
  1. Rema 1000s Sour Cream and Onion chips. Jeg kan ikke rigtig beskrive hvad de smager af, andet end at de er tamme og underlige.

  2. Ja de "billige" af dem er knap så gode. Men deres grovchips med sour cream and onion chips er fantastiske.

  3. To be fair, poe help tab used to be good until it got outdated. I suspect same thing could happen to LE if they keep adding changes and conte t over time

  4. They have said they want to avoid people feeling the need to use outside sources and 3rd party tools. So I hope they keep expanding the game guide

  5. And yet there are links to external ressources literally inside the help section?

  6. Because it isn't perfect. And they are not against external ressources. They just don't want people to feel the need. Right now the guide has some really good info regarding most of the core mechanics (legendary crafting, how resistance is calculated, damage types etc...) but there are also omissions and info missing. They've stated they want to expand upon it, and keep adding to it. But as of now, yes you'll have to use external sites for anything beyond surface level stuff.

  7. Just run echoes with exalted relics as reward. And spend your favour in cof for exalted relics prophecies. Other than that it's up to RNG

  8. I really was hoping for a different answer xD I'll keep trying and hope for the best, I started to believe I was doing something wrong since i was not dropping any tier of the affix

  9. Damn, not even a relic with tier 1-5? I guess it's plausible. But I would double check my loot filter. That's some bad luck for sure

  10. I wonder how the item works, it’s got to be like a 1x1 unique idol or something right?

  11. Imagine if it slots into the middle idol slot, which is blocked off for normal idols.

  12. No not yet. They would have had to cut content for release to work on it. They are looking into it, but no roadmap yet.

  13. My main issue is making a new character requires you to play the campaign again and that is such a drag. I wish there was a skip campaign option. Don't think I saw one in the patch notes

  14. You can't fully skip the campaign. But you can use the dungeons to skip acts. Temporal sanctum will send you from act 5 to act 9.

  15. NTA even if no one was a pedophile. They are basically strangers taking pictures of your daughters. You have a right to say you're not comfortable with them doing that.

  16. Ingen slukker the stars er et fint album, men hold kæft hvor har de lavet meget dakkedak og patter musik. Deres tidlige var meget fortællende og havde geniale beats, og se har også lavet en del sange der er er mere kunstneriske og samfundskritiske, samt en del gode samarbejder med andre kunstnere j og uden for hip hop.

  17. Ved godt jeg lige er et døgn for sent til festen. Men Prima Nocte albummet synes jeg selv er fænomenalt. Fyrer stadig op for den i ny og næ. Var generelt stor tilhænger af 90'er og 00'er rap i Danmark.

  18. The Spyro trilogy. I absolutely adore those games. And the reignited edition made me feel like a kid again. So good.

  19. Ben and Jerry's is the most overpriced, bland garbage ice cream I've ever had

  20. Jeg tager bad både morgen og aften. Jeg går i fitness inden arbejde, og går selvfølgelig i bad så jeg ikke lugter af sved. Men håret skal lige sættes osv, og har heller ikke lyst til gøre hovedpuden klam af voks, så vasker håret inden jeg går i seng.

  21. Alright, we got here, albeit a bit earlier than expected.

  22. Question, where do I watch all of this?

  23. On twitch? All of the rwf guilds have been streaming their progress for two weeks now

  24. Oh so there is no like official channel? Just head to the guilds pages

  25. It's an unofficial event created by the community. Blizzard has nothing to do with it. Echo, liquid and method has streams with casters etc. And the raiders are also streaming.

  26. It's really a shame how many poor gameplay decisions they shoved into the game in the name of 'realism'.

  27. I agree with everything you said. But I have 200+ hours in it anyway. It's hard to describe why. I can see all the flaws. But with the world, the atmosphere, the score and the people, I can find myself doing the most random things for hours on end and just relax and have a good time.

  28. My only complaint is MJs eyes. They look so weird, almost glass-like compared to everyone else.

  29. Unity is gonna charge companies 20cent per install of their games (Not purchases. Installs) in 2024. And the price change will work retroactively.

  30. Back in the day it was normal for parents to leave their kids in the car while they went into stores, gas station bathrooms, etc. We were always told, “Don’t touch the lighter!”

  31. I burned my finger on one when I was 14. I was well aware how hot it would get. But my idiot brain were like "yeah yeah, but how fast does it heat up though?". I pressed it in, and took it out a second later, and touched it with my right index finger. Hello second degree burn. That was while I was waiting for my mom in the car to drive me to a 3 day LAN party. Every mouse press was agony.

  32. I wish they were harder though. like proper mini-bosses or something. Everyone I've encountered has just rolled over. They are loot pinatas.

  33. If u are using leveling uniques , that is why.

  34. For leveling without leveling uniques, sure I can see them being an issue. But they were just as easy when running monos. I tried 6 different characters with varying degrees of level and how geared they were. They still fell over without much of a fight. Sure, they'll be harder when you're on your first character with no uniques available and limited shards for crafting. But I had hoped they would present some kind of challenge in end game monos.

  35. I don't understand why this is on an alt anyway. Like I get writing it out first on Reddit and then telling everyone in person. But this post is so specific and is on the front page now. If they know people in real life who use Reddit then they'll probably read this story too.

  36. Throwaway accounts are used, not because their family and friends won't find the highly over-specific story, because they probably will if they are on reddit. They are used so, when the story is found, friends and family won't be able to go through ones post history

  37. That would make sense why it sounds so familiar. Probably heard it on the radio at some point. I mostly just like the saxophone (I think it's a saxophone, definitely sounds like a woodwind at least)

  38. The song also got a revival the past two years after this video had gone viral. I've heard the new version being played on the radio a few times.

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