att framstå i ord och text som han vill framstå. Men det han gjort under Irenes (och hans tid) vid makten berättar en annan historia. Han var hennes högra hand och höll i trafikpolitiken under hennes tid och under denna tid invände han ALDRIG mot hennes privatiseringsiver. Nu när majoriteten försöker komma tillrätta med privatiseringsproblemen, så projicerar dem hela det ideologiska drivet på majoriteten istället för att ta ansvar för det som gick fel och gjorde Irene till Sveriges mest impopulära politiker.

  26. Då tänker jag lyssna på vad han gör mer än vad han säger

  27. Shiv in succession. I mean she is a terrible person and a hypocrite but it’s absurd how people say she’s actually the worst of them.

  28. You forgot the ‘something mildly inconvenient involving a minority ~> fascist’ part

  29. They appear in a star wars movie when you’re a conservative?

  30. It's good, but why would you include only 3 out of the 4 elements? Where is socialism?

  31. In my worldbuilding there’s this malevolent force called “neo-liberalism” which is sort of a combination of these three “known” elements. The main villains used this force to seal socialism on the outside of the “window of overton” (more on this later).

  32. He's a public figure. The NYTimes doesn't have any obligation nor should it spend much time worrying about its concerns. Newspapers print embarrassing and damning things about public figures that they don't want published all the time. The idea that his name isn't important for the public is your opinion. No one really knows how knowledge will be used in the future.

  33. I think the old colleague example holds somewhat, but I still feel it’s unnecessary at the end of the day. The line between public figure and private has become fuzzy in the age of anonymous internet use. But on the other hand he is influential. I don’t think the future historian example holds because the name was, according to Metz, findable with 5 minutes of research.

  34. I think future historian example holds because while it may be easy to find at the time he published, will it be in the future?

  35. Well fair enough. I think that may depend on how influential the figure becomes though.

  36. To be fair he’s the only one with integrity enough to officially distance himself from whatever the IDW was.

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