
  1. Please bear in mind that $150 goes toward expertise and hygienic conditions. 

  2. Don’t let the cowards from out of town scare you out of a great time with your kid. Go enjoy yourselves. 

  3. I'll support the development of the game and my local game shop instead, thanks.

  4. Could be that their response sounds a bit condescending and holier than thou.

  5. I’ve been on this sub for a while, and it doesn’t matter how it’s said. If you don’t support proxies for any reason, you get downvoted. 

  6. Two hours into his training he was starting to talk to his banana and it became obvious why he had been acting so strange all morning. He was tripping hard on LSD.

  7. If you’re in the US, history tells me that this is actually par for the course. 

  8. These guys are so gifted with reflexes, spatial awareness, and other intangibles I am not sure they could even explain how they did what they did.

  9. It’s like that with elites in a lot of fields. They can’t teach well nor do they use a bunch of technical jargon when talking about their talent; they just do and they explain it in that kind of way. 

  10. What kind of low-interaction pod do you play with? If your games rarely gets to turn 7 maybe it’s you guys who need to “git gud.”

  11. Get his name, and do some digging. It’s not my job to do your homework.

  12. A huge part of being a parent is guiding and molding your child into your vision of what they should be, with them filling in the gaps with their own personality. Do what feels right, with love and understanding. 

  13. Earning your shot at the title and earning your title aren't the same thing, are they?

  14. All of those fights happened after he was given a belt via email. I'm confused as to what your point is.

  15. Things like this show you how STUPID people are, because half the commenters here are suggesting race-swaps in the opposite direction to dunk on black people, when this is actually white people making making decisions that piss off other white people. 

  16. I was watching a YouTube video about how reddit is a psy-op, and the fact that I’m getting downvoted for what should be obvious lends it credence 😂

  17. I think that’s definitely the case and probably wasn’t even intending to make the weight.

  18. Would you mind telling us what it is? I’ve already inferred from the name and I could just click the link to confirm, but I don’t want to. 

  19. Excellent news, Berlanga is a much tougher fight than Benavidez

  20. It’s weird how many people in this thread apparently need their hand held to not bumble into a loss, “I Love Lucy”-style. Is “RTFC” not popular anymore?

  21. It’s fun. See some cool-looking animatronic dinosaurs, read some facts, get a t-shirt. 

  22. MTG is in a great place. Plenty of options, interesting mechanics, and some cool IP crossovers. I play a superior format in EDH so it doesn’t matter to me how long decks are viable in modern. I’m still opening packs and pulling “chase” cards. I’m not going to pay $100 for a booster, so that doesn’t matter to me. There’s nothing half as good to switch to so I’m going to play until I get bored, sit on the cards, then start again when I get the urge. 

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