
  1. my favorite is "have you tried drinking water". what makes it better is it was said by a legitimate doctor

  2. no, i still don't know what she actually meant by that

  3. I've had a good run most of November and December and now it's bad again. I've slept like solid 5 to 6 hours a day with an occasional all nighter but now I'm back to 1 or 2 hours. Also took up smoking again, which. Well, nicotine doesn't help.

  4. tbh the only thing that comes to my mind is spending like 14 hours of my day in college. i quite literally worked myself into exhaustion to get myself to sleep and it didn't always work.

  5. NVM I GOT IT. you just have to replace the file content

  6. I can try to duel you if you want that achievment :)

  7. I wish the butchers circus wasn’t included in the achievements I want 100% but I hate the butchers circus

  8. it's a lot of grinding even once you get good at it unfortunately. there's some challenges that need pure skill but the rest are a lil stupid like 600 kills.

  9. When you took the ADHD meds were you sleeping?

  10. The meds I take are I think polish or german (Medikinet), but they're Methylphenidates. I'll probably ask my doctor to prescribe me something different, but with the start of my college year soon I'm kinda scared that I'll be stuck with meds that don't work if I do that.

  11. In summer it's hell, but when it's comfortably cold I just bundle myself up with the softest, warmest clothes I have. It helps a bit with chronic pain if you get it after a sleepless night

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