
  1. A little hummingbird told you that right?

  2. Your beard makes the hat look small.

  3. That's how you get ahead in life.

  4. Welcome to Walmart.

  5. You have no idea how fortunate you are that you can even grow a beard. I can only manage a Seagal goatee

  6. To be honest, I really couldn't grow one until I was in my early 40s.

  7. Honestly this horse is sexier than me

  8. Maybe she's born with it.

  9. Sometimes the hints are glaringly obvious, and sometimes they're very obscure. If a girl ever brings up something that seems incredibly random or tangential to the conversation you're having, it's probably a hint that they want you to do something or want you to tell them something.

  10. Alluding towards specific behaviors by dropping hints about what you want done is manipulative.

  11. I guess it lasted a lifetime for the cow too.

  12. din7 says:

    Yes, but that's a moo point.

  13. din7 says:

    Just farming in between helping others defeat bosses.

  14. din7 says:

    What a ribbiting image.

  15. I'm sure I thought it was an edgy pose at the time

  16. din7 says:

    It does look a bit off the rails.

  17. din7 says:

    It reminds me of the broodwich from aqua teen hunger force.

  18. din7 says:

    Where all the bitches lie.

  19. din7 says:

    You mean like Ike?

  20. din7 says:

    Picking it up like this is a dick move.

  21. din7 says:

    Mufasa and Scar: The Early Years

  22. din7 says:

    Dude, the truth hurts.

  23. I love this tradition of looking to a groundhog to predict the future. Like, how drunk were the people who started this?

  24. din7 says:

    Just your typical boaring senior pic.

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