
  1. That was my thought - season 8 Winterfell really need it’s own season with Kings Landing season 9

  2. Having the Long Night be settled in a single episode was a bad idea

  3. The funniest part is if it had been an earlier season it probably would have been like 3 episodes.

  4. Still worth it for the 10 minutes Mecha Godzilla is unleashed.

  5. This is exactly it. I remember leaving the theatre so bullshitted over how they handled Ultron. So much potential and the trailer looked so damn epic.

  6. Everyone did. Hamil, Ford, Fisher, Guinness. Fisher rewrote so much dialogue that she got work as a script doctor in Hollywood for decades.

  7. George Lucas - “Hey instead of showing you something with the powerful medium of film we’re gonna have the characters talk 20 minutes about an event instead”

  8. YTA and should really consider seeing a therapist before your next moves. I have a feeling you have no clue how insane/unhinged this post is to an outside party.

  9. Here’s a screenshot from a 24 panel job with iq8+’s & 20 kWh of batteries set @ 60% reserve. It’s facing south with a bit of shading in the morning.

  10. The battery charge and discharge is 100% identical to the household consumption. First they need to properly set/identify the CTs and the graph should show battery charging starting around 9am and discharging starting around 3pm until it's down to 55% discharged.

  11. Thanks for the info definitely seems like I’m going to need to get ADT/Enphase involved

  12. It’s like they say “you aren’t rich until your wife has a failing business hobby”

  13. What did the old lady hear at the end of Martyrs (French version).

  14. Arg, I will have to dig it up since it has been years but I was under the impression it was something along the lines of "it is nothing, but not what you think":

  15. I follow the cryptocurrency trend, but I don't own it, I do short term on the secondary trading market. The good thing is that my money doesn't get trapped, which gives me a lot of flexibility. I put in 100K and usually return around 18%. And it's a side hustle that doesn't take up much of my time

  16. Yessir. Been building projects for the last 3 years with mostly success. Would love to know what kind of stuff you’re investing in!

  17. I’ve mentioned this several times when it comes to door dash. Like why are they allowed to communicate like this? They always start texting me shit. One time a dude asked me if I could go ahead and wait outside for him because he was 5 minutes away (this is a house not an apartment complex). I’ve had the same driver twice that texts me complaining while they’re waiting at the restaurant I’m like “sorry man, I don’t really know how to make them cook faster”

  18. Just please don’t do a squid billies and try to intentionally make it a polar opposite of Rick. Have already seen several people online that do a great impression.

  19. Did we ever get an explanation for the name "disgusting brothers"?? I kind of missed that and expected it to come up again in the season...

  20. When Shiv mentioned it that one time to Tom it seemed like Disgusting Brothers was in reference to them going out and looking for women especially when Greg was in his “200k” era (though I think the nickname was self anointed)

  21. Absolutely a test. He said he didn’t want a partner he wanted someone that would completely take heat and follow orders while he’s working on the stuff he wants to.

  22. I mean why does this sour the show in anyway? It’s his opinion but has no bearing on the plot or characters.

  23. Theres a generation in Scottish people where people are very frank and open with their feelings with not much diplomacy towards others. Theres a term for it "Gallus" and it can endearing but sometimes they need to pull it back a bit.

  24. After a show in Atlanta me and some friends went over to a dive bar we knew wouldn’t get flooded with post show people. Low and behold Bill was already there in a dimly lit corner with some friends. Super gracious. Took pictures, had a shot with us, then we didn’t want to wear out our welcome so said thanks and left him alone. We left before he did and he said “make sure you come to the next one” when we passed their table. No one else was bothering him so maybe that’s why he was so nice about it but overall he seemed very appreciative especially since this was when he was still “DIY” with his tours etc. We had seen him show up to the venue earlier driving himself in a rental car when he could have easily had someone driving him. He wasn’t nearly as big as he is now but it was still a sold out venue of about 2k or so capacity.

  25. Ewan be like: "Just went to my biggest haters funeral today to make sure he was dead”

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