
  1. My family is from Denmark, but I am American, and it is really weird how Americans sexualize normal nudity in the household/water. To most Americans if you are naked it equals sexuality.

  2. Do you also see a difference in body positivity between these two cultures? Like does the normal action of being naked in public help people feel more comfortable with their weight/size?

  3. I needed this i am not pregnant with baby #2 yet but been anxious about the adjustment and this makes me feel so much better about it ❤️

  4. My kiddos are 5 and 3 now, and it just keeps getting better and better 🤍

  5. Absolutely. I know lots of people who never use their kitchen tables, but we eat at ours most days for dinner. Having that time, set aside to sit, and catch up with your kids, talk about whatever is going on with them, school, etc. 

  6. Gosh yes. My sister always makes comments about why we bought a house with such a “wasted space” (our formal dining room), and I always have to remind her that we eat dinner there together every night. Her kids eat a separate meal at the kitchen table, while the parents eat after the kids go to bed, and I just don’t understand that dynamic. You’re missing out on such important bonding time!

  7. I got 27 gift cards to various places and way too much candy/stuff. I teach the whole school (PE), and we have a very involved parent base that I’ve gotten to know these 2 years!

  8. This can be ignored when hanging art above a reasonable height piece of furniture. It should be hung 6-8” above furniture to help it feel anchored.

  9. Artwork should be hung 6-8” above a piece of furniture to help it feel anchored. When art is above furniture, you can ignore the 57-60” center height requirement of free hanging artwork.

  10. Still don't see the reason why the stores can't display their actual price with the added sales tax from the state they are in? If they can magically calculate it when you pay, what is so difficult to display it prior as well?

  11. You can read my comment above, but taxes are set locally. The town next to me has a different tax rate, so we’re not just talking about state taxes here.

  12. And do all of these stores share one single labelling machine?

  13. That’s me with Starbucks cards. I don’t drink coffee. I go to Starbucks maybe once a year.

  14. Saaaaame. This past year, I had about $100 worth of Starbucks gift cards. I tried all the food, got teas, etc. But not everyone drinks coffee! I feel bad complaining because it is so so generous. But I also feels like it goes to waste because I have a hard time using them up

  15. Sounds like the school participates in the USDA healthy foods program. I’m blanking on the exact name right now. But basically, the school receives these healthy foods as part of a program to help students become exposed to new foods. I’ve looked into in for my own school (I’m the PE teacher).

  16. I call my kids Sweet Pea and Chalupa. My Chalupa kid will answer to Lupa too, and I get weird looks from family 🤣

  17. Thank you. I wish more parents were like us. There is enough plastic crap in the world.

  18. That is a ticket straight to “you’re never invited again” town. Holy moly that’s mental

  19. I brought my son to my grandmas funeral when he was around that age. You don’t have to dress them in black but I would dress them as plain as possible. Also with crying most places have a area you can go to away from the funeral. My son cried once and then fell asleep afterwards. When he cried I had husband bring him in the other room. It wasn’t a huge deal.

  20. This was my thought exactly. Most traditional churches have a cry room, so mom will be able to still view the service as well.

  21. We bought an incredibly expensive glider for my sons nursery. We got to custom pick the fabric, and also paid to have it pretreated with a stain blocker. 4.5 years later, and it’s still going strong! Currently being used daily in one of our living rooms. No staining, no butt imprint, no pilling.. still perfect.

  22. I live in the Midwest, and only the very rural school districts are 4 days a week. It’s an incentive to have teachers move out of the city. So it depends where you’d see yourself living. Not a single district in the metro or surrounding suburbs are 4 days a week.

  23. The day we found out my first was a boy, we went to the store to look at baby clothes. Before getting in the car, my husband said “do you like the name Oliver?” Loved it. And even though we second guessed it for a long time, that was his name.

  24. My first house was $225k. 4 bed/3 bath, 4 living/dining areas, 3 car garage, 12ft vaulted ceilings, great school district. 2800sqft

  25. “Who are these people buying these old houses out from the city, with huge yards to maintain and that’s just a quiet suburb?”

  26. No matter how much I show him, he just ignores it apparently. I’ve got my mom and my friends on board to help me so that’s good. I’m asking my dad to store the mamaroo so I won’t be tempted to pull it out, hopefully that’ll help.

  27. I hope that does work! Just don’t find yourself getting into the rut of just taking over because he won’t. It could be a slippery slope. But I feel like moving that mamaroo out of the house was a great start!

  28. Oh gosh, I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this. The way I see it, there are 3 good options:

  29. Thanks for the input. I've provided an update above. My opinions on what to do are not necessarily based on what I want, but what I'm hearing by other's who've kept my daughter(preschool, daycare, before/after school care). Our son's daycare, where my daughter stayed this past summer, said that she is exactly where she should be, if not advanced at reading over a 1st grade level. She doesn't understand what test they gave her, or what they used to benchmark, but she believes my daughter has ZERO issues with reading and may be advanced. So please don't take my excuses as me wanting her to stay in 1st, I'm also listening to those around me who've seen her outside of a classroom and her abilities.

  30. Daycare and after school care are not school. Are they certified? In most cases, they are not state certified teachers. They may have some credential from their curriculum they follow, but anyone with a credit card can buy curriculum online and teach it. It does not mean she is testing well at the state level for standards-based benchmarks.

  31. Very good point! I was going to see about having the lock changed on the mailbox but she’s still getting her mail there too. I don’t think they would do that for me.

  32. Because poor people shouldn’t be allowed anything enjoyable if it’s unhealthy /s

  33. It’s the ripple effect though. > Poor people buy incredibly unhealthy food. Unhealthy food causes obesity. Obesity causes an unfathomable strain on public use spaces, causing the need for new policies and bills: wider doorways, wider stadium seating, bariatric lifts for emergency services, higher weight limits for elevators and even scooter carts at the grocery store, floor mounted public toilets instead of the easier to clean wall mounted ones… So yeah. If higher prices on shit food help keep the obesity numbers lower, then please do.

  34. I agree with you in theory but you could've just gone with the negative health effects and subsequent strain on the healthcare system rather than reach for some very weird examples like widening doors.

  35. There are only negative health effects of being an individual with obesity… I’m not quite sure what you don’t agree with here.

  36. Her approach also requires more work and patience than giving in. It would be nice if OP supported her.

  37. This is what I came to say. It’s way easier to give in. She’s choosing to parent on hard mode because she knows it’ll pay off

  38. In my district boys and girls frequently get red, it's abnormal for my son to meet people in his PreK classes (that he started when he was 3) that plan on sending them on to Kindergarten. These kids are typically already older for their grade level. It's the same in my middle daughter's classes....she is first grade but has so many friends turning 8 this year. I'm not holding my son back even though he will be younger and smaller than most other kids because he does seem like he'll be ready (fortunately I taught K, so I feel like I'm a good judge) ...but he'll be entering Kindergarten with one of our neighbors who will turn 7(!) the August that she enters Kindergarten. It's funny because she does seem WAY more advanced than our son and the parents frequently compare the two since they're in the same PreK class...but she's really the age of my first grade daughter.

  39. So my son just turned 4 at the end of August, but I held him from starting prek (cutoff is 4 by Sept 1st). I teach elementary and felt very confident having him wait a year because he’s just not ready. He’ll be 5, then turn 6 at the very beginning of kinder.

  40. My husbands boss has a 14,000sq ft house. His MIL used to live with them, but now she’s in a care facility. Kids moved out, so now it’s just him and his wife. He says that he only uses 1/3 of the house. He never goes upstairs, and there are entire rooms he doesn’t even remember how they’re arranged. He’s looking to sell, but the interest for a 14k sqft house in a midwestern US suburb is pretty much zero. So he’s probably just gonna die in this massive house

  41. I like showering in the morning because I can style my hair better. When I shower at night, and even if I blow dry it, it dries funny. But if I’m sweaty from the day, then yeah sure, I shower at night

  42. Lower the price to $599k, it will show up in a lot more people's searches, and have an open house. You may have already screwed yourself by not having an open house and letting the home sit on the market for a month, but if you really have to sell then you have to do these types of things.

  43. Yes, an open house is key. OP, why don’t you want to have an open house? That will drive the absolute most traffic and interest. It’s a pain to get your house open house ready, but it’s even more of a pain to not sell your house at all…

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