
  1. Not currently on test. I got off everything several months ago when this started flaring up (most AAS impede collagen synthesis, which is what I need to heal my tendon per my doc).

  2. My concern would be testosterone suppression leads to low e2. Low e2 isn’t necessarily a primary cause of tendon or ligament injuries, but it’s certainly a potential contributing factor. That feels like the opposite of what you’re shouting for. That’s my major holdup with your idea.

  3. Lately I can only think about how consciousness just straps itself to a body over which it has no control. Thanks for listening

  4. No I’m 31 and going through an emotional crisis

  5. My new gym doesn’t have any calf machines. Any suggestions on calves exercises with free weights or are my calves just gonna get smaller than they already are?

  6. Donkey calf press with your bros on your back

  7. Anyone here ever dealt with a bicep tear? Happened this weekend and have an appointment with a specialist this Friday. Still looking to pick someone’s brain or get pointed in a good direction for info on rehabbing it

  8. Not a bicep tear, but some other injuries. Ask around and find the best, most aggressive dr and pt you can.

  9. Been out of the gym for a couple of months as I let an old injury heal up. I’ve been really active and lost some weight after an aggressive bulk over the winter and spring. It feels good to look like I lift still.

  10. I wish you a speedy recovery bro. Injuries suck

  11. Thanks, man. Some times they never totally go away, either.

  12. You mean loading a muscle in the fully stretched position trigger Hypertrophy? Tune in next time for science catching up to BB’s.

  13. Any source for this? All anecdotal experience and everything I know suggests that it’s great for the long head


  15. Novikov is a part of the Ukrainian Psyops campaign… and it’s fucking working. Slava Ukraini!

  16. Oof.hooper missed 212 idk how as he's hit 215 normally in training.

  17. Different bar, different weights, heat, contest exhaustion, pressure? There are about a million factors that separate gym lifts from contest lifts. That’s why Moose has blown everyone away.

  18. Almost no traffic in most of the state, very well maintained roads (especially compared to the south), and virtually no bars for people to be driving home from. Also, the one city that has an actual bar scene, Salt Lake, has a relatively comprehensive public transportation system.

  19. GFR is historically inaccurate for lifters and people on high protein diet, even worse if you’ve ever touched the sauce.

  20. What exercises would you love to do more but are too complicated/difficult to set up to be worth it?

  21. Chest supported BB rows. Unless your gym has a dedicated set up, it takes particular equipment and a lot of finagling to get just right

  22. I see a lot of younger guys, fresh out of high school or community college, on here looking for direction. I cannot recommend highly enough getting an entry level job in engineering testing. You can find a job doing soils, concrete, asphalt, etc. testing that requires no experience, pays relatively well, and opens doors to very high paying, in-demand jobs in engineering or construction. There are also always oilfield jobs, but these don’t require 90+ hour weeks and there is upward growth.

  23. The job title would probably be something Like “Field Technician”. The easiest thing to do would be to Google “geotechnical testing [your city]” and go to a the career pages in the corporate sites of your results.

  24. People will always complain because you can find more than 10 athletes who “deserve” to be in the final. These guys have become so good, that a lot of results just depends on who gets injured, who is having a good day, and the events.

  25. I get that people want 100% fairness, but that's impossible to achieve. Shaw was a seed for example, but he's not living up to it. Hooper was lesser known and killed it. Basically, any group Hooper ended up in was going to be deemed unfair in the end.

  26. You’d still have problems. The events, weights, order, and who the 30 were would still be criticized.

  27. There are two kinds of people: those who won’t poop in public bathrooms because public bathrooms are gross and those who try to poop in public bathrooms to avoid destroying their own toilet.

  28. That’s me! I’ve been on this sub since before the DD was a thing, but I got a lot more active around 2014-15. Honestly, I’ve been a lot happier being off of here. It’s become a lot more like the rest of Reddit, which isn’t really a good thing.

  29. Been seeing a lot of people on tiktok and instagram saying big traps aren’t aesthetic, but i don’t really agree, i think they look pretty cool, what’s everyone else’s take on this?

  30. Proportional means any one body part shouldn’t outpace or be outdone by the rest. It’s not exclusive to traps. You ever see someone with huge bi’s but no tri’s? A big chest but no back? Wide shoulders but no quads? Your whole physique flows together.

  31. I've been asked to cheat on the final financial forecasting project by 2 different classmates. Is this what college is like? Idiots hoping other idiots will cheat for them?

  32. It’s also what grad school and professional life are like.

  33. This really depends on their goals and where they are.

  34. There’s not really any mystery to do that. Eat in a surplus, progress in your workouts, and get plenty of rest.

  35. Going to be working a job that has 4 12 hour shifts in the fall. Any tips for quick meals ?

  36. I good lunch bag or cooler will be your best friend. I also love canned fish and crackers, so I keep those in my truck.

  37. Anyone know if being a private investigator is worth it?

  38. No idea but now I’m gonna go watch Bored to Death

  39. Probably not. You have both local and general recovery. While you would be less taxing on your general recovery, you would still max out the recovery potential of your target muscle.

  40. Damn I had forgotten about our temporary obsession with poptarts

  41. Is doing just bench press and dips sufficient for your triceps, or should you do other exercises for them as well?

  42. Why wouldn’t you want directly train a muscle? Training is fun.

  43. Don't dips train the triceps very well if you do the dips in a close to upright position?

  44. Sure. But one exercise does not a program make. This is why we suggest following an established program. Get rid of your guess work.

  45. been seein a lot of bitchin and moaning about some old subreddit members being dicks and shit to noobs i just want u to know im an open book u can ask me anything i promise ill answer u noobs

  46. Will you critique my workout? Lat pulls bar bell dumbbell bench barbell dumbbell rows face pulls cable flies bicep skull crushers tricep curls calf ups dips and pull ups. But sometimes I do it in the Fibonacci Sequence instead

  47. Mountain dog, I love you man, but meadows rows are ass and I'm subbing them out.

  48. I like the Meadows row, but I love one arm BB rows.

  49. New (to me) Bonnie was absolutely incredible. I just finished two hours of everything you’re not supposed to do day one on a new bike (3 interstates with stop-go traffic, 2 new highways with no navigation, and a few miles of dirt roads). I absolutely love it and only kind of fantasize about the Street Triple I turned down.

  50. wasnt the purpose of the stars kinda like to have all the advice going around be vetted? cuz theres a dude that doesnt shut tf up and he aint sportin any stars and yeah i dont got stars but i aint tryna be out here giving advices to everyone

  51. I really think that it’s a combination of body building being subjective and the massive lack of critical reading skills from many. Some advice could be good, but not for that particular person, some may be good for only a few, and some hot garbage. But it seems like people — especially on Reddit and especially lately — struggle to critically process what they read and can’t cope with things that aren’t clear cut, simple causal relationships.

  52. i get horrible leg cramps in my “teardrop” muscle after leg day. how do i prevent this?

  53. My suggested troubleshooting order:

  54. The biggest F1 driver is 6’ and like 165lbs lmao.

  55. Car guys, I got a ram 1500, went from 19mpg to 7mpg over night, any ideas what's wrong?

  56. First I’d make sure you’re getting enough air: filter, O2 sensors. Then move to firing: spark plugs, wiring, timing. After that you probably have some head scratching and may need someone with more tools or a shop.

  57. People are very very bad at guessing their body fat percentage. Always assume you're much fatter than you believe. Because you probably are.

  58. Any of you big-legged bros ride motorcycles? I’m looking for some good boots and pants and it’s kind of a struggle with 17” calves.

  59. Would a neutral grip dumbbell press (NGDP) be equivalent to dips? My new gym doesn't have a dip machine and I was wondering if I could do a NGDP instead

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