
  1. For me everything is just so fluid all the time, haven't identified any cycles.

  2. Well you are definitely right, BoJack's world is an exaggeration of our own. In BoJack billionaire's passed a law that legally allows them to kill people. while the super rich get away with a lot in our world and it certainly feels like they can get away with murder they still aren't legally allowed to admit to killing people like in BoJack.

  3. I get you. Sorry. I just see this as a trend that for me has actual serious implications for the medium of anime. I work in entertainment professionally and Ive seen So many beloved works get corporatized/watered down or modernized and become soulless IPs that just get thrown into an assembly line for the 30th iteration, and I dont want to see it happen to such beloved works like Berserk. Im truly not trying to sound intense, its just coming from a place of love and respect that seems diminished when the likes of Disney/Netflix get their hands on things turning them into LA for the masses

  4. I've seen a lot of mediocre adaptations. I think Berserk as the potential to be a really good live action.

  5. I think if you were genuinely interested in talking it out you would've responded to OP's response to your comment by now.

  6. I bought a motorcycle for myself to ride and use because it makes me happy, still feels good when people I like react to it positively and and people I don't like react negatively/are scared of it.

  7. Queer communities in general are kinda scary and off putting to me sometimes, a lot of the language used is very strict, strong in-group out-group thinking, I feel like I have to speak and present carefully, virtue signal correctly and make sure I have the right takes on current events. It reminds me of going to church. At times.

  8. I've seen discussions about biphobia being different for men and women a LOT on this sub. I see it all the time. The only times I've seen people complain about it is when one or the other starts saying they have it worse. I think if you want to talk about it with other bi people, this is a good place to do it. There will be judgy people everywhere, but most people here will defend you!

  9. Thank you, I made a comment on a post more dedicated to the bi-guy experience and it's been good to talk about.

  10. Ahh the number of women who perceive me as too gay/feminine for them 😞

  11. It may be possible that bisexuality is more common in women but I think the amount of different types of closeted bi/pan men shouldn't be underestimated. There's closeted presenting as straight, presenting as gay but still closeted about bi-ness is a demographic too. Then there are the various kinds of denial, I was in denial for most of my life and easily could've remained in denial for a few more decades. There are also people that have queer experiences but mental gymnastics out of them. "I'm not bi I was just drunk" etc.

  12. Although the reality of The Non-Con touching in this scene is true & bit off to me. I feel like the final intent is to show that Guts genuinely has no social skills & doesn't understand- I admit to himself that he is Attracted to Casca beyond it being a jest. Like slapping her butt to make her hug Griffith????

  13. Pippin picks up and carries Guts to a party without his consent earlier in the series.

  14. Agreed. I believe that was the intent. Still didn't mind to reflect on it. I take my +80 (maybe +100) down votes with calm & grace. It's internet points anyways. I still don't mind discussing serious real life issues.

  15. Momentum on comments and posts is super real on Reddit. Everybody gets hit with a downvote storm sometimes lol.

  16. That's a recent thing for me too. It is liberating. Here for it.

  17. Good job! Tell your friends what happened and that you're choosing not to smoke. If someone doesn't respect that then replace them with sober friends. I would replace smoking with exercise, reading, cooking, etc. anything that makes you feel good is a great replacement. Good luck!

  18. Totally agree. I think it's important to state that it's a personal choice and not try and get all your friends to quit. Ive been the high person hanging out with the sober friend and the sober friend hanging with high people. It only works if you respect each other's choices.

  19. It's nice for adding nuance to the topic of sexuality but I don't really like the Kinsley scale for myself.

  20. I'm so glad it took long bc it prevented me from breeding. I used to want to be married and have kids one day, but realized as I got older that that was more of a societal thing than what I actually wanted. I'm grateful I had the time and space to age out of my desire for children.

  21. Ohh I feel that in my soul. So glad I don't have kids. Absolutely love that for me right now and see no reason not to keep that going.

  22. I don't know if you adhere to astrology at all, but you should look into the return of Saturn. It explains a lot of what we both went through in our late 20s.

  23. I historically don't adhere to astrology much, partly because I don't trust my birth time as I was born at home and my mom isn't the most reliable witness so no one reeeally knows when I was born with real accuracy

  24. It’s quite a prevalent belief in the community, and highlights one of the major issues of body mod artists not having medical backgrounds. They propagate shit like that, and people latch on, taking their word for gospel. Sort of like the whole “you can’t get more than 3 piercings at a time….” Thing. Either way, hope ya heal up fast! :)

  25. Hey did you know if you go into the pool after you eat you will literally die?

  26. Not feminine feminine more like androgynous feminine iyk what i mean.

  27. "I'm just glad it happened [discovery my bisexuality] before you were in your 50s with kids and grand kids and look back in regret."

  28. I don't drink, throughout my early twenties it was off putting and people were weird about it. I'm approaching my thirties and now people respect it and don't think it's interesting.

  29. Heeeey mines the family disposition when, that rarely gets noticed and people get weird about it sometimes. I feel seen, thank you.

  30. My mom would always threaten us with "I will find a way to make your life miserable"

  31. This isn't a movie my guy and that killer needs to he locked up. Not to mention that has nothing to do with my question as both are entirely two different things.

  32. I've met people like this in real life my guy. Most of them probably should've been locked up. Not that different. Fuck people at work, but not at home or in personal life, as long as they don't start at home or in personal life family is good with it.

  33. I don't remember exactly what PB says, but in the jello pool talking to Diane about cordovia he says something about how all life is, is filling your life with silly pointless shit until you die.

  34. If throwing up in the morning is a common thing you should probably talk to a doctor about that.

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