
  1. I love that people are so dumb that theaters had to post signs saying, "There's a point in the movie that is silent for a couple seconds. This isn't a glitch in the movie. You can't get a refund."

  2. I was so distracted by the changing frame rates watching Avatar 2 I thought for sure something was wrong with the projector. I left the theater to get the manager, they came in and watched it and agreed that the film kept switching between 24fps and 48fps. She looked at the projector and couldn’t find anything wrong. They were nice and gave me my money back. When I got home I did some googling and found out that Cameron intentionally was switching between frame rates, not only between scenes but even between shots. Knowing this I watched the movie again and sort of got used to the changing frame rates. I would’ve appreciated a sign at the theater warning audiences about this

  3. Cameron says he wanted the 48fps on the action and 24fps on the more close up, intimate moments. Also everything underwater is 48fps so during the hour of the movie that’s basically an underwater Planet Pandora episode it’s all the same frame rate and isn’t as jarring. Luckily on home video it’s all the same 24fps, even though watching Avatar movies at home defeats the purpose

  4. Yeah, I put eternal sunshine of the spotless, not mine down for mine as well simply because all of the stuff that happens in his mind is all done specifically with camera tricks and no CGI. It makes for a different imagery than you might normally get nowadays

  5. Eternal Sunshine absolutely uses CGI, just in really clever ways that blend in with practical effects and camera tricks perfectly

  6. Bob Vance going all Tony Soprano on his rival refrigeration goons

  7. I saw Firestarter at a sleepover in first grade. I don’t know what the parents were thinking renting that for a bunch of six year olds other than they saw Drew Barrymore on the VHS cover and thought it was like ET.

  8. halo 5 took the arena based gameplay of halo and turned it up to 11. It was fun, but the skill curve could be intimidating since it played so fast. Very short TTK's and a lot of movement abilities.

  9. Gears of War introduced hoard mode.

  10. lol this song is cringe af. This fool is a pawn of the system acting like he’s one of us, they made him in a board room , they picked out how he would dress/act/speak just like any other pop star who plays the part. he’s not brave or edgy , nothing new is being said. This is literally AI rapping with trending words and a catchy beat. Dude is awful. Anyone who acts like they care about something because it’s trendy are the worst of our kind. Kind of like how Malcom x talked about white liberals being a cancer to the black movement . There is no real substance and it just dilutes from the movement.

  11. i like this reply. Other replies are ad-hominems and insults which makes me a bit sad.

  12. Spielberg is in my top five for sure. Objectively and Subjectively

  13. She could’ve pulled up records showing Creed never stopped by ever, and even if she was out sick on a day he was supposed to inspect that’s not reason for termination

  14. Degree Cool Rush and Cool Sport. Keeps me dry and my wife enjoys it. Subtle enough pleasing scent anti-perspiration works well. Plus doesn’t give me a rash like Old Spice

  15. His career died when he said “when I was in the 3rd grade I thought I was gay”

  16. What’s wrong with that? I had thoughts like that because I was a sensitive kid

  17. You’re 50 so technically you’re younger than some hip-hop legends who are still active today. That’s funny !

  18. I think if Macklemore hadn’t publicly apologized to Kendrick for winning the Grammy it wouldn’t have been so embarrassing

  19. How did George Costanza pull all those gorgeous women? Jerry I get cause he was somewhat rich and famous. But George had nothing going for him except his beautiful hands, and he ruined those.

  20. And the look on Han’s face is such greet subtle acting by Ford

  21. In the flashback episode when they do the montage of all the Dean’s costumed entrances

  22. I saw they were gonna remove it so I watched it all before season two premiered. It doesn’t make any sense not to have season one available for people to catch up and watch the new season

  23. Literally his entire shtick is saying outlandish right wing crap, getting invited to speak on a campus, and then throwing a fit when the people on the campus aren't receptive to his presence, as some kind of gotcha that the left suppresses speech and colleges indoctrinate students to be democrats, when in reality* decent students just object to his borderline racist/misogynistic/jingoistic viewpoints

  24. Starship Troopers the movie is a satire of the book and much much better. Only thing the book has that the movie doesn’t is the troopers wear orbital shock troop exoskeletons that make them able to run fast and jump super high, they had to cut that for budgetary reasons and I think it works better in the film that the grunts were basically cannon fodder. Edge of Tomorrow had the soldiers wearing similar exo suits and it’s great to see them in action

  25. Carrie is for sure better than the book, even King agrees. It's the go-to for this question imo

  26. The Jurassic Park book was a phenomenon when it came out, at least to young teenagers like myself. I loved the movie but was a bit disappointed because it didn’t match what I had envisioned while reading the book. After all this time I do think the movie is better because it cuts a lot of the fat but the book was so violent and gory I wanted to see that on screen

  27. The bath tub scene is both beautifully aesthetic and fucking brutal in its story.

  28. If I had lost a child that bathtub scene would be too much to bear

  29. Jim stumbling on the phone with Hank when he forgets his name makes me cringe every time.

  30. This is just another example of Jim completely collapsing under pressure, which is an important part of his character. What makes the joke work for me is that Creed is the only one who knows Hank’s name and Creed never remembers any other character’s name

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