
  1. The thing that annoyed me was that he’d repeat his previous interview as his new minute and then tony would praise him “genius. absolutely amazing. taking a previous conversation and turning it into material. incredible kam patterson”.

  2. I love Kam but U wonder if he's getting help with his writing.

  3. I bet anyone that writes a minute a week gets help in some form

  4. Last trading day seeing alcc up there Inb4 what’s oklo?

  5. He cut tony off a few times in a row at the beginning and I know it ticked tony off.

  6. There was no new news. Earnings won’t matter yet this is a spac. My target price is nowhere near where we are now.

  7. Why did people downvote this? I’m The OP and I appreciate this suggestion

  8. I think it’s because it’s up to the teacher whether they want to wake the student up or not.

  9. The problem with snoring is that it's associated with poor sleep, so people who snore are likely to feel exhausted and fall asleep when they don't intend to.

  10. yes, agreed. loud/disruptive snoring gets a gentle wakeup from me during class. quiet restful sleep is left alone.

  11. Frankly even blue belt is still too low. Should be at least purple

  12. We have a high level bb judo player at our gym, like won local championships etc. If I pull guard I beat him 9/10, if I try to stand I get thrown and sometimes tapped.

  13. Taiwan BJJ academy in Taipei is pretty affordable. If you have a gi, you just need about 1500 for membership. 3500 if you have no gi. Then you pay a monthly fee of about 3600 and that gets you all the classes you want for the month. They have classes 6 days a week at least. You can google them and check their schedule.

  14. Do you train there? I think i’m dropping in this week or weekend during my short trip to taipei. In the taxi to the airport now and realize i forgot my mouthpiece lol damnit

  15. I train at a different branch outside of taipei. They r cool with drop ins. Very welcoming group. They sell extra mounthpieces for pretty cheap.

  16. Nips, adam's apple, and collar bone are killers, absolute killers.

  17. damn. I’ve got a big piece on top of my foot. Lines run close to in-between my toes in a few spots and I couldn’t imagine it getting much worse than that. Never even considered the nips tbh

  18. How do you suggest OP find a good legit spot? We have to rule out places one way or another, my post is just how I personally have done it and found success.

  19. 24 hour places are legit. The chances of you walking in a massage place that has window advertising and street level signs and it not being legit are slim to zero

  20. TIL, mybad. I assumed things were worse than they are

  21. What is with the intense eye contact at 1:05? Diddler definitely got bad news recently and chris seems worried.

  22. I would think the gi would make it worse since it’s a rougher surface with more friction

  23. I honestly think it’s slipping out of guillotines that mess my ears up, which happens a lot more during no gi sparring

  24. He is wrapped up in all of the P Diddy controversy. Prolific drug mule

  25. why’d i read that in casey rocket’s voice

  26. Fwiw they cut them as short as possible for BJJ

  27. They also get swollen as fuck from constant sprains. Source: it hurts to type right now

  28. Favorite: Fuji Flowtech. There is some mesh type material in certain spots that seems to make it stay on better, especially the pants. So comfortable and it gets compliments at the gym.

  29. “You’re so like-able” to the guy who openly admitted to scamming people. I found myself fast forwarding through interviews, tony is even getting tired of his own schtick.

  30. A lot of people forage gosari here in the bushes come spring. I hear the snakes scare them quite often while walking my dog lol. It’s also really common to see dead snakes in the middle of the road due to cars during summer.

  31. A tip for making sure the eyes don’t have those black bags is to make sure the dog’s diet isn’t primarily chicken. A vet told me that a while ago here in Korea and my dog no longer has the black eye look. Cute pup!

  32. Please explain to the white belt. Also name checks out

  33. The pressure on your knee from playing rubber guard is trouble, especially for a white belt who may not fully understand the long term impacts jiu jitsu generally plays on the body. If your gym is teaching it then I say go for it. It you’re learning off youtube, you’ll be walking funny before blue belt.

  34. I like butterfly guard. Hope to get good at that instead.

  35. Butterfly is one of my favorites. Learn a bunch, the ones that you naturally fall into will grow organically instead of brute forcing something that seems cool or meta

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