
  1. I’m more impressed than anything. Especially with the smaller body type you have.

  2. It took me 10 seconds to realize Sakura was not the only one swapped

  3. If you look at them side by side they are literally the same anime.

  4. Not to be that guy, but I’m pretty sure metal isn’t as flexible as skin or clothes.

  5. The reason animals are male and female isn't because they have different genes in general, the only difference is their sexual organs. So it wouldn't really cause more diversity to have more different sexual organs. There can either be male, female, or some animals are both, which also makes sense because that way, any animal can mate with any other animal

  6. You're still just mashing up two genomes, not 3 or 4.

  7. I would say silksong, but we all know silksong is never coming out.

  8. I’m reporting you because I’m in this video and I don’t like it.

  9. Lose weight and stop using a foundation 3 shades lighter than your arms. Your face is so white and the rest of your body isn’t. Also the sandals and Mormon dress combo is never flattering. darken your hair and fill your eyebrows in.

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