
  1. So glad i stumbled upon this post!! Just got the vinyl and the banadana 🥳🥳

  2. My first time firing someone was for a series of behavioral issues. The final straw was them starting a rumor about a long time employee that was super harmful and incredibly untrue.

  3. I really liked the 7 and a half deaths of evelyn hardcastle, but I wouldn’t necessarily call it a modern thriller.

  4. I’m about to finish this book!!! I started it last night

  5. My last coffee shop had a 12 hour double and i worked 3 12 hour doubles a week to get my full hours. 4 days off was so freaking nice (3 days off in a row and 1 day off in between). My shop closed at 5 so i would get the whole night to myself to chill out. That was my favorite schedule I have ever had at any job. I miss it so much 😭

  6. walmart has similar camo jackets to this for like $20 or less

  7. I usually read 2-3 books at the same time. One audiobook, one regular book and then another regular book or a mobile one on libby. I find it easy bc they are always entirely different genres or stories so I don’t get things mixed up. If i read books that are too similar at the same time i’ll get confused on what happened in which book

  8. Looks like we have the same taste in books!! Will definitely be stealing some of these to add to my tbr :)

  9. are you me? i also just finished ToG and started crown of midnight and was contemplating posting about it to see where miss broski talks about it

  10. When I went to the house of blues show in orlando i sat behind the VIP section where some of their parents were sitting and one of their moms (i don’t know who it was) kept turning around and telling us they were gonna be famous someday and told us to tell all our friends to stream their music.

  11. So jealous!!! I have been to 2 small shows (a house show and the free nassau show) and I never got up the courage to say hi or ask for an autograph. I got the setlist at nassau and was gonna ask to get it signed but I chickened out. I’m always scared to bother them even thought they seem so nice.

  12. the way I felt this- I was talking and talking and talking and then I picked it up and like nearly whispered "I was wondering if you could sign this...? it's my literal prized possession"🥲😅 next time I say ask! they're so sweet, and seemed genuinely happy that someone wanted to say hi. I did feel too awkward to ask for a selfie lmao but I kinda wish I just did it haha. yolo... very thankful and tried to be very respectful of time and privacy😅

  13. This makes me feel a lot better!!! I’m going to 3 more shows this year so fingers crossed the opportunity comes up again and I don’t blow it this time. I hope you had a fun night at the show!!

  14. Have you read The Secret History by Donna Tartt. Amazing book with a very similar vibe to if we were villains but instead of shakespeare they study greek. It is a lot longer than IWWV but it is one of my favorite books

  15. It's nice having an all natural version of Takis. Although, the amount of seasoning per bag can differ.

  16. this!!! i’ve stopped buying them because it’s either the most delicious snack ever or it’s barely seasoned and it sucks 😭

  17. I have this book in my physical TBR from the library. This is my sign to read it next!!!

  18. Our shop is $12-$17 an hour (depending on position and length of time) plus tips. The lowest paid employee makes $17 an hour after CC tips and then whatever cash tips on top of that.

  19. she likes the acotar series and said the second book is her favorite!!!

  20. That book is one of my favorites!!! I hope you enjoy it :)

  21. I’ve been listening to part of the band so much recently. I used to skip it all the time like a fool

  22. if this is true i hope brittany goes on hot ones. she would be such a fun guest to watch

  23. Reading Throne of glass and you by Caroline Kepnes. Both I am still feeling kind of iffy on. Everyone says the ToG series gets better and i’m reading it with my friends so im holding out hope.

  24. Our shop allows free drinks on shift and 50% off drinks and food off shift. In my experience, if they don’t offer free drinks baristas will just make them for themselves anyway.

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