
  1. Sorry OP you missed the exit. Now it poised to record lows unless this miraculously gets listed on other CEX or other chains. The main winner with this meme sadly was Crypto.com (and a few select early gamblers/adopters) who took a fat 10% per buy and sell order. C'mon gimme my downvotes now 🤣🤣🤣

  2. You'd save a good amount of money with an insurance claim on that one.

  3. Check John Poliver Pigbutchering scams

  4. I think by "salary growth is significantly reduced" they mean that in the 45% bracket, every extra dollar you earn is actually only 55c. So if you get a 100k pay rise, it's actually only 55k.

  5. You mean 53K? (Medicare levy 2%)

  6. Yep, CCS is an absolute disgrace for high earners. You pay high tax to the ATO but somehow you don't deserve help with raising kids... At least, thr CCS eligibility criteria have been considerably improved, but it's still a big fuck you for the past years

  7. I am an absolute lay person. This is faulty and/or was installed incorrectly. 100% a warranty claim.

  8. They sent a handyman who precised he is not an expert and glue down what he could access and left a heavy bucket on top of it to keep it in position / clamped. Would glue be an acceptable fix, or is it a temporary bandage to hide a bigger issue where boards need to be further trimmed? I’m also concerned the glue could even damage the sound proofing from the subfloor since usually you don’t want to make contact between the material and a layer of air is better. What would you do or expect here? Thank you!

  9. Oh man this outside my knowledge. Not sure. Hopefully someone in this sub will know but you might need to reply to someone else in this thread who seems like they might know, to prompt a response.

  10. Thank you! I will Anyway the glue didn’t work, It’s still buckled.

  11. I’m using Shadow as a Wireguard server (OpenVPN performance was awful), and accessorily a Opal as a Wireguard client

  12. This man will do a fine commander in handmaids tale

  13. I request an inspection of his underwear to know if he truly was in control. There’s a decent chance he shat himself in fear or because he’s on drugs :grin:

  14. Unpopular opinion, there are no assets offering a 20% yield on the stock market or even crypto. Hence this is quite worrying, the only way to sustain such model is to insure it keeps dropping in value, yet it contradicts the fact that it’s a deflationary asset. So how can this yield possibly be sustainable for CDC? Change my mind

  15. This isn’t an unpopular opinion. If you think cro isn’t deflationary you are delusional. Cro is printed just as much as the USD

  16. Is this not a fixed supply? If CRO is printed, what’s the point burning CRO?

  17. Not everyone has the exchange like people in the USA. Maybe offer alternatives as everyone says the same thing.

  18. Good call out. Althought everyone has a crypto exchange... If not CDC exchange, it could be swap on DeFi, or bridge then retrieve and sell on another exchange (E.g Coinbase). Thing is I'll take time based on individual circumstances... (E.g various fees based on various chains, and third party like Forex (Wise), and spread..

  19. Yep, I recently did reearch on the most profitable coins across the board. Sol is definitely up there. Apart from it, you can look into ADA, it's slow but the base tech is promising. You can also consider TUKTUK and BNB. I have an expansive list here:

  20. I'm not so sure about coin number #9 🤣 Why listing BNB but ommitig CRO if I may ask? I think they have a unique offering (Visa cards)

  21. Why not? Also, I defintely could have, but had to stop at some point, couldn't keep listing all that I find promising because there are many. It's why I favor rebalancing and keeping an eye on the market

  22. But number 9 is defunct. And recommending it somewhat decredibilise you since it's regarded by many as a scam

  23. IT literate people know, privacy freaks know, governments know, criminals know. The thing we need the most for Monero to gain in value is mass adoption: so better marketing, and clear instructions for people to buy. Meme coins are booming (and scamming everyone at the same time), if we could repeat that FOMO for Monero, it would be u stoppable and become the new Bitcoin… I reckon we’ll get there, but it’ll take time.

  24. Either using a scheduled task that will send the key once a year unless manually skipped, or by keeping your seeds in your safe at come and telling a trusted person (who would get that inheritance, what the safe code is) I work in cyber, and safe are still in use (and will prob always be) nowadays for break glass situations.

  25. Thanks for doing this. I reckon lots of people don’t have an exit strategy. I crunched the numbers and the best approach is indeed:

  26. I'm sorry to say but no one has put forward any end-to-end solution so far to buy something on CDC with the lowest fees. People trade from FIAT so unless you're part of the 0.01% of people receiving your income in Crypto... the end-to-end journey for any investor is as follow (on Kraken, Binance or Coinbase):

  27. But if she paints what she sees, and she sees what she paints and paint it again and again, then you end up with more and more faces, innit ?

  28. i use CDC for the staking. buy my crypto in RH then send over to CDC for staking. RH has no fees & their spread from spot is not as ridiculous as CDC.

  29. Agree. I believe CDC has a great service offering, but poorly compare to other exchanges when it comes to trading.

  30. If you find a better way I’d love to know about it!

  31. I reckon TransWife to get USD then transfer to CDC Exchange

  32. Watch out for the spread. You can use the App to see what will cost you what. Unfortunately Rewards+ involves buying and/or selling on the App which is in most cases cost-prohibitive. With the exchange you won’t get the badge but you’ll prob save thousands of dollars compared to selling CAW on the App (currently about 10% spread so 10K for 100K)

  33. Diversification, yes, but since almost all coins are correlated to BTC, I'd rather diversify with stock markets or forex.

  34. Thank you! I wanted to create such a post to warn others, but never took the time.

  35. No problems; I took the time to dig into these wallet addresses to monitor their movements and spent time tuning into the discords and some of their "financial advice" over a week. Since my work revolves around sitting at a computer desk 20 hours a day, it was easy to pick up on trends. I looked at the coding and compared it to the 5-minute generate-your-own cryptocurrency token codes.

  36. You deserve a Crypto Nobel Price for:

  37. When Marketing shows you a video as opposed to the actual gameplay or walkthrough, you know the game sort of sucks...

  38. It’s called make the F game so you can play it on mobile, so crazy that one needs a pc to play this. This should have been the objective on DAY 1, wake up cdc your better than this

  39. 100% agree, that and all the Gaming coins / Gaming NFT.

  40. I haven't heard of doing this before. Enough salt would have attracted moisture back, though? Can't be certain but more than likely it has drawn moisture from the air rather than a leak.

  41. I have a salt lamp and it does attract tons of moisture, so hopefully the trick to cure the drywall cement using salt didn't come at the expense of running it 2 years down the line...

  42. Could it be condensation from the aircon? I'm thinking of it needs to be addressed, it might need to be addressed now while under warranty. I think I'll reach out to the AC specialist and see what they suggest.

  43. Why USDC first as opposed to FIAT? Is it to save on spread? And why not buying on DeFi? Cheers

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