
  1. I just recently discovered how effective these were, I wish I knew before I struggled through like 5 winters because everyone was starving

  2. Same, I kept dismissing the gardens and chicken coops thinking they wouldn’t produce much. Excited to try next time I play and see how much easier food supply will be.

  3. The gap is atrocious. Insane that the highest BR aa I can bring in my 7.0 lineup is the M42

  4. I have that happen every once in a while. Idk what causes it or why though.

  5. I only ever play while drinking. So all of em.

  6. T-72 just unlocked APFSDS and forgot to slide the slider down

  7. Bunch of boosters and wagers as well. Not even a camo or anything. Only did 20 boxes I think though.

  8. The only thing stopping thm here is the punishment they would face. Otherwise a lot of unstable MAGA freaks would beat and murder those that don't agree with them.

  9. You don’t think both sides would act the same given the chance? Both political parties are unhinged imo.

  10. Those disclaimers are only there to try and trick people into not bothering to try. It is not in any shape a true statement. Just cause I spray paint "not responsible for vehicular manslaughter" doesn't mean I can go driving through crowds.

  11. Vehicles come new off the lot looking like that here in Michigan. You’re good lmao

  12. That would be an uninstall for me. I have zero tolerance for anything that affects a player's outcome when they have zero agency.

  13. Don’t know why this is downvoted, you are 100% correct. Entirely unfair for a player to die and lose progress when they have no control of the matter.

  14. I like the game as difficult as it is but there are just some things that are ridiculous or logically don't make sense.

  15. I’ve been snuck up on by bile titans too. And if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s listening for movement (years of listening for engine noises in WT trained me)

  16. Thinking about it, does the shield prevent swooping? It stops charger charge. I gotta test this after work tomorrow.

  17. Haven’t really paid attention, but they can definitely still one-shot you with the shield backpack equipped.

  18. If it was a natural loss, no, it wouldn’t be bad. But to lose because a lot of us can’t complete missions a majority of the time due to crashing, yes, that is bad.

  19. Mad because people want to play the game they paid for the way they want?

  20. I haven’t had a single crash until today. Now I’ve had 3-4 within a couple hours

  21. As someone whose 6L80E is definitely failing, I hate GM right now. I’ll love it again as soon as I get it fixed and pay off the repair that’s about to bend me over

  22. Same, except I’m getting a second replacement now, first replacement lasted me like a couple years. Truck only has around 140k miles on it. Don’t think I’ll love it again

  23. I mean, every EDU I’ve worked on (Stellantis, Rivian, Lucid, AAM, more I’m forgetting I’m sure) takes an oil. Not “engine” oil specifically though.

  24. I think Tesla even has an oil filter on them if I recall? It’s interesting that Rivian calls out a service for the differential oil but only for the quad motors.

  25. Never touched a Tesla EDU, did test a diff for them though. I work in a testing house so idk service side of anything, just testing.

  26. Are you trying to explain eggs to me?

  27. Always so frustrating to watch T72/T90s reverse, by time they get out of LOS of whatever hit them, their enemy has…

  28. I have my pc underneath my desk with not a whole lot of room above, and my cat STILL climbs on it.

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