
  1. Because everyone has this silly assumption that because it’s Kratom you should be able to quit on your own. Alcohol? Gotta go to detox. Heroin? Detox/rehab. Coke? Detox/rehab. Kratom? Ehh not so serious do it on your own.

  2. Super thankful the detox I went to were familiar with kratom addiction and had had previous people and knew what to do with me. Almost a year now not a single microgram of kratom. So proud honestly whenever I remember that. the days of dosing seem like a bad memory. shout out to those people

  3. Yah i feel you. I’ve come off of much harder stuff and for some reason this is unreasonably difficult. It’s like some weird psychological hold it has.

  4. I heard someone describe coming off kratom being like coming off opiates and SSRIs. The deep anxiety, depression, restless whole ass body syndrome, complete inability to get comfortable. I’d rather be puking than feeling all those heavy ass emotions

  5. how u move ur head around just like that tim guy

  6. Literally man, all of my friends and people i know are addicted or at least tried it. i didn’t even know you can get addicted to it like that. they sell it everywhere it’s disgusting. i live in a place where there’s a vending machine with K few blocks from a middle school and it’s so sad seeing even people younger than me take this shit.

  7. woahh if this actually becomes a trend with kids that’s gg they’re gonna illegalize it for sure

  8. That’s where I always mess up, usually like the 3rd of tapering my body seems to not only the original amount but lots more as well. Or else I feel like complete shit and just can’t focus on anythifn

  9. fr what this person described was why tapering never worked for me to get all the way off. discipline is tough

  10. Upvoted because even though I dislike louvers I dislike popularity chasers more :) keep building it how you like bro

  11. This comment thread is so turnt especially to be at the top. I had an immediate visceral reaction to seeing this photo lmao straight up, and yet I can absolutely empathize. I fw the louvre solidarity🤘

  12. Been off it just over a year and was foolishly missing it the other day. I didn't give in but I still really needed a reminder like this. Thanks.

  13. congrats! almost about to hit a year. sometimes need to remind myself too

  14. this. coming off was so horrifying i’m too scared to even try the stuff again. 5 years up to 100gpd had to go to detox. blew 3 racks on it. best thing i ever did for myself and i had to stay STRONG cause those first two months are relentless

  15. honestly impressed how she just got right back up. i usually sit there and play dead after a slam to bleed off the non existent awkwardness my anxious brain creates

  16. i’d imagine they just did really long road trips. 400k miles ain’t happening with semi regular abuse

  17. You had me at "Hey Fuckers". Slipping up does seem to be a part of the process, a chink in the armor, it happens, we are fallible fuckers after all. I always feel a bit of shame afterwards but I think it's a kick in the ass that helps our resolve. Keep trudging on my friend.

  18. kinda loses the charisma on 50th use of it though. it’s like listening to the main character guy at the NA meeting xD got my support on the quit of course though <3

  19. That’s how i got off my 100gpd 5 year habit. Place was just like this person described they provided me subutex gabba etc and over 5 days titrated me down and i only asked for sub doses when i was really dying. i got out and got a short two week sub script and i chopped those strips in halves and tiny quarters to taper as gradually as possibly and man it was still a major battle. Felt wrecked for the first couple months. the hardest thing ive ever done for sure. 9 months clean now and feel totally normal

  20. THE FORESHADOWING GAH DAMN. it’s like that quote if you see a gun in a movie it eventually has to go off. Rifujin just polishes the crap out of that gun until it’s blindingly shiny and then it goes off like a cannon ball. Gah I love this series

  21. thanks! I guess others here can’t appreciate something other than a track build.

  22. have track build and agree. the second anyone sees more than -4 camber on here it’s gg

  23. what about re-doing any thermal paste? unrelated to xbox but i’ve still got my old ps3, runs games fine, but sounds like a hurricane

  24. it’s the same just without needing to chug powder and wake up with panic attacks every night also less anxiety overall. drugs brings highs and lows but the net happiness over time is lower than just sticking to baseline reality

  25. boosted mine. yes was expensive. worth it tho. daily mine and still paying it off. not worried since i just do religious mountain runs and not high g track stuff

  26. Thanks Jaywalker. I did go to AA the other day, going to go back this weekend.

  27. hit up NA if you can. Really helped me out in the beginning. first two months for me were awful. the unconditional love and support from people who truly, literaly understand this kinda withdrawal helped immensely. im almost 5 mo clean now and stopped going to meetings. guess that makes me an NA thief but i have no desire to use now. think you’re just still fresh from 40 days. give it another couple weeks and listen to the peeps on here

  28. graphic designer / video editor

  29. Damn, I’m selling my 2023 brz & getting a 1993 rx7 fd soon, I really don’t know how to feel

  30. feel stoked! that’s awesome! I got my brz because it was the closest modern equivalent to my brothers FD i grew up around. He even drove my turbo brz and said it reminded him a lot of the FD. but the FD is the trophy and i’m sure you already have a reliable back up car. You might just miss the BRZs modernity and relative reliability but you can’t beat that 90s dorito shit box lawn mower ass sututu brap brap backfire BAAAAAAAHH PSHH BAHHHH

  31. Hell yeah man them cold starts BRAP BRAP BRAP BRAP BRAP. The only thing I will miss is the reliability of a new car & of course the modernity of it but I feel like it’ll be super worth it

  32. 100% you’re gonna love that thing!

  33. dad thinks ur leaving early to smoke weed in the parking lot lol

  34. I took subs for a week after i got out of 5 day detox. tapered down from 2mg a day till i was cutting those fucking things into eights. And even then coming off the babiest of baby doses of subs was almost unbearable. Im sure coming off a 5 year 100gpd kratom addiction wasn’t helping. (that’s what i went to detox for and they prescribed the subs after) Thankfully i’m 4 months clean now from the sludge and subs but man i couldn’t believe how much pain i was in just tapering off the babiest of sub doses. i believe it helped me in the end cause it’s way easier to taper off something that last so much longer but i’d advise not taking it for longer than a week and tapering off of it quickly by cutting the strips or tablets into smaller and smaller pieces. I had my girlfriend hold onto to them and cut them for me so i couldn’t fuck it up and had to ask for a dose which helped me stretch out doses and make it to the end. Truly it was one of if not the hardest things i’ve ever done to come off the sludge this last time but fuck im so glad i don’t need to worry about the next dose. So my advice is take the subs but don’t take them for too long. don’t listen to too much of the fear mongering in here

  35. that’s so clean bro 😮‍💨

  36. Too soft for what? Anything over 6k/7k on this car puts your ride frequency over two hertz which is usually considered harsh for road use.

  37. i run 8k front 9k rear on fortune auto 500s it’s not too bad

  38. If you decide to get lower control arms get toe arms as well. I learned that the hard way.

  39. same. had to pay for two alignments

  40. Anyone who will make you a flame tune doesn't care for your engine.

  41. can confirm, my tuner rejected my request for flames :( i get it and can appreciate the care but admittedly i would sacrifice a bit of engine life to just have it on a separate map as a party trick

  42. Was it like you were having a panic attack every morning? That’s what I’m currently experiencing but I didn’t know if it was from the kratom.

  43. I was in the same position a couple of months ago. 5 years of heavy use i woke up every night at like 3 or 4 am full blown panic attack and had to take a dose and just lay there in fetal position for 30 mins waiting for it to hit so i could get a couple more hours of sleep so i could function. every. single. night. im 3 months clean now. for the first month after i quit from rapid taper i had hella anxiety. by the second month i was 70% back to normal. now 3 months in i feel no negative effects. those 5 years of 100gpd seem like a bad dream now. it sucks but it’s doable with some help. i was lucky to have and understanding psychiatrist and my SO that was totally on board and kept me accountable. paying $1500 co pay to go to detox also made me want to not throw away my progress

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